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Hey guys!

I had just found out that, even if I delete the tier, you still will be charging at Nov 1st. I will try to refund your payment if it really have happened.

And for those one who had join Basic Pack, Special Pack and Deluxe Pack, I will let them unpublished but you still will charge the money and have the reward the same as the new tier is. If you are not satisfied with charging more money please ask me to refund you the money.

I highly recommend the one in Basic Pack tier, Normal Pack tier and Deluxe Pack tier switch to the Plan A, Plan B and Combine Plan so you can have the same content but in a cheaper way.

Thanks for all your support!



但对于Basic Pack,Normal Pack及Deluxe Pack的用户。我会将原有的订阅栏目收回,但你们同样会在月初的时候被收费,不过同时你们将会获得与新条目一样的内容。如果你对于额外收费的部分感到不满意的话,可以向我要求退回你的订阅款项

我极度推荐那些仍在Basic Pack,Normal Pack及Deluxe Pack的用户将你们的订阅转至Plan A,Plan B和Combine Plan,这样你可以用更少的价格得到与过往类似的内容!



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