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FIRSTLY SO SORRY ITS LATE!! This will never happen again, to tell the truth I completely thought it posted but I made the mistake of not double checking as I was rushing with the other tier posts to finish on time. I'm terribly sorry to everyone and I hope you can forgive me. I will be much more careful in the future to make sure the audios go up and that hiccups on posting don't cause delays like this. Love ya'll and thank you for your patience!!   WARNING: Has lots of demanding and commanding traditional dabi, tons of claiming and some jabs as a boss/underling type beat, lots of sexy moans and tons of spoiling!

WARNING: Has lots of demanding and commanding traditional dabi, tons of claiming and some jabs as a boss/underling type beat, lots of sexy moans and tons of spoiling!



zajale123 .

I'm glad we all had the same reaction to him saying "that motherfucker" cuz that shit short circuited my entire neural network 😭. I was sitting in here gd embarassed for a few minutes like damn girl, I didnt expect to be fed like DAT I was eating that shit up 👏🏾👏🏾

zajale123 .

Also like, this was too real. Like, are you in my head? Talking about obsessions and shit, like damn, why you gotta put me on blast like that Yagami 😂 I cant speak for anyone else but your Dabi is just exquisitely executed. He's sublime *chef's kiss* 🖤🖤


This man has me feral and desperate and denies me the luxury of shame and feel only pride in how he groans in pleasure!

Kirinkatoki B-K

Already about to fall out💀 Just him talking is😮‍💨 “Deep throat that mf”🫠 Going slow has to be the worst yet best thing


Holy wow this may be my new favorite audio of all

Cheryl Wilson

Totally worth the wait

Tabitha Guss

Hhhhh. ///// My iPod is dying but OMFG

Charlotte Wagner

⭐️I have a special 10 tier request if you need an idea Cece. A King Demon Oikawa, and the listener is like his captive. Please consider!! ⭐️


Dabi Dabi Dabi Dabi omg Dabi. Fuck i needed this today. the last few days have been Hell but Dabi is my safe space ;-; thank you Cece


Tabi, theres at least dozens of us. And we always comment on the same ones. Ah, a Woman of culture :P

Tabitha Guss

LOL. I have a long list of ones in my heart (and pussy) but Dabi remains my number two <3


Oh Dabi! So yummy! I love his growls that rattle my earbuds 🫠🫠🫠




Damn Dabi really trynna make us finish just by his words ain't he? 😳👀 9:20 We've developed a sixth scent. It's called dick hungry. "Deep throat that Mother Fucker" SIR WHY ARE YOU SO AGRESSIVE?!?! You trynna make us choke on it?! Glug glug?? "You never came here to become a villain, you came here to fuck my dick." OKAY I LOVE THAT DELIVERY THOUGH!! Like it's so cocky and honestly I was not expecting it, so it really surprised me, but also made me feel a certain way 😳😳 Stay happy and healthy, love you Cece 💖💖


Listening again because that one singular line did the cherry on top of this masterpiece. Cece, you continue to outdo yourself and the way that you do Dabi’s articulation of things in this audio is PERFECT


but is he wrong🫢🫢🫢🫢🤪

Lady Saiya

NO! No no no no no!! We are NOT going to just go pass that soul sending growl at 37:47!!!!! 😩😩😩 As if Dabi saying "motherfucker" (12:12) like that wasn't glorious enough!! But that growl was so unexpected so delicious and so so so FUUUUCK!!! *cries*


Back at it again for hearing Dabi call his schlong “that motherfucker” bc for some reason it makes my uterus QUIVER