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WARNING: This is quite dark and there is quite a lot of gaslighting as well as themes of him using his power to make listener love him/more sensitive/corruption kink is big in this one. A sort of slow burn with dub con type content. Not for the faint of heart but I thought, kai has a lot of softer audios but lots of them don't give much homage to the actual kai we see in the show. This is more of a traditional slightly different Kai~ Has themes of cum holding, lots of bed sfx and tons of wet sfx. 

Again, just to warn extra much! This is a very dark themed audio in a certain aspect, while it has some good intentions(as in he wants you to love and will only love you as his only "weakness" so to speak) it has a lot of a darker themes of a true villain involved. I just want to make sure everyone is safe and happy so please take into consideration before listening!     

Next audio should be the one from the prompts ya'll submitted earlier! Love ya'll so so much!
