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WARNING: He's not terribly so much toxic as thinking he is, he has an obsession and worries about it, a very human Kenma with a focus on spoiling listener and loving them with all his heart. Though there is themes of mutual masterbation, tons of grinding, and an overt focus on filling listener up! Lots of bed sfx and a mix of dom and some sub ish moans! Enjoy!



Tabitha Guss

Okay I’ll listen to this tomorrow during my Genshin Grind xD


Much love! Missed y’all too! Hopefully the husbandos don’t sound different! I think I’m ready for lots of audios in the coming days should be fun!


Oh my God hiiiii I'm so glad you posted! We are so glad to hear from you 😭❤️‍🩹❤️❤️


U said that your voice hasn't been at its best in your last recent post so don't worry abt if they sound different or not I'm just glad u posted😩❤️ looking forward to the upcoming audios no rush or pressure tho!!


THE CHEER I MADE WHEN I SAW THIS NOTIFICATION!! 😭😭. I'm at work right now and this just made my day 😩. Thank you Cece. I hope you're throat is doing better now 🥺🥺. Drink lots of water and gets lots of rest. Love you 💖💖




I literally just squealed KENMA when saw the notification drop. Damn I've missed him so much and welcome back Cece!


Im so happy your back! But take more time if u need it. Honey, is good for the throat BTW. Imma listen to this tonight! 🥰

Ladie Xeven

Oh my goth I RAN here!!! I am sooooo happie to see u post. I hope all is well with u CeCe as well to whomever is reading my comment 🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜


Yayy! I hope you’re doing well Cece!💞c:


Glad you’re back and feeling better Cece! I have a random question- why not use timeskip art of the characters for the audio image?


omg any tips on beating floor 6 of the abyss? the worst mistake i made was just play the game & (some story) without even trying to level up my characters w/ proper artifacts. some are high but i have such bad artifacts, to the point where it’s hard to even use the ones i have to help get the better ones 🥹. Plus my characters are kinda all over the place

Tabitha Guss

I haven't beaten any of the abyss floors too much other than getting Xiangling sorry :(

Tabitha Guss

If I were to get sick, it would happen because of the temperatures going all over the place. Or I would’ve caught my bro in law’s and nephew’s cold already in that case. :v

Tabitha Guss

Speaking of taking care of myself, I just washed my face and brushed my teeth :v I’ll do better xD (I already ate breakfast so if YepYep asks I did LOL)


Just as toxic as water in Europe


aw that’s okay! what’s your genshin id ? we can grind the right artifacts together for our characters 😂 , if you want !

Tabitha Guss

<3 Sure, I'm online anytime between 6:45am PDT to 7:15am then I need to watch my nephew for a few hours until I'd say anywhere from 9:00am-12:45pm at the latest before staying on until 5pm on a daily basis. (Weekdays are my babysitting duty/unless it’s a day off. Weekends I’m on all day even when I’m taking breaks to eat/hydrate etc) My Genshin UID is 655028506 I live in Canada so I guess I'm on the North America server? xD I'm collecting treasure and trying to finish Tatara Quests so I won't be grinding artifacts just yet, but I will help out if I can. <3


THANK YOU FOR THE MEAL These latest audios are so amazing <3 I was wondering if the audio with either Osamu or Atsumu Miya is still coming in the future? I mean absolutely no rush and I'm so excited for whatever you have planned! I was just curious and excited for that one c: much love and please rest!


Kenma!! 😆💕 Lol maybe it’s because I follow the artist m00kie/bananafishu but I can totally see Kenma being that cutesy/benign kind of toxic (if such a thing exists haha). Thank you for the sweet story, Cece! Hope you’re feeling better and get lots of rest if you can!


okay!! i live in new york so i’m sure our time zone is the same. i’ll join to help on whatever you need tho & we can grind the artifacts whenever you need too!! i’ll add you in the morning 🫶🏽

Tabitha Guss

New York? That's three hours ahead of me because I live in British Columbia xD but it'll be fine LOL~


"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you sleep the day away?" BOI LET ME! LET ME SLEEP 😭😭. I am responsible for the consequences 😭😭 HE LITERALLY SNUGGLED INTO HER!!! THAT IS SO CUTE!!! 😭😭😭😭😭. His voice being muffled from the hug is 🥺😭😭 28 Honestly I need that kind of routine right now with how much I've been working, it's gotten so messed up 😭😭. DAMN his moans do be getting intense in that last round don't they?? 😳😳. 47 THE WAY HE SAID "Fuck me" THOUGH. His voice changed up and became more gruff, but you could still tell it was Kenma!! I feel like that's the roughest/loudest version we've ever heard of him 😩😳. "A fucked up face like that" BRUH 🤣🤣🤣🤣. I know that's not what he meant because he was talking about how lewd she looked, but that just made me crack up 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Stay happy and healthy, love you Cece 💖💖


AHH i’ve been trying to find which audio it was that we had this conversation 😂. I’ll definitely add you some time this week, i play genshin on my ps5 but i’ll have to wait till im back home to play. Sorry i didn’t add yet. & ohhh when i searched up what time it was it showed we have the same time zone lol my bad, i’ll remember to keep that in mind !🫶🏽

Tabitha Guss

xD No rush~ <3 I've been doing my own thing which is treasure hunting and completing quests in Enkanomiya


oh my GOD i love it when kenma talks filthy 💕💕💕💕


i love kenma’s voice here its perfection aaa


Aww baby getting emotional😭😭 i just wanna give him the biggest hugs😭😭

Michelle Pärssinen

Cece, the way you include characters promoting proper self care…gahhh I just love it so much. You’re so wonderful and I’m very grateful that I stumbled upon your audios 🥰 sending lots of love and healing your way! 🥰

Michelle Pärssinen

Also, when he freakin complimented my lungs, OMG I legitimately giggled to myself out loud. Especially with his attempts at damage control afterwards 😂🤣 it just felt so real 😭 so oddly wholesome