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whats goin on worm!??? as is custom, here's my text post where i go into detail about what'll be comin out soon as the month winds down and i shift into animation mode...

first off, i'd like to give an apology about the lack of sketches last week! overall, this month has been a bit crazy for me with personal business (a lot of phonecalls and appointments), add on top of that plenty of snow and a month with less days than usual and i've been a little spread thin! whenever i sat down to sketch i kept accidentally starting larger pictures that i then had trouble finishing without taking too much time away from the animation, which was already tricky enough, so that's why last week it was a little quieter than usual! for that i apologize, i could've managed the time better and fit in some smaller sketches had i been a bit smarter!

and again due to the shorter month, i have to get the suu animation done by about the 25th so that i'll be able to fit in the byleth animation after that! this is obviously kind of a tight schedule though, and since the animation is the highest priority that leaves me again with little time for more sketches for the rest of the month lol. again it's my bad, the month crunched in on me faster than i expected and now i don't have a lot of time for one-off pics unless i can finish the suu animation faster, so we'll see!

that's basically where i'm at right now! i'm sure i can finish the suu animation before the month is up, but if things get complicated and i have to push the byleth animation as well then i'll just post that one publicly immediately once i finish it in march for anyone that isn't able to stay pledged! 

again sorry about all this! usually these posts are a bit more concrete with the dates when things are coming out, but it's just been a tricky month to come back to lol.  i'd /really/ like to fit in another small sketch or two before the month is up hopefully, but we'll see! again i apologize for the lack of content the past week, i feel pretty bad about it and in the future i'll try to avoid it! 

regardless i'll keep you all posted moving forward! thank you all for your patience and hopefully i'll have this animation done soon so i can fit more stuff in this month! see y'all soon! *descends back into the animation mines*


SofttContent (Ivy)

Absolutely no sweat!!! Take care of yourself, be flexible, and HI SUU


*In the mines with u practicing animation* "heart the land we call our home" "clack"


Absence something something heart grow fonder something something No worries Doc!


No worries!

Conner Mackey

Ah ist Klein problem mein freund.


Don't be so harsh with yourself, Lewdlemage. We know you always do your best to satisfy your followers, so, take it easy and don't hesitate to build a snowman if the mood strikes you ;)


No problemo you wormy worm you!

marco sanchez

All good. Hope all is well. 👍


February has been a tad bit crazy for a lot of people, so don't sweat it.


All good take your time. Will we see something more from the Samus arc maybe?


Cant wait for suu that pictures a good tease


Why this update title sound like an anime episode. Don’t worry about taking time for yourself!

Space Zone

Take the time you need to do the thing!!! I hope whatever's goin down goes well!