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Hey guys!


It's Chinese New Year's Eve tomorrow. As the celebration, Masayoshi, our main artist had prepared some special offers to all the patrons!

明天就是我们中国除夕夜了!作为庆贺,我们的主美富坚正义准备了一些特别的Special Offer特别款待给所有的赞助者们。

Here is Suiyang Zhou from <Undercurrent> Season 2, the character in Plan B reward, showing off himself before family reunion dinner in a diner. 

这里的预览是来自Plan B奖励里的《暗涌》第二季的角色周岁扬,此时他在餐厅的团圆饭前曝露。

There are few different images of this illustration. You can have them at the end of the month as long as you are in Plan B tier, Combine Plan tier, New-in tier, Veteran Fan tier or Super Fan tier.

这个图还包含些许插分,只要你在本月末时确保你的订阅条目处于Plan B奖励,Combine Plan奖励,New-in新晋会员奖励,Veteran Fan资深会员奖励及Super Fan超级粉丝奖励中,就能获得该份奖励。

There are two more special offers to other reward! We will tell you if they are ready.

这里我们还有两份其他的Special Offer特别款待给到其他的奖励条目里。我们会在我们准备好的时候告知大家!

Again, all the members in AhrStudio wish you all have a great Chinese New Year!


Thanks for all your support!





Happy CNY! Love the view of the sneakers 🥰