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Thanks all of you for your support during the December 2021 period. Enjoy the rewards! They were sent about 12th hours ago but  in case there was a problem and you didn't receive them, let me know.

These have been:

Tier 2:

- Arsenia: 16 Variations
- LMN! Shamir Part 3: 16 Variations
- Caroler Manuela : 12 Variations
- Winter Helper Valla : 16 Variations
- Dorothea Defeated : 15 Variations
- Girl of the Month - Warcraft Hotties Nº12th; Tess: 18 Variations

Tier 3:

All the above plus

- Alexstrasza Selfie YCH : 26 Variations

Tier 4:

All the above plus

Arsenia, Tess, LMN! Shamir Part 3, Winter Helper Valla and Caroler Manuela Builder Files.

Plus Remember! tier 4 can ask for an old reward pack at any time during the month. A few already did.

Tier 5:

All the above plus:

Remember to send your character for the YCH picture. Poll drops on the 20th.


If there was any issue with the rewards arrival, let me know!



So, with this we had the last pack of 2021 delivered. Including the first true picture of 2021, Tess and the completion of the first 12th set of warcraft hotties.

Which brings me to the winner of the theme poll. "Continuation of a warcraft Hotties picture". We have 12 of those currently so there's plenty to choose from, I'll make a special poll for it around the 10th or 11th this month.

Meanwhile, for polls, the January GOTM poll will be posted shortly after this post.

Aside from that, I got some ideas for January, particularly Tabatha and Testarossa's story continuing and some other stuff. 

However before I'll take a break to finally arm my computer and rest a bit for around 2-3 days. But in the meantime I'll be posting some leftover timelines and another YCH feature incoming! And soon a new chapter of the Hinata story.

I also have to work on the Give always winner choices. Also been doing some polls on twitter for some idea on how to continue with my work, so you can check that there for your feedback.

So, lots of stuff already planned, and lets move onward with the year.



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