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Winner: Doc Deau for 55 Points

Starting July's auction early because I'm still at the apartment for now and due to vacate before the end of the month. The bad news is that internet is not quite set up at the new place and might not be by the time I get there, but not for too long, maybe a few days until parts I ordered arrive. I'll still have my phone, but regardless I'd like to possibly gather details before this happens. I'm also going to make a newspost soon regarding the nature of these auctions going forward. So, without further pretext—

This auction is a vore-themed YCH. The winner gets first pick at one of the above lots (B, C, D, E, F, G, or H) to have redrawn with their own character in place of the wolf, in the style of August 2020's auction (Examples: 1, 2, 3). After which, the remaining 6 sketches will also be put up for auction (minus the winning bid of each prior auction.) This points-only auction runs twice for both June and July, allowing the winners of both to get first & second dibs on which sketch they want. The remaining 6 sketches will later be sold as a Points & Cash auction.

RULES - This is a Calico Rewards Points (CRP)-only auction, meaning you can only bid with your balance of CRP. To see how many you have available, click here. You can only bid with the points available per the spreadsheet.

- To bid, comment in response to this post with the number of points you are currently bidding with. To raise the current bid, reply to the highest bidder.

- If you follow my work you probably already know what I am/am not comfortable drawing, but if you're uncertain feel free to ask via comments or private messages before bidding. Ask any questions about the auction in general in the comments as well, as my answers may serve as a resource to other patrons and may cover something I may have forgotten to add to the rules.

- In response to a patron's question, each slot is eligible for an optional cutaway image to reveal prey inside.

- In response to another patron's question, while the illustrations above are all wolves, your OC's can be any species, so long as they can perform the given pose. It does not need to be exact, either, as the image will be redrawn to fit your character's proportions, but something like a snake (with no limbs) or a taur (with too many limbs) would not fit.

This auction ends either 48 hours after the most recent bid, at which point the winner will be declared and contacted via Patreon's messaging system. Thank you!




35 Points


I assume you gotta have a vaguely wolfish oc to participate? :p


You do not, no. So long as they're anthro-enough to do the pose, I redraw the whole thing.


i.e., a snake wouldn't work and neither would a taur. The wolves are just for base pose.


got to ask would 48 hours end around sometime on Monday or is it Tuesdays? i ask cause i think the last one lasted longer than 48 but i wasn't too sure.


It's 48 hours after the most recent bid, meaning that every time a bid is made the countdown resets. i.e. at the moment right now the most recent bid is from Doc Deau made 13 hours ago, meaning the auction ends in ~35 hours from now, which I believe is Monday night at around 10PM EST. This is to discourage bid sniping at the last possible second and to give others a chance to place bids without having to watch the auction all too carefully, especially should they be in different timezones. Anybody who wants to win the auction would therefore only need to check in on it once a day. I THINK the last auction went a little over 48 hours because I was busy while its expiration approached. I do not time these to the very second. Patreon's clock is set to UK time and with DST in the states it actually makes it a little harder to track as I have to go by their timestamps. The general idea is that 'if nobody's placed any further bids after the last one and 48 hours have passed then it's over'