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EDIT: I want this post to promote love and acceptance to everyone who reads it, please don't feel bad if you don't like a certain audio, I absolutely love ya'll and I want everyone to know its ok if people disagree with this or that, we are a community of acceptance and kindness and please don't worry, that will NEVER change. I will always try and make ya'll smile and smile along side ya'll!! Please never feel like this place will become something else, or like I will try and promote anything but happy and safe place of acceptance and kindness. I know I probably spoke in circles a bit but I am very passionate about us all getting along, I don't want anyone at all to feel left out or feel odd because they are different. You all are wonderful and I want each and every one of you to understand that, because you don't have to be anything you're not and should never be pressured to be something else.

Also to those who defend me :3 I love ya'll but remember! Those other people who had issues are people too, lets be sure to be kind to those even if we have different views! It's ok! I also welcome criticism if anyone ever has it, no need to worry! This place is for everyone! Let's be kind and always remember Love > Hate! So try and never hate or attack for my sake or anyone! We should always try and kill em with kindness and love and acceptance!! Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this, I think this will promote a much healthier message to everyone and give a lot more hope and love!!

EDIT2: I will never support or condone the actions done in crazy audios :3 Only those done in the comfort and cozy audios! 






Its ok cece 💕




dont worry queen! we got your back! ✨


Wait what does NTR mean ;-;


Don’t apologize! 💕 you gave ample warning for it, we knew what we were getting into 🥰 thank you for your amazing content!


Bruh you keep doing you I'm very happy with all your content!

Vixie Styx

cece it’s okay ;-; it was p hot


don’t apologize! you very clearly started that it wasn’t for everyone!


It's okay you sweet bean ╥﹏╥ you're doing good


Omg queen you’re fine it was just a shock lemme say 🧍🏻‍♀️


Babe you’re totally okay 🥺 You put more than enough warning, we don’t hold anything against you


It’s ok Yagami-Chan, we love all of your works. Keep it up!!!


You gave plenty of warning in the post. If people didn’t like it, it just wasn’t for them. You’re doing great sweetie! 💛


wait I loved it


Not all content is going to appeal to everyone. You gave warnings to people, not your fault they didnt abide by them. No reason for you to apologize.


No cece u r so valid

Andrea Wyckoff

Honey you make whatever you desire. In all honesty, its perfectly fine to explore darker things. It gets boring to see the same things all the time! Besides, I still love what you do and I'll always support you!


Don’t worry hun ❤️ everyone makes mistakes ! It’s bound to happen. Part of being human. You’re still loved ❤️❤️


You should never feel sorry for anything you create. You are amazing, if someone doesn't like it you have loads of other amazing audios to enjoy ❤ stay amazing


You’re okay..!!!


It's okay Cece! We all still love you


Not offended in the slightest hun! It was just different. You’re still amazing and absolutely LOVELY!!!


You’re good boo! Do you! Make content you want to make!

Hyper_ Ent

Who was offended cece?


Maybe a sero audio to cleanse our souls? 😔💕 Jk haha I enjoyed The audio!! XD in japan the incest kink in terms of anime and manga is so normalized that I don’t really see it as a problem anymore yknow


Honey, I just think we were more taken off guard with something that was darker than normal! It was a good audio! ❤️


I mean you did give plenty of warning in the description. Its not your fault that people made the decision to listen even when things like that get to them. Its our choice to hit the play button.

Bonnie ☕️

I thought the warning was done really well!


Sweetling you put up plenty of warnings, and if something isn't someone's cup of tea, they can stop listening or not listen at all. You are a joy, and I appreciate your darker stuff just as much as the cutiefluff.


Please don’t feel like you did anything wrong girl!! Keep doing your thing 😌✨


It’s okay! I enjoyed feeling mixed emotions.


Dude what?? Don’t apologize? Like you put triggers. If they listened anyways that’s their problem.


