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Hiiii everyone! I hope you enjoy the recent content! I’m gonna be trying to make lots more as quick and as best as I can c: I love y’all so much and I hope to make this patreon very fun! And I figure, that daily-ish 7mih could make it exactly that!

Thank you all for another month of your support!! It means so much that you all believe in me!! I’ll try my very best to make lots of wonderful content!!

I had a bit of a sad start to the day but the audios actually helped a bit to distract! I’m doing a little better now! How have you been? Are you taking care of yourself? Properly? Hmmm.. just making sure.

I know first hand how easy it is to get caught up in life and put yourself below other prios but please make sure to remember that you’re special too!! You mean a heck of a lot to me and I hope if you’re feeling down you’ll be able to feel a little less so after some audios! I will deffo be making some comforts in between the 7mih c: since I love comforts most of all!

I always try and read all the comments so if you feel like commenting I’d always love to hear from you! Thank you again for being so kind to me!

Recently I’ve been trying to find inspiration from writing, been working on a story that I’d rewrite every so often which I don’t mind sharing, though it’s not nsfw or anything. I usually don’t write nsfw because I feel like it’s ironically quite a difficult medium sometimes.

Though since all the audios are improv I guess I am prone to just making things up as I go which can be tricky in writing somewhat! Also cause writing is something that usually comes from my dreams! I have extremely vivid dreams which I’ll often write about! They range from dark stories of tragic protags, to very odd or silly ones if I’m honest! Though I’ve never had a nsfw dream cause if something like that happens I would just shoot out of my sleep.

(I remember one time a doctor guy in my dream tried to hit on me and I put on my best surprised pikachu face and promptly shot out of my sleep without a second though in pure shock.)

It’s kind of funny, I bet a lot of people probably think I got a dirty mind, but in truth I just don’t really at all. Probably due to being ace but also I just don’t think I’m a very sexual person in my nature. Though I guess it helps in being able to really objectively look at audios and try and improve them sometimes c:

You ever just wonder if things will really be ok? I sometimes think I’ve messed up too much and it won’t but I try and bounce back with effort and hard work. I’ll admit sometimes I do look at the numbers of things and how they go down and get scared. Though it’s not about the money, it’s about the trust. I always cherished trust and kindness above everything else, and I feel like sometimes due to the mean things said I’ve lost a lot of that, I feel like im washed up sometimes and I’ll end up reclusing in my little recording area and just sitting in silence. Sometimes it’s hours, sometimes it’s not long at all. It’s strange really, because it feels so surreal that any of this ever happened to begin with. I never set out to be a creator, don’t get me wrong, I love being one for the most part. It’s just I think I’ve never been the type cut out for it.

I’m way too sensitive to mean things, because I sometimes have trouble separating myself from my work so I end up feeling like I’m some villain in someone’s story and I feel honestly really sad and worried when I think of it so I try not to. I try really hard to not look back because I sometimes am guilty of the “why didn’t I do this” kind of thing. I don’t like when I get in my head about it but sometimes it’s hard not to.

I think I just gotta focus on today and tomorrow, I know sometimes it may seem like I’m a bit sad but I’m ok. It’s not too much for me to handle, and I think I’m getting better. Y’all have saved me so many times you probably will never know, but thank you for believing in me and supporting my attempts at art c: it means a whole ton!!

Love y’all and please never lose your heart! I hope that your night/day is amazing and that you take good care of yourself!!

—Cleomi Myu


Meli VonCherry

I have an Idea!! Hear me out! Have you heard of inktober? It's somenthing artist do to help with their creativity! All the October month :3 They draw pictures every day of anything halloween related, it can be small draw or super detailed!! They choose!, what if you do little snippets audios, somenthing like a "voice-tober?" (xD Idk) saying somenthing funny with one different character each day? It can last a minute or less! :3 maybe it can help you!! It help me a lot! Always that I have art block (like rn TnT) *cries*) It helps a lot with inspiration!! :3 just saying if you want to try! :3 love you, hope you are feeling better!!


Honestly I came here 2 yrs ago during same the Covid started I decided randomly on YT first. And decided to look up random anime asmrs. Nvr thought about it but it was when asmr was really popular. I discovered the channel listened to your videos and I got hooked.....mainly on a spikey red headed shark. Nvr looked back I watched your highs, and watching you now, I see the effort you're trying and I really appreciate it. Also trying taking some new things look at other things to get that inspirational que. Be you unapologetically.♥️

Yui Dragneel

I hope you’re taking care of yourself as well! We love you and everything you do. We appreciate your hard work and effort and I hope you are taking care of yourself as well. Love you make sure to stay hydrated ! 💜💜💜💜

Mystery Man

I'm not really the type of person to leave a lot of comments, especially longer ones. But I've only recently come across your audios (by recently I mean maybe like two months ago?) and at first was totally unaware of some of the drama you had going on coming from people who clearly are quick to misjudge and don't want to take the time to fact check their accusations and false claims about other people. I am very sorry you have to deal with this, honestly I don't know how you do it. Being a sensitive person myself I take everything to heart and I truly admire how strong you've been through all of this! I don't know you personally, nor do I have the insider knowledge people have about you and this entire community of someone who's been around for longer than I have, but I really hope that you're doing well and that you're going to keep your head up high. Negativity and people who want no good for you comes with being a content creator. That's just the nature of it. But you do have an amazing audience full of people that care about you and wish you the best, don't ever lose sight of that! 💓


I really admire the work you do cece! The audios are not just some empty cash grab, you really put hard work and emotions into them. Yes the audios are sexy af and all that but what I love the most is the passion and creativity you put into them. Keep going queen!


