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So, I've been out of here for many days, last post was like 10 days ago which is not something I do. Those who follow me on twitter might have seen some tweets I made about it.

So what happened?

Well, Patreon is instituting this rule that they need to verify if we adult-material creators are indeed adults. So they sent me the link to do so and well, is not a big deal, that didn't take long BUT it caused me to be unable to log in to my account.  So that was issue, been talking to Patreon support for days, but they don't work on weekends and only work during office hours  so it was slow. However they were able to help me and then...

This happened.

That's Error 500, an error that happens to creators where we jut can't access our own pages. Crazy. This was a big thing back in 2018 and seems it's made a return now and there's many cases of this happening and I got it.

So I had to wait more days but now finally it's fixed.

I've made 2 artworks in that time frame that I'll post here now!.

Those who don't follow me, try doing so at @AramyxDraws on twitter because that's where I let people know about this issue.

Also if your favorite creators aren't posting it's likely that 500 error, take that into account.

With that said, time to resume activities here.


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