Expressing other kinks in audios that you don’t normally do for other fans isn’t wrong or bad and no one should make you feel like it is! Everyone has different opinions but don’t be sorry 🥺🥰


Girl!!! You are so fine. Everybody has different stuff that they enjoy. The thing is, nobody HAS to listen to something you post. I'm sorry people were complaining.


You put a warning on the description. If people dont like it they shouldn't listen, everyones different. You rock! Dont listen to haters you try your best on every audio. People just shouldn't listen to what they dont like


ahhh yags, i’m really happy you apologized . i’m not saying i was offended because i wasn’t . thank you for coming forward though. it really shows you care about others and that you never had the intent to hurt anyone . love you


Hunny it's ok! You gave a good fair warning of what the audio would entail! We love you 🥰😘


If they don’t like it then they don’t have to listen to it. Everyone has their prefrences


Cece, you let everyone explore their own kinks in a judgement free zone, please don’t apologize. You properly marked all of the more problematic things in that audio; people are responsible for what they choose to consume and we should all be adults here and understand that. To anyone who may have attacked Cece, read the description and decide if you want to consume that. If you don’t, she has SO MUCH MORE for you to consume. Cece is working hard for us.


Owwwwww nooo it's Okey don't be sad 😭😭😭🙏 you make so much good work for us. I hope people are going to be nice to you...




Hey Cece! It’s okay the audio had plenty of warnings and it might not have been for everyone however from an acting & voicing stand point it was great and I just hope you’re having fun making these for us all


Oh honey! You make and create what you want to. No matter what people will always be for or against it. We just want you to be happy and healthy. We appreciate everything you make and even if it's not to our taste I feel like you give fair warnings. Please just take care of yourself and thank you for expressing your creativity ^-^


noooooo please don’t feel bad, it wasn’t personally my thing but i still had fun listening to it! it was entertaining to be uncomfy but you didn’t overstep boundaries!! thank you for everything you do ❤️❤️


I don't think you should apologize :(, you used the correct warnings 💗, the warnings are for something and if they don't like it don't see it, lol.


Don’t worry honey bun, they were just vibin aggressively 😌 no harm done❤️✨


You’re perfectly fine! I think maybe this time if you ever make something like that again you should put it in the first couple words of the post what the kinks are! You’re doing gods work dude!!


I don’t get why you have to apologize when you put a bunch of warnings.. literally saying if you’re sensitive not to listen . I’m not trying to mean or anything but why listen if you’re sensitive. But anyways keep your head up girly a bunch of us enjoyed it too!


It’s your content cece you put plenty of warnings I think and I even think it’s pretty tame for something out of the ordinary I loved it do not worry you continue doing what you want to do cece we will love you always


I loved it 😍


No honey it’s totally fine! Just some people can’t handle too much and instead of just ignoring it, they decide to comment bad shit :/ Like dude you could’ve immediately stop the audio if it wasn’t your cup of tea and not comment like “oh no this ain’t it” “log out for me 👁👄👁” But I think it’s a good idea to put warnings just in case!! Very good job as always though!!💛


It's okay Cece, I mean those who are uncomfy with the pairing usually just don't listen to it and those who are into it DO listen to it. If people aren't comfortable with it they really shouldn't listen to it anyways, so don't feel too apologetic for that. Love you Cece, you're doing great 💞


no sweetpea, you produce content and its up to us to self-govern what we choose to listen to ❤️ you did nothing wrong with this, this is a safe place to explore this kind of thing


Definitely don’t apologize! You put an ample amount of warning. Keep doing you queen 👑 💕


It's ok, it's a lesson in tagging properly but keep in mind that you have every right to create the content you want to create :)


Babe.. honestly dont worry about it. Not everyone is into certain kinks, that's them tho. You shouldn't feel ashamed for posting your work, it's always gonna be a hit or miss with people, you'll never know how your audience will react. No one is forcing anyone to listen to anything here. If they arent into it, they can skip that audio for the day. It's no big deal


There was plenty of warnings. You’re amazing!