Be sure to take care of yourself and take time to yourself! Holy moly, you've posted so many audios since I last looked! (A few days to a week ago.) Make sure you have time to rest your brain, have time to yourself to do things you enjoy, and make sure to take care of yourself. We all adore and appreciate you, and we all want you to be happy! <3


Awwww honey we love you so much, thanks from the bottom of my heart for everything you’ve done for me in the last few years and I wish you all the happiness and fulfillment in the world 💜💜💜


I'm so excited for Kinktober! 😫 It's gonna be a good month 😈 Let's do this! Can we get more sleepy sex audios? I'd love to see what our other men are like 🥵


This is gonna be a long comment, but I’m unemployed, horny, and a writer. I have too many ideas and here they are (will be sectioned comment by comment, in thread form to this comment so as not to annoy my other simp-chans!!


Idea 1: ❤️🤍Shoto. Shoto and listener are going to a Halloween party. Izuku, Kiri, Katsuki, and Shinso are there, and they all seem a little /too/ impressed with listener’s costume/outfit. Shoto notices, and chaos ensues when they get home. Shoto has to remind listener that while they can soak up all the attention they want, ultimately they belong to Shoto. He’s very possessive in this one.


Idea 2: 💜🖤 Shinso. Shinso and listener are handing out candy to neighborhood kids and watching movies. Eventually it gets too late for trick or treaters, and Shinso feels particularly energized after eating too many Halloween treats, and now wants to partake in his favorite treat. (The listener). He’s very loving and tender, but also horny AF and decides to take things slow to really drive listener crazy. Dom Shinso. Asks listener to pleasure themselves, and tells them good job, good fucking job. And then the night ends with cuddles and Kota meowing at them shamefully for being horny parents to him.


Idea 3: 🤍💚Izuku Midaddya. Deku is excited to spend his first Halloween in his new apartment with listener. Listener is excited as well, and decides a fun activity for them to do together is baking Halloween sugar cookies. Once listener proudly presents the finished cookies, Deku decides to be cute and feed listener one of the cookies (after it’s cooled off of course). Listener takes a bite, and deku short circuits when he sees the way listener’s lips wrap around the cookie he feeds them. He waits for listener to finish chewing, and suddenly shifts into dom daddy mode. At some point, he says “Say my name. Say izuku. Say you want izuku to stuff you”. (I REALLY WSNT TO HEAR DEKU REFER TO HIMSELF BY HIS FIRST NAME OK) and he f’s the s out of listener. Night ends with listener falling asleep while Deku speaks softly to them, and he soon falls asleep as well— only the tv in the background can be heard now.


Idea 4: ❤️💛Hawks😩💦 Keigo decided against going to a party that most of his friends were going to attend, however listener was able to make it. When he finds out that listener showed up via text from dabi consisting of a selfie of the two (obviously to piss off keigo, but in a friendly way because dabi wants keigo to make a move already on his crush, listener) he quickly gets dressed and shows up. He hasn’t been there for more than a few minutes when he sees listener and takes in a deep breath before making his way over and greeting listener. Listener surprises him by how excited they are to see him, saying they had been sad because they didn’t think he’d show. Hawks and dabi talk for a few minutes and dabi tells hawks to just *shia le bouf voice* DO IT!! Hawks nervously flutters his wings just enough that a feather flies off, and listener happens to catch it, joking around with keigo about littering or something. Listener is unaware of what happens if someone plays with kei go’s wings, and starts petting the feather in their hand. Keigo can’t take it anymore and essentially takes off with listener to the roof of the building where it’s quiet, but the distant sound of thumping music can slightly be heard still. Keigo let’s listener know how he feels, and tell them how dangerous it is to play with the feather in their hand, and listener grins, delighted that hawks wants them as much as they’ve wanted him. Listener dom Hawks sub…until Hawks spanks them and puts them in their place :p night ends with keigo taking listener to his apartment and they go to sleep in each other’s arms.

Yui Dragneel

A ban x listener🥰🥰🥰🥰 or meliodas x listener 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😈


I hope things get better I’m sorry to see you got sad news💜 sending good vibes. Also thank you so much I’m on bases with your shiggy audios I have subbed for a couple years (had to make a new account because got locked out of the old one) and I still listen to them on repeat because they are so amazing and the comfort ones help with my mental health and the nsfw have help me a lot with being more intimate with my partner. I experienced a lot of trauma when I was younger and despite wanting to be more intimate with them really struggled to but being able to listen to your shiggy nsfw ones helped me get through it. Your audios mean a lot and thank you so much for making them

Meli VonCherry

Since we are on October OuO)/ highly suggest demons husbandos! Could be Sesshomaru, Lucifer OM or even!! Sebastian Michaelis(OK I know I am being too bold but ah!! I love him!! 🥺) and your skills have improved so much!! ;; I just can't help but wonder how would you voice him! ;; To tell the truth with all the respect he deserves, I believe the English VA didn't make him justice at all, if you heard the Japanese VA it's out of this world!! His voice suit him so well..!! I could listening his voice for hours!!! (≧U≦✿) Love you! :3 bye! ♥️ Also you are doing kinktober great! Keep it up! You got this CC!! ♥️ *hugs*