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Hello guys!

Here is our Mirage-Lose with its new chapter! And we had both Chinese version and English version in our download link!

And the reward of Anrick for December will linked to the new Mirage-Lose as well!

We hope you guys will enjoy it! 

The full resolution of regular comic can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r3hug4ejc1pxy54/Mirage-Lose%20Chapter%201.zip?dl=0

If you want to see it online, here is the link to pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=72680377

P.s: some people told me that the link I set it here had pointed to the Mirage-Lose chapter 0. However I checked it twice the link I set is corrected but the problem is happened to me as well, now I had replaced it with a new link so it probably should work I think... If there is any other issues please tell me so that you can have a better experience on using Anrick's reward!

Thx for all your supporting!




Hi, the dropbox link only goes to page 10, can you upload the rest of the pages too?


I will check it later, thx for letting me notice!


Hey, I had check it once, you can download it strightly, and it will give you all 11 page of the comic. If there is other problem please let me know