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Hey guys!


Here's the early preview for Plan B tier, the <Come 2 Boy's School>.

这里是Plan B订阅条目的《盛精男校》的早先预览。

This month, Samuel had made a L2D video of the content from the comic Ep5 & Ep6, with vocal performance.


The official preview will be sent in days.


Please do notice, this is the only update in this month.


Further updates will be posted soon. The reward will be sent in late January.


Thanks for your support.



咸鱼Samuel on Twitter: "Happy Spring Festival. Here's the preview of the reward this month. I had made the L2D video of the content from PLAN B Ep5 & Ep6😚It is kinda achieving one of my goal that make my comic animation. Hope you all will enjoy! pic.twitter

Happy Spring Festival. Here's the preview of the reward this month. I had made the L2D video of the content from PLAN B Ep5 & Ep6😚It is kinda achieving one of my goal that make my comic animation. Hope you all will enjoy! pic.twitter.com/MFVoEvXELe