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Hey guys!

In case you didn't notice, our new artist  Masayoshi(冨樫正義)' tiers are offically online, and his free pack will be uploaded in these days. Here is a little leak of his free CGs, it's a fanart of Napoleon in Fate/Grand Order, and all the illustrations from Massayoshi will contain three-languages(English, 中文, 日本語) of conversations. Hope you guys will love it!

大家好,我们工作室的新画师 Masayoshi(冨樫正義) 的奖励正式上线了!他的首个免费图包将会在近日作为宣传上传至红P。这里是免费图包的封面,这个图包的主角是命运/冠位指定的拿破仑,同时Msayoshi (冨樫正義) 的图包将会以三种语言(English, 中文,日本語)呈现给各位。希望大家会喜欢!

His tier will be the Normal Pack and Fancy Pack, which Normal Pack will be one pack of full resolution illustrations. Fancy Pack will contain Normal Pack and one more different illustrations.

他的奖励将分为Normal Pack和Fancy Pack。 Normal Pack  将会在每月获得一份全分辨率差分。Fancy Pack 将会获得包括Normal Pack以外的两套不同的差分。

Please do be awared there are also two combine-packs online in our patreon as well. If you feel interest in both our artists Anrick and Masayoshi, you can select the combine-pack, and you will gain your December Rewards from both artists in 29 Jan with a lower price!


Thx for all your supporting!



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