You have nothing to apologize for!! Never feel sorry. I’m sorry people made you feel that you had to apologize for something you made. You’re a queen amongst us Cece 💜


Honey don't apologize this is your patreon which means you content if people don't like then they don't like it! However, warning are kinda important. We still love you and support your work!💗💖💜❤💖💗😍


Hey bby! Yeah, it's not for everyone, but that's what the description is for! We appreciate what you do for us and love you ♡


Baby it is absolutely alright. People click on the audios at the their own discretion even with warnings. The NTR audio was a fun experience and I like to see more darker sides of Kinks, if you’re comfortable with it of course. You’re doing good for us, so you don’t need to apologize. I hope you’re doing okay and taking care of yourself.❤️❤️


Please don’t be upset, you publish so much great stuff! Some things just aren’t people’s cup of tea. Don’t let the negativity get you down!!


Please don’t let this deter you from making more similar to this in the future! There are so so so soooo many people that thoroughly enjoyed this and are excited to see what else you have offer down this path. You are catering to a larger demographic of fans, and making sure everyone is included ❤️❤️


You do what you got to do Cece. It was a gift for a friend. I am sure your friend was very happy with this gift. Was a little thrown off by the audio, but still listened through it all and enjoyed your voice artistry.😁


Honey you’re perfectly okay! It was amazing and some kinks arent for everyone and that’s okay!! Everyone has their preferences! You did wonderfully darling and we love you🥺💕


You gave A TON of warnings on that post, if people got offended or uncomfortable I wish they would’ve taken the warnings more seriously!!! I for one VERY MUCH ENJOYED IT😆🥰


If they don't like it they don't need to be on the patreon. They know what your content is.


anybody that has a problem could’ve simply not listened, you worked hard for us and the audio came out great🥺❤️ anyone who can’t see that is just ignorant


It’s okay! The audio was really goo


Awe no ;-; some of us have hardcore kinks too.


Don’t apologize! Your content is YOUR contact and you’re free to express yourself however you’d like. 🖤🖤🖤


I’m sad that you feel the need to apologize. Not offended at all! Keep up the amazing work


I feel like there was plenty of warning :( thank you for showing you care Cece


Awww it okay it might not have been for everyone hey it wasn’t for me but I found it very funny


I swear to god.. who ever is complaining about ceces content needs to leave. Straight up. Just leave. Unsubscribe and leave WE DONT WANT YOU HERE.


Are you kidding you have plenty of warning and I know A LOT of us asked for this. People that are uncomfortable clearly can’t read or just shouldn’t be listening anyway. You’re a queen we appreciate you so much


Honestly, you gave plenty of warning.... of people don’t like it there are PLENTY of other audios to listen to 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s your Patreon, you post what you want, it’s your world and we’re just living in it haha 😆 but for real you don’t need to apologise, you have heaps of warning.


you gave plenty warning in the post cece 🥺 please don't apologize, it was up to them to continue to listen.



Hyper_ Ent

Everybody is different, you put warnings in the description, if they didn't read it that's their fault, if they did and still listened thats also their fault. Don't feel bad Cece.


You gave plenty of warnings and disclaimers. Your amazing and you tried something different. We really appreciate you and your art!!


Keep doing what you what, you’re all good 💕✨

Aya Smile

No no no don't apologize Cece! Everything you put out always have a story line and it's excellent and awesome that you are able to create wonderful audios! Don't like anyone put you don't! Please keep up the work! We Freaking Love You!!! ❤❤❤❤❤


No worries cece! It was amazing as always and it’s was interesting to hear sm different! We appreciate the hard work you put into theses and we love you for it🤗💙


You gave more than enough warnings on the video. It’s okay keep doing what you love and what you want🥰🥰🥰


My dear, it's okay and u are an amazing artist and you deserve to try new things. And I really enjoyed it bc it was indeed something new and I love your work. <3


Girl don’t worry about it! Your perfect!


