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Hey guys! Here comes our December's poll for Veteran Fan.


Here are three characters in <Mirage-Lose> Ep2.

  • Enoch is the waiter of Over-Rich Store. He travels with his boss Hawkey. But overall, he is just a sad-ass worker.
  • Du is the traveler from the second country in Missland, the World Tree. His eyes always tell his scorn. You won't mess with this beast.
  • Pest is the main character in Episode 2. He is familiar with herbal medicine and pathology. He is a gentle man but also distance between people.


  • 以诺是来自极富奇货的店小二。他与极富奇货的老板霍奇先生一同游历四方。但总的来说,他只是一个苦楚悲惨的打工人。
  • 椟是来自世界树的旅人。他的眼神中总是透露出一丝不屑,且他总是一副不好招惹的样子。
  • 佩斯特也是第二部的主角之一,不仅如此他还身兼赤血六齿中的一员。他熟识草药和各种病理。但平时温柔待人的他,却总是与人有很深的距离感。

The poll will close in 12th. Pick the one who is your favorite. The one with the most votes will be drawn in illustrations this month by our head artist Masayoshi.


Further updates will be posted soon. The reward will be sent in late October.


Thanks for all your support!



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