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So, here we go!

Ingrid and Dimitri finally found a good way to train at the beach.

The very first frame of the animation is ready, Though there might be some additions to the background and maybe other changes as the animation progresses, this is really the start shot of it.

You may notice it's smaller in resolution than the size I usually work at but that's because this animation will be so big that's warranted. It can be upscaled later anyway.

So here's the thing. The other 3H animations all consist of 3 main frames looped, the facefucking animation does have more frames that are unique so to speak but they are minor modifications to make Ingrid look messier as the animation goes on.

This one meanwhile, will consist of 22 unique frames... so yeah that's 7 times larger and might reach 24 if I see the end is a bit janky. But with so many I'm ensuring it goes smoothly but will also be quite big. So hang in there! Meanwhile enjoy this first frame WIP! Also before I finish this we'll have the GOTM Fairymon coming up!



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