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It's October now!, let's talk about what's coming!. First reviewing last month, it's been quite slow, hah.

There's a lot been going on, experimentation in my pics, last month I also went back to the gym which has shortened my time in general but mostly it leaves me exhausted as my body is returning to that. But Getting better now.

So In Summary this time we have:

- Samus

- Summer Ingrid 1

- Summer Ingrid 2

- Summer Ingrid 3

- Summer Byleth

With 2 pics still coming. Both the Poll winner and the GOTM.

As for stories we had 4 new chapters.

- September Rewards

As usual, rewards will arrive on the 5th of the month which is the day Patreon finishes processing the payments. So if you had any trouble with your payment you can fix it up by then!

Now for October

- Pictures

The Theme poll winner was "Undressing". That alongside the GOTM winner will be coming up.

Aside from that, well, Expecte more Ingrid to come, I will be lewding her in particular a lot more on the next few months before FE3H essentially ends, with the release of Engage in January, when I'll take an obvious break from girls from it but also other FE3H girls.

There's also the fact that OW2 is launching and as usual in october expect an Ashe pic!

- Stories

Still doing some coms and depending how things go, might bring some more about Tabatha.

- Polls

As usual, new Polls will come.

The theme for the GOTM poll will be posted following this!. With the GOTM poll coming on the 6th.

Also, The Kink Theme poll later own.

- More

So this is my Birthday month, those who've been here know I like to make things special like in August. 

Of Course october is also spooky month.

I don't know what length I'll go with that, sometimes I got to admit seasonal gimmicks aren't so calling. We'll see.

Anyway, thanks for being here and hope you enjoy this month!


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