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Thanks all of you for your support during the April 2022 period. Enjoy the rewards! They were just sent,  this time they arrived late as I had commented before. These have been a few difficult days, my father has been quite sick, a very bad reaction to the COVID vaccine booster, so that kept me occupied, it's a good thing that he's doing much better now and he'll be quite fine soon it seems.

Aside from that, also these rewards in particular were a bit more work and slower to work on for diverse reasons.

Silver Snow was a big remake of 3 files which meant I had around 4 files or more opened to work on it because I couldn't keep all the stuff in one file, it would have been way too large to open, but that also made things slower, even with my new computer, PS just eats memory.

I also ended up working a lot on Llithmon ending up with two main versions basically, the beach version posted as the thank you picture here. And of course just more pictures in general haha, but I hope you enjoy your rewards. In case there was a problem and you didn't receive them, let me know.

I also did some further adjustments to Araalia which I thought were improvements, and individual versions for the Silver Snow remakes. I'm posting a version of each of those here though the reward folders have many more

These have been:

Tier 2:

- Araalia: 12 Versions

- Shez: 20 Versions

- Noblegarden Tabatha : 15 Versions

- Alexstrasza Part 3 : 21 Versions

- Sombra : 16 Versions

- Shutumon: 15 Versions

- Girl of the Month - Lilithmon: 38 Versions

Tier 3:

All the above plus

- Silver Snow : 35 Variations

Tier 4:

All the above plus

Araalia, Shez, Tabatha, Alexstrasza, Sombra, Shutumon and Lilithmon Builder Files.

Plus Remember! tier 4 can ask for an old reward pack at any time during the month. A few already did.

Tier 5:

All the above plus:

Remember to send your character for the YCH picture. Poll drops on the 20th.


If there was any issue with the rewards arrival, let me know!



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