You did an amazing job warning and letting us decide to listen. I personally loved it, i hope to see more in the future


You are allowed to post what you want love, you gave the warnings and it’s not on you if someone didn’t read them before jumping in. It’s not my cup of tea so I didn’t listen, but I respect your decision and those who find it appealing. Please don’t apologize for trying new things, this is your platform and yours alone lovebug!


i loved itttt


angel you definitely dont need to apologize 🥺


Aweee cece no need to apologize you gave the warnings the rest is up to them


I thought your warning was quite clear! You did nothing wrong. If someone ignored the warning that is on them not you!


in my opinion there wasn’t anything wrong with the audio!! you gave a warning (a BIG one, might i add), and if people don’t like it, they simply don’t listen to it. you don’t have to apologize for your actions! the fact that you explored with things like this really makes me appreciate you more! and so what if it isn’t for everyone! you make audios with different characters for a reason, right? because not everyone is going to like that character! you’re competent fine, cece💕


Please don’t apologize. You gave plenty of warning of the content. You do have fans that appreciate that kink. You don’t cater to just one kink either, which I love. You’re inclusive. If people don’t like it, they don’t have to listen,. You are talented as hell. I enjoyed it, it invoked feelings in me. Sadness and other things. What you do is art. Don’t apologize for your content, please.


Don’t be sorry! You’re just fulfilling the wants of your fan base.


I don’t think anything you have done has made me uncomfortable. I have loved all of your work so far. There are some post I’m not into but someone else really likes it and I’m always excited that everyone likes different things. I would love more Hawks and Kenma audios


Cece you made sure to put proper trigger warnings in the description you did nothing wrong you don’t need to apologize ❤️

Tanya Garcia Lopez

You did gave us a warning ⚠️ Don’t worry about us please don’t let people get to you

Reese E. Cups

NO NO NO!!! It’s ok it was so exciting and crazy!!!! Please don’t feel bad!!!! We love you!!!!


it’s ok. i really like the darker side of kinks and been feeling kinda down by the soft ones. BUT THATS OK TOO. there’s people for everything. imo you gave enough warnings what could include the video but maybe other people prefer it in tags? idk really what they think




I thought the warnings were very clear and I love that you explore a wide range of play/kink! No apologies needed for me 💕💕


Please don’t say sorry 😭😭 you did all that you could to warn people of the content that you made. I believe that your opinion on the art comes first and then the people who consume it second. Keep being amazing I love you 🤍🤍🥺🥺


You don’t need to feel bad at all! There was plenty of warning 💜


You are incredibly thoughtful to even consider that you would need to apologize but you don’t have to! I love ever second of all of your work! We love and support you!! 💕




Ahh no don’t worry! You put plenty of warning and it may not be for everyone but I know there were people who enjoyed it! You do such an amazing job!!!


I thought it was a good exploration!


I mean you put warnings and everything, and even stated it wasn't a normal audio. It seems like you did everything you could, but its endearing you still check in with your audience. You're cool bro.


I don’t think anyone should be offended really. I do agree that her apologizing shows she cares, but it also shows how critical it is to her how well her work is received. She shouldn’t have to feel bad about making content that caters to everyone instead of just the more tame people :p


Pleasepleasepleaseplease DON’T feel sorry for art you put your heart into even if someone’s not ok with it 😢🙏🏼 it’s not your fault that some people are not able to explore space out of their comfort zone. You’re an artist not a copy machine


I thought the tags were pretty clear, and there's a huge variety of kinks in this community so it was inclusive that the hardcore people got something for them. Never apologize! <3 <3 <3


There is a bunch of warnings already and it seems extremely clear that it's not for the softies


Don’t apologize! There were more than enough warnings, if someone didn’t head them then it’s their fault, please don’t be too hard on yourself!

