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Hi everyone love y’all lots, I had wanted to do the sin call today but for lack of a better term, I have eaten something that aggressively disagreed with me causing it to be quite difficult to perform the usual sin tier duties, thus it will be postponed the 28th at 10pm est. I apologize for the inconvenience I just don’t trust my voice after the acid hits my throat, and I think it will ultimately make the sin call better in the end. I apologize for the late notification as I woke up with aforementioned unfortunate sickies.

Also, I just wanted to briefly touch upon something that's been brought to my attention quite a bit recently. I usually keep the ability to download audios on because I understand it makes listening to them easier when you're out and about in life, which is important to me. However, I would like to ask that if you have access to these audios, the Sin Tier audios especially, that you do not repost them or share them with non-Sin members. I work incredibly hard to try to provide something special for Sin members and a unique experience with the perks within the tier, and redistribution of this content is not only disrespectful to my efforts, but to the other members who work equally as hard to afford this as a way to treat themselves. I thank you for understanding and hope we can move forward in a way that doesn't require me turning off the ability to download these audios for your own personal enjoyment (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧



That’s reasonable CeCe. Hope you feel better soon.


Oh shucks CeCe sorry to hear that I hope you’ll be okay! 🤍

Katsuki's Firecracker

Oh no! I hope you feel better and get lots of rest! 🥺 It’s so crummy of people to be handing out these audios, especially after seeing you work so hard on them. This is just a suggestion, but have you considered turning off downloads for a time? Just to deter people from downloading and illegally re-uploading them to third party sites or giving them out to people not on the same tier? It’s just so sad to see your hard work being given to people for free. Sending all the love! Can’t wait for tomorrow! EDIT: I realized while looking through the Patreon app that I use on my phone and iPad that the way the app is set up, you are able to download the audios directly to the app, and are able to listen offline (I listened to one of the Bakugo audios on my flight this month with no WiFi) without being able to download it in a way that would allow you to reupload. It's just not being able to download it straight from an internet browser or your computer. <3


Hope you feel better Cece! I look forward to tomorrow and wish that you get some good rest.


You take care of yourself first and foremost!


Aw please take care Cece! I can’t believe people would hand out all your hard work like that. I hope this reminder sets people straight. I’m excited for tomorrow! <3

Wisp of Thought

I first encountered Cece's audios through that kind of uploads. As soon as I was able, I've been paying for the highest tier I can afford each month, and encouraging everyone I run into to do the same if they enjoy her work. I do like listening with a RL friend, but we do try to keep what we listen to limited to what we both can afford. There's plenty of content available on YT for curious folks; there's no good reason for uploading the restricted pieces.


Thats completely okay Cece. I hope it's not too bad 🥺🥺. Also I completely agree. It's not fair to both us or you, I would understand if you did have to take the download button away.