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Hey guys!


About upcoming April:


At Plan A, like I said in the <Announcement 3>. Anrick is might not able to finish his monthly art work this month. The reward for Plan A will be finished by other teammate. However, Anrick is going to do some extra art work as a special reward to the Plan A tier.

就像我在《Announcement 3》中说到的那样,爆浆鱿鱼这个月也许不能正常完成他的Plan A月度奖励,他的奖励内容将会由我们工作室的其他成员进行完成。不过与此同时,爆浆鱿鱼将会额外完成一些单幅插图以作为本月的Plan A特别奖励。

I will make a new post if there is anything changed in plan about the upcoming January.


At Plan B, you had met the two main character Chenhao, our first-person perspective, and Yu Zheng, the fitness trainer also Chenhao's boyfriend in <Undercurrent>. Their lovers little love making is overheard by Chenhao's manager Xu. What will happened next in the Episode 2? Spoiled alert: maybe you should see it in a different version.

在Plan B中,我们系列漫画《暗涌》中,你已经遇到了我们的两位主角,我们第一视角的辰浩,及他的健身教练男友郑宇。他们之间小情侣的爱意不小心被辰浩的经理听到了。在我们系列的第二话中会发生什么事情呢?一些小剧透,也许你可能会从其他人的视角看到这件事的整个过程。

At Veteran Fan, Masayoshi will pick two design outlines in the February reward and finish them as illustrations.

在Veteran Fan资深粉丝中,这个月富坚正义将会从二月份的设计稿中选出其中的两份并补完他们的插分设计。

I will send a new post as long as there is more update coming.


We are having a rough March here, and we hope in April and long future everything will get better. Especially for Anrick. 


Thanks for your support!



tuanzer G
