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Hello guys!

Because of the illuness and Anrick's personal issue, he hadn't gave the preview to me yet but he had promised that he will send me the draft in days, most likely tomorrow. I just want to tell you guys we are deeply sorry about this whole delay situation and thanks for your trust.

Also there is an update about the topic of Special Pack. Anrick had chaned the topic to Itadori having fun with the younger version of Toudouaoi. Both of the characters are from <Jujutsu Kaisen>.

Thanks for your support. We will make a new post if there is any more update later.



同时,关于Special Pack的题材也有更新。爆浆鱿鱼在稍早前将题材变更为虎杖悠仁与東堂葵(少年)一起玩闹的题材。该两位角色都是来自《咒术回战》。



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