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Hello guys!


Here's the preview for Plan A tier.

这里是来自Plan A的奖励预览。

After <Tomb Coitus> Ep4, Nasty Dick's teacher steal his cock ring - the rainbow goddess. After years prepared, it's time to figure out who will be the top one in the round 2 coitus in our Ep5.


Also, as a fan of game <Tomb Raider>'s collection, for celebrating the <Tomb Raider>'s remastered is about to remastered on Steam, the artist in Plan A tier decides to make a Special Offer to all of you. If you pledged Veteran Fan tier or Super Fan tier this month, you can also have the image set of <Tomb Coitus> Ep4 as your Special Offer, as your previous catch up.

同时,作为《古墓丽影》游戏的资深粉丝,为了庆贺《古墓丽影》复刻版将会于近期登录Steam平台,Plan A订阅条目的画师决定给大家一个特别款待Special Offer。只要在这个月订阅了Veteran Fan资深粉丝条目或Super Fan超级粉丝条目的会员们,将可以免费获取前作Ep4作为本次特别款待Special Offer的额外奖励,当做前情补充。

Preview of <Tomb Coitus> Ep4 can be view though link here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/final-preview-in-85244566


Further updates will be posted soon. The reward will be sent in late January.


Thanks for your support.





OMG!! Dick in full leather suit and boots is so hot! I hope he keeps them on for the full set~😚