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I never forgot about this and I haven't stopped thinking about it for months. In the back of my mind, a voice whispers "More BLOOD, Civvie." The footage was captured in April, the script was written in July, and it is now nearly the middle of August. I must... BLOOD.


An even newer Patreon discord invite link!

Patron discord link:

Copy and paste this link in your browser because patreon is really weird about these:


If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it.

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list so if you don't see your name, it will be in the next upload.


What's Civvie Playing? Blood: Fleshed Out: Episode 3



Goth Crayon

I'm still stoked that you were able to play and review Soldier of Fortune. It really is a fun game that I thought you'd get a massive kick out of, but never thought you'd have time or opportunity to cover. It's sad that the second one wasn't quite as enjoyable, but eh... It's its own jank, and does have some fun bits and pieces, but it rolls back the power fantasy aspect a bit too far in pursuit of realism and larger levels (that are a pain to navigate, unlike the original).

Goth Crayon

"I don't know why these depictions of real-world areas warm my heart like they do..." I think it's the equivalent of someone making an articulate and robust depiction of something in a lower resolution, as opposed to taking detailed custom assets and plonking them about willy-nilly because they had empty space to fill and the assets were the only thing they had to accomplish that. It's why a thoughtful Lego cameo is innately more appealing than AI-generated fantasy scenery.