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APRIL FOOLS!! Okay, now that my state mandated April's Fools prank is out of the way for tax purposes, it's time to get down to business!

This first week I don't have anything too planned, but this month I'd like to start up the Smauggie story again! I've left everyone on a cliff hanger long enough from the last comic lol, so that'll be a side focus this month! It won't be a huge comic page or anything, but I'd like to start drawing the characters again and startin movin the story little by little! 

Addtionally I'll try and get around to the next page of the Thanksgibbon comic as well later this month!

Other than that, this first week I'll just be doing quick sketches to loosen up, and then I'll wrap up the week with the stream in order to get it done early this month! So look forward to that on the 6th or 7th most likely! I'll make the post beforehand like usual!

As usual the BIG FISH suggestion box for the animation will be going up shortly! Stay tuned everyone and be wary out there for any rampant pranksters! *gets in the face with a pie*



Sounds great. Can't wait to see more of Smauggie

Seasoned Sheldrake

I do really love all of your stuff from the little Eldwell universe :) especially Midna and Lilith. It would be amazing to see a comic where Lilith takes things a bit too far


Thanksgibben has been awesome so far 🤙🏻