Victoria W

It's ok, I personally am not offended, it's just not something I'm gonna want to listen to. You put plenty of warnings, and if people ignore them that's more on them, not you.


don’t feel bad it was excellent need a prt 2 asap ❤️😊


Dont apologise CeCe! Not everyone will like all the various kinks you add to your audios, and that's just how things are going to be. You mark the harsher audios very well and that makes it easy to avoid for those who dont like that sort of thing. But it also makes us who do enjoy them happy that you do the more grim ones once in a while. So please don't apologise for trying to appeace everyone, you're doing such a fantastic job already ❤️❤️ Take a breather and some water, we all love the effort you put into your work even if we don't listen to all of them ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Please Cece don't apologize. You made the appropriate tags and warnings. Your content not always be everyone's cup of tea but that doesn't mean you should apologize for that


What does NTR mean? Am I dumb?


not everything is everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay!!! you make so much content everyone can find something they enjoy!!! don’t feel bad for making and posting more extreme content bc some of us enjoy it!! i hope no one gave u a hard time about it💕💕

Amy Rose

Please don’t apologize! I feel like you put as many warning as you needed to and for all those who were not really into I saw just as many positive posts, in my personal opinion I’m not a fan of Enji but I thought it got the point across and I was both hurt and aroused?? Didn’t know that was even a thing but hey! That’s why I’m here to learn more about myself 😘


You gave plenty of warning as to what they were getting themselves into. Don’t apologize at all it’s not your fault.💕💕💕




Cece! You have nothing to apologize for! It definitely isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but it was a really good audio! I personally love it when you explore different types of kinks and stuff. This is your platform and you can do what you want on it!


You offered plenty of warnings! It was at viewer’s own discretion! There’s no need to apologize! 💕💕💕 You’re amazing!!


Dont feel sorry !!! You gave enough warning !! Also everything you do is amazing so dont bring yourself down !!!


I cannot stress enough just how wonderful you are, please don't let it get to you, you really don't have to apologize, thank you for all the wonderful content ❤❤


No one is forcing anyone to listen to them...the warnings you put are very clear. I’d you don’t know what they mean then look them up.


you gave a clear warning of what contained in the audio Cece! don’t be so hard on yourself, people all have difference tastes on what they all like! personally i loved the audio and i’m sure a lot of others enjoyed it too! just do what you love, and keep creating the audios that you want to create. no matter what you do, us real supporters love you! ( ◠‿◠ )


You gave lots of good warnings on the post, I really enjoyed it!!


My dear, it's alright. You are an amazing artist and you deserve to try new things and it was indeed something knew and never heard before and that was a quite cool experience. Your work is amazing and don't beat yourself up <333


Aww Cece don't feel bad at all! It's you're platform and you get to create what you like! I'll admit it wasn't my cup of tea but I still found it entertaining nonetheless! You didn't overstep any boundaries at all so don't worry! Keep expressing your creativity however you like!

slasher slut

Don’t worry love, it’s fine. This is your art and your work. You don’t need to apologize for that. Some may be into this and others won’t it’s normal. Don’t apologize for anything. You’re amazing and we appreciate you 🖤✨


You’re fine! You put warnings and nobody is forced to listen if they don’t want to 💕. You shouldn’t have to apologize :)


Don’t apologize you did nothing wrong you gave everyone a warning In the post you LITERALLY SAID DONT LISTEN if they listened to it then what’s there fault not yours please keep you head up love 💕


Aw hugs for you I support you all the way you're an amazing artist not everyone is the same but that doesnt mean their are others who appreciate everything you do 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Don’t worry about it cece it’s not like u didn’t warn us ur all good 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾


ITS FINE CECE, idk why anyone got offended when you put a warning ⚠️

dabi ✨

It was so good!! You have nothing to be sorry for, you were really clear about what was gonna be in it and people should not have listened to it at all if they knew they were uncomfortable with what was in it. A lot of us loved it a lot :) I hope you make more in the future if you like making them, don’t let them get you down!


Keep pushing those boundaries CeCe. We love you! ❤️


I enjoyed it! And honestly as an audio medium with fictional characters I think its a good way to explore it. Everyone is different and for some people it may be too much and its always fun to explore. I love all your work and please don't apologize we all love you. Also yay fatgum!


