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suddenly the timing of this quest makes more sense......!

i live!!! my frail worm body has weathered the storm and im back at it, thanks for your patience folks! it was mostly a stomach bug, and now i return to the land of the living... i planned this for 8/8 obviously but i just chipped away at it while i sick lol, hence why it kinda ballooned out a bit... please enjoy my yellow vore lizard. n-no not that one, the other one!! regardless! i should still be on track to finish stuff this month, so stay tuned... 




Glad to here your feeling better, and what a great drawing.

Zen Jehnson

Oh swollen jagras-sama.....please allow me to rub the belly Glad you feel like a human bean again!


I’m happy to hear your better. Sounds like your still smiling 🥲. You make me so proud worm😭


Greater Jagras!!!


Love seeing your jagras girl


Awwww Kulu-chan’s such a cutie! (Glad your feeling better wormy!💖)


Glad you feel better Worm ;) Awesome work ! It would be funny if Mangra meets one day Jagras-girl in one of your sketch Lewdlemage (I don't know who would win, but the result would be fun ^^ )


This a good quest. Also always good to see everyone’s favorite female monster!


It might be a few days late but it was well worth the wait.


Oh, I forgot to say: I love... I mean... I REALLY love Jagras-girl's belly at the top right of this sketch. The shape, the colors, the stripes of the scales... I love everything in it; great job Lewdlemage ;)


yummy yummy in the big lizard tummy!


Are you going to do a kicky version of this one?


Imagine if smaugie could keep her prey down like her.