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Hi hi love y’all and hope you’ve been doing well! Here we have some writing I did if anyone’s interested! As for the audios! I’ll do my best, trying to focus on quality of quantity rn if only because I have been wrestling with myself on a particular plot point in terms of darken and want to make it a fun first experience!

As for vil zawa, my mind has been drifting to the belated fantasy AU stuff and may incorporate that in some way. I’ll keep y’all posted either way! Love y’all! Hope you’re having an absolutely amazing day and that we can hang out in the discord sometime! I’ll post a link for it soon too!


Red Moon Chapter 1



was just wondering is atsumu or osamu still happening?


Yep sorry I’m still just a bit unfamiliar so I was trying to watch the parts their in first! Since I’m not completely caught up!


I like the world building of this story and the main character piques my interest 😙! I’m honestly excited to see where it goes now that we’ve joined a bigger cast of characters 🥰 I especially liked the pacing, everything flows so poetically, and the action scene was fun too 😋! Thank you for sharing with us, Cece 😆🙏🏼!

Cheryl Wilson

Masterfully written! I really could read this all day. Im eager to learn more about this world and these characters! Cece you always impress. Thanks for sharing your art.

Meli VonCherry

I liked Sylas personality he really reminds me the Cheshire Cat following Alice (Telle is most like a Gore "undead" kind of Girl but it seems that just like Alice she doesn't know herself, but this "Wonderland" seems to be more like a "Madnessland") Sylas, like the smiling cat seems to help (but don't really care) and sometimes just being a nonsense, with riddles and tales. (I have always loved the Cheshire cat because of the mathematics and meaning behind of his lines) Also, I particularly enjoyed the transformation of the pale man creature, mostly because I love all kind of monsters on literature and visualizing the "carnage" was somehow inspirational (in the creative way) since I have always love the creativity behind non-human creatures design. I also imagine that it would be fun when someone heard her talk to the abyss since they don't seem to see Sylas at all, and I can only imagine how much fun he will have haha~ Thank you for sharing this, it was refreshing to read. ^^ Wait, edit: One of my dreams since I was a child was to have a giant library, like in the Beauty and the beast ^^` your story reminded me that unrealistic silly dream of mine, I appreciate it, ty CC