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We have to tell you that because Patreon will charge everybody at the begining of every month, and we had no idea that it is due in a new period or else (like your spending is for April or March).

In this case I have to wait till the charging is done, and I will check that your payment had been charging for once or twice...

If I have missed you the reward from last month, I will send it to you as soon as Patreon finish charging it. And also, the download link will only exsit for 20 days. mostly will expire at 17th at each month. So if I have sent you the reward, I hope you download it ASAP.

Also, we hadn't provide any way to purchase our reward. We are trying to figure it out as a new tier. But so long we only start from october last year. I think we will open it at the end of this year. Hope you all we understand...

Thx for all your supporting!







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