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its him that she ate??! 

edit- All done! Sorry for the little wait there. Enjoy your impy goodness HelluvaBoss fans... Here's the HD ver + a smaller gif version: https://sta.sh/21mvdx4ibmnc

The animation juice flows through me once more... Thank you all again for puttin' up with the last two months of weirdness, things'll be more normal again. Submissions and stuff for the next animation poll will go up tomorrow! See you then... *burrows back under the snow*




ah... a vore post, precious lifeblood flows once again


good work this month!!!


OH I LOVE THIS. Can't wait for it to be finished


I am more than down for more of this stuff with Helluva Boss characters


millie looks so amazing in your style omg :O


oOo *Happy face meme*

Zen Jehnson

You pretty much had me from being able to picture that honey sweet southern drawl saying "my goodness, I'm burstin'". I too endorse helluva boss bellies, the more the merrier. Blitzo: "that's a.......helluva belly, Millie" *laugh track*

Alex ♾️

How did he even see Blitzo inside Millie???


Id love if this had sound one day

MEUPORG490 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 12:22:08 I was scrolling down to see all your latest works and, my goodness, I totally missed this animation! What a pleasant surprise ^^ You did a perfect job of illustrating the cute relationship between these two characters. That's exactly the kind of vore scenario I'm looking for : heart-warming, safe and funny. Great job Lewdlemage <3
2022-08-31 21:27:30 I was scrolling down to see all your latest works and, my goodness, I totally missed this animation! What a pleasant surprise ^^ You did a perfect job of illustrating the cute relationship between these two characters. That's exactly the kind of vore scenario I'm looking for : heart-warming, safe and funny. Great job Lewdlemage <3

I was scrolling down to see all your latest works and, my goodness, I totally missed this animation! What a pleasant surprise ^^ You did a perfect job of illustrating the cute relationship between these two characters. That's exactly the kind of vore scenario I'm looking for : heart-warming, safe and funny. Great job Lewdlemage <3