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I want more Pro Blood!

We have Pro Blood at home.

Pro Blood at home:

Still catching up after the deluge. This was actually supposed to come out before the Chaser video did. It didn't exactly work out like that. Just like I was going to do Doom: No Rest For The Living next, like months ago, but that's changed into Return to Castle Wolfenstein because I'm still not sure how I'm going to approach another DOOM video when it's just more DOOM, which is the perils of covering expansion packs in general. I didn't have that problem with Fleshed Out and I usually don't have that problem with anything Build-engine related because those kinds of games go so far over the top that I am in awe of their cheeky bullshit.

Oh, right, I casually mentioned Return to Castle Wolfenstein, which will be the first Civvie video to be presented in 4K, giving that nasty bitrate that YouTube gives 1080p videos the boot. After acquiring a new PC, I was really hoping to make the switch to 4K. You never really know how Adobe products (especially After Effects) will behave when suddenly jumping to 4K60.

"But Civvie, you've uploaded in 4k before!" Yeah, a couple times, when I was trying to do the Totalbuscuit trick of upscaling a 1080p video to get a better bitrate from YouTube. I think actually making a 4k video will achieve this much better.  

I ended up writing, voicing, and editing an intro chapter where I played through Spear of Destiny on Death Incarnate - you know, so we can be fully in-the-know about Wolfenstein lore and not just so I can torture myself - and I can safely say that the dumb bullshit I did in After Effects, in 4K, works as well as anything I was doing in 1080p, and I suspect my plan to brute force Adobe into compliance with a 12-core Ryzen 9 has worked.   

Anyway, going to try to get the RTCW video out by the end of the month, though I expect it's going to be another long one. Imagine my surprise when I found out that Death Incarnate doesn't do anything but change health and ammo pickups.  

Keep it greasy,



What's Civvie Playing? - Blood: Fleshed Out - Episode 1



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