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heya folks! as is customary as we get into the latter half of the month and i shift into ANIMATION mode... i wanted to give everyone an update on what to expect/when things are comin out!

the rosalina animation is in progress! her lines and colors are mostly done but i'm still tweaking aspects of the animation itself, atm I'm shooting to finish it by the 25th! A little earlier than usual so you may notice some quiet in the meantime while I try to get it done faster! This is partly because on that day I'll be getting my "you-know-what" vaccine, and I'm pretty certain it'll take me out for a day or two, so I don't want to have to depend on those days afterward since I probably won't be animation-worthy for a bit. So that's the plan for that, hope you understand!

In the meantime between now and then I'll be doing the monthly stream though! Specifically tomorrow night (Friday 7EST), for similar reasons it'll be slightly shorter! Just three sketches this time because I don't want to get too bogged down in cleaning them up while I work on Rosalina!

As usual though I'll probably start the Shego animation on the 28th once I'm back up and ready, and I'll finish that up on the 31st!

Depending on if everything goes to plan I'll try to squeeze in another mayternity sketch prolly either right before the 25th or in that space between the 25th and 28th while I'm most likely sick lol. We shall see!

So that's my current schedule! In other news, I wanted to bring a few things up with all of you! 

Namely I was considering doing next month a bit differently, because to be a little frank I'm starting to feel a little burned out/in a rut with animating! There a lot of things I want to do, animation or otherwise, but it feels like every month just as I start to get into a creative groove, I have to drop everything to rapidly come up with some animation for the characters that have been decided that month, grinding for basically two weeks and leaving myself kinda dead by the end lol. And all this often on characters I don't /really/ have a connection with? Which I don't mind really, there's a satisfaction in making others happy and obviously on some level there's just a professionalism of getting it done. However, I worry it's starting to seep into my work and I'm just having less fun to be honest! 

Long story short, I'm just a bit tired from the grind of doing two animations a month every month! However, taking a full-stop break again I don't think would /really/ help, maybe that's just me being a workaholic! Instead what I was considering next month is not doing any animations, and instead just focusing on sketches! There would still be polls and streams like usual, but the 3 winners would instead all get sketches instead. This would just let me put out a little more sketches and be able to focus on bigger projects (smauggie, thanksgibbon, etc) without having to worry about the inevitable animation crunch at the end of the month. I may still animate however, but it would just be little things I did on my own and probably be a bit more experimental than a full regular animation like I usually do. Just a little bit of artist-soul-searching if you catch my drift.

So yeah, let me know what you guys think in the comments below! If it seems like people are receptive I'll confirm this is what I'm doing in another post later on this month, so folks can factor that in before the continue their pledges!

Anywho, hope you're all having a good week so far, and I'll see you all again tomorrow for the stream!



Speaking from experience, having to throw everything aside to finish an animation is rough, and doing it every month sounds absolutely soul crushing, so taking a break and giving yourself some wiggle room sounds like a great idea to me.

Another Person

I was expecting Worm Month v.2, but a pure sketch month works for me as well.

SofttContent (Ivy)

Excited to see some sketches from you!! I agree that a full break tends to not feel quite right... So enjoy it, and rest up!

Jesus Jr

Sounds like a great idea worm, doing 2 animation seems a lot of stress to deal with. Sketches we’ve seen are good but it’s like you say, we need more and your big projects too we must see as well. I say go for it, focus on sketches and take a rest from animation. You’ve work hard enough, you need a break, work on your project you kept promising. Good luck to ya Worm, bless you and your amazing work!


You know me; I'm always pro artists getting rest and maintaining their health and well being.


Sounds good! Don't burn yourself out!


Ahh I’d love a smauggie and the thanksgibbon sketch! Sounds great


Do what's best for you!

Hugh Mungus

No animation is fine with me!

Bex Vev

Kinda sad that animation aren’t gonna be up but hey friend u do u🙂

Sullied Grace

you do what you gotta do lewdle, we will support ya regardless!


Sketches for the month would be cool :3 I just enjoy your cute art


Sounds good, pardner. Anything that reinvigorates your passions for animating and lets you focus on more interesting things you want to do with it seems like a win/win (plus i love your sketches anyway)


Sounds good to me! It's honestly impressive you've been able to put out animations so consistently every month. I can't even imagine the time and effort it takes to be able to do that. So if you're starting to feel burnt out from working on them, I think it's a good idea to take a break for a while!


sounds good! Every artists are better if they do what they love!

Alex Armes

Sounds totally fine, don't get burned out, we can wait.


sounds like a good idea to me! whatever you wanna do i’ll be here regardless


I like the idea of stop from animation for a month, don't get me wrong they are amazing and always getting better. but getting probably more drawings instead seems like a good trade off I'm down with that.


would rather have more sketches and a happy artist than a burnt out request machine


You should definitely do what needs to be done to return your creative groove. And more sketches sounds great! :D *throws self out palace window*


Dude, it's literally your Patreon - the whole point of having one's to make the content you wanna make at the pace you wanna make it; IMHO, ain't nobody got the right to demand more from you than you're comfortable with or happy doing, much less criticize if you wanna change the pace ^_^


Even if you are really good at it, creating animation is a plus: what really matters in my opinion is that you draw a character with your own artistic style with your own crazy ideas. So for me, creating less animation and drawing more sketches is a good idea. In addition, drawing a sketch for every 3 characters selected each month is a less competitive / fairer solution. So go ahead my friend ;)

-King of Donuts-

I 100% agree woth more sketches for next month, I thimk it is a great idea for including more characters into your work and if it'll bring you more enjoyment, great! As a writer, I fully understand the burniut after doing the same thing over and over for such a long time. You are fully in the right to decide what you want to do and when, as you have the best mindset for what will improve the schedule.


Well, to be fair, this page wouldn't exist without you guys either! While you guys aren't my boss, per say, you are shareholders! And you're entitled to be a part of the discussion for things like this, so that we can all hopefully reach a conclusion that satisfies us both. Thanks for being understanding!


guards!! a mysterious yet kind stranger just jumped through the palace window!!

Laptop Suc

I don't mind fewer animations at all!


SKETCHES!!! *blasts off into space*


Do whatever you want as long as it’s still fun for you to do. The last thing I want is to make drawing a chore for you.


Animations are awesome but your sketches are great. Please take care and don’t burned yourself out !!! K. we need your power!!


Definitely don't feel bad about taking a break from the voted animations! If it means more passion in the work you do make, it's a huge win for us.

Hello World

I am a-ok with that!


Do what ya need to, ya don’t have to feel bad about that


Definitely do what you have to to avoid burnout or stagnating! I'm honestly shocked you've kept up with doing animations as high quality as yours are every month for this long without it being the only thing you do, I'm not surprised you need a break. I don't know about others, but personally I feel like I enjoy your original content more than the stuff that comes from the poll anyways. I'd be perfectly fine if you moved permanently to only doing a patron voted animation every other month or even every couple of months if it meant more freedom for you to do Worm Original(tm) content!


I second OsmiumOrchid's sentiments. Do what you want - that's what I'm here to see most :)