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Final Theme Poll of the year, this time, it will be based on the 12 stand outs of this past year, one per month + the one from last December.

By stand outs I mean pics that I made that month and they did really well in different sites, social media, gallery, store etc...

I compiled these in my art Sumamry, and you can see my 2021 one too, now updated with the true stand out of that December.

And this years'

This year, the entire second half, a lot of my success was dominated by FE3H, specially Ingrid haha.

Of course the current december part of the summary is also a placeholder, is just my very first pic of the month.

In any case, so we'll go From last December's Elsa pic, to this November's Seiros armor Ingrid.

As a remider, votes are worth as much as your pledge tier, tier 1 gets 1 worth, tier 5 gets 5 and so. And you can vote for as many options as you want, still each will be worth your tier.
And with that, the themes for this poll are:


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