You’re good, while yeah it was different it was a good different. Like everyone said if people didn’t like it those who were “offended” by it shouldn’t have listened to it. It’s an amazing audio and you have such a supportive community who loves everything you give us!

Samantha Schertzberg

Please never apologize, especially for stuff like this! Not everything is gonna be everyone’s cup of tea! If people don’t wanna listen they don’t have too cux you’ve done nothing wrong! ❤️❤️❤️


You gave more than enough warning in the discription, please dont worry too much. We love and support all your content. And are well aware that nsfw and spicy audios were a regular thing. We all know better so please dont be sorry. And dont limit yourself. You make what you want and have fun with it. Thats the only reason your content is so wonderful. It comes from the heart and we love that. Keep it up please :3


idk about y’all but i loved it !!! ;; and you have ENOUGH warnings in the description, they heard it at their own risk plz don’t feel bad u worked hard on it and it was incredible! 🥺💖


Your amazing cece💛 if anyone had a problem they shouldn’t have and don’t need to listen to it because you have warnings


I can only speak for myself but sincerely none of your audios disturb me! There are obviously kinks that I’m not into (pegging) however, it makes me happy to think that others are enjoying them. This Patreon is truly the best thing I’ve ever found because it allows people to explore and discover more of their kinky side (like me) or to fulfill the kinks they already had. I think that as long as the audios have a disclaimer of the type of content that’s featured in it, so other people don’t get triggered and decide whether to skip it or not, it should be fine.


Do not be sorry! This is your content. You gave us a warning and always warn us appropriately and there those of us who are into that darker side of kinks. You can’t appease everyone. Please do not apologize! We adore you.


Cece it’s ok hun!! Everyone makes mistakes and you did warn us 💖 don’t stress about it honey. We still love you & we’ll be fine ! ☺️💜💜💜🤩


I felt like you gave plenty of warnings as to what was in the audio 🤷🏻‍♀️


If people cant read warnings about the audios then it's absolutely NOT you fault and you ahve no reason to apologise for giving us content out of the normal range. This is your page and we are here to support you in this journey no matter what 🥺🥺😔❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😤😤😤 Whatever you are comfortable with, don't stop. We love you so much and hope you are okay ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Dont apologize! I thought your warnings were perfectly clear! If people want to act like they didnt know, then they're just revealing that they dont know how to read. I want to thank you for exploring so many different kinks; its something to be proud of!


You have nothing to be sorry for you posted a warning and you made it known what is was anyone who didn't read thats on them it was amazing content like alway! You are amazing thank you for all you do!


Don’t you apologize for posting! 💙 I’ll be listening when I get home. Just know that you’re amazing! 🥰


Angel, you’re more than allowed to make mistakes. It’s ok to make content that doesn’t make everyone happy! You’re doing great ok? It’s just a good lesson at the end of the day, but don’t let anyone make you feel bad for an honest mistake.


You seriously make amazing content and it was definitely sufficiently tagged for warnings and if they close not to read those warnings that is on them not you! Keep being amazing!!!!


Noooo nonono love please don't apologize! Some things just aren't people's cup of tea. They just simply don't have to listen. Plus there were MORE than enough warnings. I'll never be offended :c


You’re fine!! You put a lot of warning, and if I’m being honest I’m just happy you’re making what you like! But like 100 percent that was hella hot and I loved every minute


Not worries, is something new for some people! I’m great full that you put a lot of hard work in your audios! It’s a lot of pasión and it a different chapter, so don’t worry and Thanks!


Cece you gave a lot of warnings you did nothing wrong they should read what you put it’s not your fault


You gave a very clear warning so no need to apologize 💕💕💕💕


No cece don’t cry it’s your content and you put enough of warning on what was gonna happen it’s up to us to take your warnings and say will I freak out if I hear this you did nothing wrong it’s your work this is a safe place to explore and try new things your work is amazing ❤️❤️✨


Do not say you are sorry. You are wonderful and beautiful. I'm. Full of serotonin because of you


Your good you gave all the warnings you needed to. It's not your fault they didn't head the warnings. I'm still glad you apologized though. Bot that you really needed to but it makes others feel better.


