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Alright, rewards have been sent a few hours ago actually. Once again through using Itch.Io the page using my store. Of course these files are hidden and can only be accessed through the links I sent , you don't need an account or anything.

The links for the previous period will actually be removed in two days so , make sure to download the files if you haven't yet!

Once more, thanks for your support this period!

Rewards were a bit weird this time.

So The rewards have been:

Tier 2:

- Cammy's Victory: 13 Versions

- Color Wheel - First Half: Normal Wheel versions, solo versions and 1 lewd version per girl

- Leonie Backview YCH: 10 Versions

- Ingrid Hungers - P2: 5 stills + .gif + .mp4 + .mp4 with sound + .mp4 simple loop

- Girl of the Month - Laegjarn's Sunscreen: 20 Versions

Tier 3:

All the above plus

- Byleth x Shez - Summer re edition - 14 new versions

- Catherine x Shamir - Summer re edition - 8 new versions 

Tier 4:

All the above plus

Leonie, Cammy and Laegjarn Builder Files.

Plus Remember! tier 4 can ask for an old reward pack at any time during the month.

Tier 5:

All the above plus:

Remember to send your character for the YCH picture. Poll drops on the 20th if you send your characters.


Any issues with the rewards, let me know! hope you enjoy it and now onto this month's work, we'll start with the GOTM poll in a few hours!



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