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Hey guys!


In case you hadn't noticed, we had changed the name "Life Member" tier into the "Super Fan" tier.

为了防止你没有注意到,我们已经正式将“Life Member终身会员”的订阅条目更名于“Super Fan超级粉丝”条目

Lots of member is confused that they don't understand which past reward is available in the tier. Some people might think that the meaning of the name "Life Member" should includes all the past reward and even the reward in the future. 

有很多订阅者会困惑于无法知道他们能在该订阅条目下获取哪些过往奖励。部分订阅者会认为作为名字“Life Member终身会员”的含义,应该是获取所有的过往图包甚至包括了未来的所有图包。

In order to prevent more problem issue, we had changed the name to "Super Fan", and the description below this tier should indicate perfectly.

为了防止更多的问题发生,我们正式将该订阅条目的名字更正为“Super Fan超级粉丝”。在订阅版上的描述应该是非常准确地阐释了每个订阅条目所囊括的内容。

Also if you have no idea which kind of past reward is available this month if you join the membership, you can click in the link: https://www.patreon.com/ahrstudio/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Super+Fan 


Thanks for all your support!



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