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It's May now!. Currently working on 2 poll winners from April. We'll get into that but First reviewing last month.

So In Summary this time we have:

  • New YCH feature, with Bunny Girl OC Sitala and Vi produced as part of it.
  • Rearmed Ingrid
  • Ashley
  • Zelda
  • Peach Anal YCH

And 2 pics that are being worked on right now. 

The Theme Poll Winner, Peach, as the winning theme was...well... peach haha. She will likely drop in a few hours actually

And then there's the GOTM winner, Malty.

Also there's some story commissions being worked ATM that will be finished soon as well.

  • April Rewards

Coming up the 5th. Which is the day Patreon finishes processing payments so you have until then to fix all payment issues.

Now for May

  • Pictures

Other than maybe doing yet another Peach, currently blank on ideas. Likely another Ingrid because, I mean, it's me lmao. But Might now actually open coms. Though first I will open YCH coms like last month. In any case otherwise I'm sure something will show up that I want to draw and that includes the poll winners of course.

  • Stories

Finishing the current coms and might have more coming afterwards.

  • Polls

As usual, new Polls will come.

I will post the poll for this month's theme tomorrow. After that the GOTM poll on the 6th or 7th.

Also, The Kink Theme poll later on.

There might be a few polls on twitter, those have been influencing work lately so check them out.

  • More; Commissions and personal updates

Currently right in the middle of moving! I know this process has taken a long tme, but lots of legal stuff to take care of, things to buy for the new place, had to stay in my current place until the start of this month anyway...and so. This is however why things are a bit slow now, despite working in all this stuff at the same time but this will all be over soon, so work will resume as usual.

Also, payoneer has finally given me the ability to ask for payments directly using payoner. So for any future commissions any who is interested can pay through there (provided it works in your country) instead of using Patreon or Credit card.

Anyway, thanks for being here and hope you enjoy this month!


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