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Hey guys!


First of all, the reward of December had been sent already! If there is anyone who hadn't received the reward, please send a message to me and I will recheck it for you.


(Because I sent the message as a group, the message is still pending right now. You might need a moment to view it. Sry for this situation.)

(I have some extra work on testing the Alpha Game demo so it might need more time for me to response as usual. Hope you all will understand.)



Please do be aware, there is no blank space in the password to Dropbox.


bout upcoming January:


Because all the member of studio had caught the Covid. We can't decide the main theme about the topic of next month. 


I will make a new post if there is anything changed in plan about the upcoming January. 


At Plan A, the main topic is about the game <Deepening Fire>.

在Plan A中,主题将会围绕着游戏《深沉之火》。

At Plan B, Yuhao (American football Player) and Chengwu (Club Manager) from our serial comic <Come 2 Boy's School> will continue their erotic story. 

在Plan B中,我们新系列漫画《盛精男校》的主要角色煜豪(橄榄球远动员)和诚吾(社团经理)会继续他们的故事。

At Veteran Fan, Masayoshi will pick two design outlines in the October reward and finish them as illustrations.

在Veteran Fan资深粉丝中,这个月富坚正义将会从十二月份的设计稿中选出其中的两份并补完他们的插分设计。

The poll for New-in tier will be sent in days.


I will send a new post as long as there is more update coming.


Happy new year to all the patrons. Hope you all have a healthy nice year in 2023.


Thanks for your support!!
