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Do tigers even eat fruit?

This is actually a little gift animation for Hypfoo I was working on last month but didn't get the chance to finish! Since I'll prolly be too busy with the other patron stuff to finish it for a little while I figure I'd at least give y'all a little preview! 




Even in its rough state its a good animation


i-in that case better not get too close..


Is there any chance you could post your animations as gifs too? I want to see your art in motion but I’m bound to Mobile 😭


Ahh I just got the app and noticed that as well! That's a bit of an oversight on Patreon's part haha, I’ll shoot you a message one sec!


Always cool to see artists' work before the completed stage. But, if you put this in the theatres as is, people might call you Xerox-era Disney!