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Hey guys! 


Since Octerber last year, we had made 5 winners in our Veteran Fan votes. They are Ji in 2022 October, Pest in 2022 December, Shizhi Nian in 2023 Feburary, Agony in 2023 May and Alcander in 2023 July.


And Masayoshi is preparing a special gift to all of you in our 5th Anniversary next month. He decides to make a General Election to all the winners in this cycle, and whoever gets the top three highest number of votes will be as part of illustrates next month. 


I had allowed multiple votes and this post. But I sincerly suggest that you should vote only three character here. 


Here are five characters in <Mirage-Lose> Ep2 and side story. Besides what he is doing at the photo above. Heres their personal description:

  • Ji is the main character in Episode 2. He is a normal high school student. He is optimistic and full of sense of justice.
  • Pest is the main character in Episode 2. He is familiar with herbal medicine and pathology. He is a gentle man but also distance between people.
  • Shizhi Nian is the main character of our new recent project, further information will be told in our New-in tier this month. He is from the World Tree. He is also the candidate for Wolf Clan Chief. However he had zero conscious of being a candidate and behaving reckless.
  • Agony is the third seat of the five generals in Chixue. He looks simple and naive at the same time. But truly he is the one who like the warrior the most and he is willing to fight till the end.
  • Alcander is the forth seat of the five generals in Chixue. He is full of the sense of Justice. Unfortunately he lost part of his memory.


  • 汲是第二部的主角,他虽然只是个普通的高中生,但是他总是乐观向上,而且极富正义感。
  • 佩斯特也是第二部的主角之一,不仅如此他还身兼赤血六齿中的一员。他熟识草药和各种病理。但平时温柔待人的他,却总是与人有很深的距离感。
  • 十之念是我们近期新企划的男主角之一。他来自世界树,并且是狼族首领的候选人。但同时他并没有身为候选人的自觉,且行事鲁莽易感情用事。
  • 阿格尼是赤血五牙将领第三席。他是看起来最老实憨厚的将领,实际上却是会浴血酣战的狂蛮战士。
  • 阿尔坎徳是赤血的五牙将领第四席。他极富正义感。但是却无法想起来到赤血前的所有记忆。

The poll will close in 10th. Pick three who are your favorites. But no worries, you will gain all the out-line of all the characters this month.


At next month, Masayoshi will finish the one who gain the most votes. And he will also do a special 3P illustrations for those who gain top three highest number of votes at this month.


Further updates will be posted soon. The reward will be sent in late September.


Thanks for all your support!



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