You gave more than enough warning and it was great audio!! Exploring the darker side of kink in a safe space is so important!


No it’s ok! Like you said, you made this audio for a specific audience in mind. Not everyone is gonna like it but that’s fine. You gave a warning at the beginning that should be then end of it. Keep doing what you’re doing and make the audio you want. ❤️❤️❤️


I absolutely love the degrading and rough audios! That’s my opinion and you cater to it and it makes me so excited! You explore all kinds of kinks and i love it


im not offended at all i think you put enough warnings!!! ❤️🥰❤️🥰


Chilllll I liked the post very much, and yea everybody isn’t gonna like the same thing but you did tag it and warn people so don’t even trip homie


You gave adequate trigger warnings and made the intent obvious, there are people with these kinks but if it’s not their thing they really shouldn’t have interacted with it.


DONT FEEL BAD you did an amazing job!!! ❤❤❤


Cece you gave plenty of warning, literally two paragraphs worth. If they continued to listen without reading the first lines, that’s on them at this point.


Everyone has different things that they enjoy, I read the description and thought personally it wasn’t my taste, but hating on it because it’s not my preference is disrespectful to others who use this platform as a safe space to explore. You’re work is still amazing and I’m glad to see others are still strong with the support! Hope you’re doing well!


don’t be sorry ! people should’ve listened to the warnings 🥺❤️


We understand, it was a bit much I won’t lie but I forgive you !


aw don’t feel sorry! you have been so considerate and so consistent with your feelings towards us 🥺❤️ we all appreciate everything you do for us! stay positive, healthy, and strong! we love you!


I don’t even know what NTR is. If it’s that bad then it’s ok! Some of us enjoy the heavy extreme content!


Cece don’t feel bad!! It’s alright!!


I loved it, it was an adventure and something different. Fully support anything you do! Exploring this kink helped me figure out what I like myself. Please don’t feel deterred, a good amount of us loved your gift


No no no it’s okay !! You gave warnings do your thang! Your doing great don’t let negative people get in the way! ❤️


Not really my cup of tea but I think it's cool that you're branching out and experimenting with different aspects and ideas between more normal posts(: Keep it up, Cece!


I thought the audio was awesome personally and I hope that there will be a follow up cause it has me hooked. You don’t have to worry about apologizing for trying out new things to spice up the audios.


You put more than enough warnings!! you did nothing wrong 🥺


DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR SOMETHING YOU DECIDED TO DO EVER. I was nowhere near offended, but I was heartbroken for Shoto. I have mixed feelings with it comes to the degrading kink but this is YOUR art you create & you always put disclaimers on all of your audios, incase some of your audience can't handle it. To those that decided to listen to it & ignored the disclaimer & TWs, that was all on them, even if they were curious & I don't mean to say this to sound like an asshole to those that did but at the end of the day, they decided to click on it. Just keep doing what you do❤️

Alejandra bermejo

You could literally hit me wirh your car and I’d still forgive you. My whole life has changed since I found your stuff, it isn’t so hard to exist because of the comfort audios and the MHA stuff is just icing on the cake for them lonely nights 😌. You gave enough warnings don’t feel too bad


Cece don’t apologise!! I mean you wrote a big warning!! If someone isn’t smart enough to not listen to an audio they can’t be mad at you for your work!! You didn’t do anything wrong ♥️♥️♥️


You put plenty of warnings!! 💕💕 I for one loved the audio. Not every audio will be everyone's cup of tea and that's okay. You are not at fault for anything Cece!! 💖


Girl dont be sorry, I feel like you gave plenty of warning. That being said, shoto at the end broke my heart and I want to make it up to him 😥


incest isn’t it.


It’s your work sweetie! You can make whatever you want & if anyone is uncomfortable with a certain one than they have the free will to decide not listen. I myself decided it probably wasn’t for me, even as tempting as it was because I love everything you make. But more warning are always welcomed!


