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Hey guys!


First of all, the reward of February had been sent already! If there is anyone who hadn't received the reward, please send a message to me and I will recheck it for you.


(Because I sent the message as a group, the message is still pending right now. You might need a moment to view it. Sry for this situation.)

(I have some extra work on testing the Alpha Game demo so it might need more time for me to response as usual. Hope you all will understand.)



Please do be aware, there is no blank space in the password to Dropbox.


About upcoming March and April:


At first, Samuel who is in charging of our Plan B tier from October last year, who is having a really serious lumbar disc herniation problem. And because it is getting worse in these months, Samuel is unable to balance his health issue and his work in a long future. So sadly, he had to drop out our studio.

首先,从十月来一直负责我们Plan B订阅条目的咸鱼Samuel老师,由于腰椎间盘突出的问题愈加严重,可能未来很长一段时间内,咸鱼Samuel老师需要依照自己的身体和时间状况来安排内容产出,因此很遗憾的将无法继续在团队中为大家带来更多的作品。

Our Ahr Studio appreciates Samuel's effort and his payment in these days. We wish Samuel will get better soon and also we wish him everything goes well in the future. And also, we are looking forward to cooperate with Samuel again in any chance.


The IP of <Come 2 Boy's School> will also back to Samuel himself. He will take control of his further update in his own social media.

未来,《Come 2 Boy’s School盛精男校》的IP将会由Samuel老师个人管理,后续的内容也会在Samuel老师的个人平台上进行更新。

Secondly, we have paused our billing cycle next month so there will be no fee charging to your bank next month.


We are trying to connect with some friends and chatting with them about in charging of our Plan B tier these days. Some of them had showed their interests of our project. We believe that the new artist for our Plan B tier will shows in days, and we hope everyone will love his work.

我们将会在近期物色寻找一个新的画师来继承未来的Plan B订阅条目。相信不久他就会与大家见面,也请大家敬请期待。

We will send a new post if there is any update. 


Thanks for all your support!





tuanzer G


tuanzer G