I love your extra kinky stuff so never feel ashamed! And you did put a bunch of warning there, also on an unrelated note and a request for my best friends birthday, if you would do a shinso sleep aid it would be the best present ever!


Queen please don't apologize you put so many warnings on that post


don’t apologize CeCe 🥺💖 you put warnings and all too! if people who were uncomfy chose to listen despite all that, that’s on them. we’re thankful for everything you’ve done for us 💖


Noooo BABYY don’t apologize I love you regardless


It was really good!!! You got us all hooked, don't worry your pretty head about it 🥰🥰🥰




Cece it's ok! I appreciate that you worry for every single one of your followers and respect their opinions and likes (must importantly their kinks) but don't feel sad it's OK!! ♥♥ we will always love you and support you!


Please dont be sorry, youre ways so careful with your fanbase. I know you are always trying your hardest to put out what everyone wants! Thank you for always being so considerate! Plus you totally did give us warnings!


I will say it was an odd post even for you Yagami, HOWEVER that doesnt change my view of you and I am sure I speak for a lot of us when I say we know you didn't mean any harm by it 😁, its okay. I still look forward to more of your audios always


My Queen there is no need for you to apologize, you put all the warnings there in the description and it’s up to people to decide if they want to take a chance on that or not. I personally thought you did a fabulous job and if anything I support your work more because it healthily normalizes kinks and sexuality. Keep being your amazing self and creating whatever you feel like creating ❤️❤️❤️


It's Japanese for cuckold; someone who finds pleasure in seeing their s/o being taken and pleasured by someone else Hope this helps! 😊🤍


It's okay! I appreciated the content warnings and there were plenty. I chose not to listen but I'm not offended whatsoever <3 Keep doing what you're doing!!!


You gave a warning Cece!!! You shouldn’t feel bad because some people apparently cannot be fucked to read the warnings. You did a good job exploring the kink and while it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, it IS for others. The fact you’re exploring harder kinks for the audience that’s into that is actually nice bc not everyone would be willing to do so


Cece no, you gave people plenty of warning; if they listened and didn’t like it that’s their fault. 100%. You’re amazing! 🖤


Nah, it's ok. The audio wasn't my cup of tea personally, but some people have that kind of kink, and this is a safe place for them to express that. Don't feel bad about it, people will like or dislike what they will. Don't beat yourself up over it, especially if it was just a gift for a friend/a exploration of content.


No need to apologise. You put the warning out there to not listen if they are sensitive about it. It's their fault for not reading it. And no need to apologise for exploring outside of your comfort zone. Doing that advances you more for different things and ideas. You're amazing don't let stupid people bring you down when you were in the right. 😔😔😔


dude just listen at your own risk. the warnings were there 🙄 .


bless your soul :’( i thought there were enough warnings and even tho it’s not my thing i still enjoyed it!!!


CECE!! Please don’t apologize! You didn’t do anything wrong! The warnings were very clear and also we embrace ALL KINKS HERE🥺 I love how you change things up! It keeps things fresh and keep us listening 👁👄👁!! Thank you for always working so hard for us and giving us great content! I loved it💕 And I love you💜


Please don't feel guilty, you explore boundaries and make us discover things we didn't even know we would like, while making us feel safe at the same time. I think with warnings is fine, maybe add a sort of keywords section where we can easily find I'd something might bother you and just avoid it. Something I'll never understand is why would people watch or listen to something they know they won't like, warnings are there!! It doesn't make you a bad person. You are amazing and I absolutely love your work!! 😘💙💙💙

luna s

It's okay 👍 😌 you did us enough warnings. If they clicked and watching it's all on them. Some people are just not into it. But for me 😁🤚 i am most into it. It was shocking at first, but then bam my oc is going to get all types of messed up. But it an amazing job. Don't feel like you did something wrong. Be true cece!! 😊. But man it was a wild ride. 🙈🙈🙈🙈 i wouldn't stuff like this


ITS OKAY!!!! I was thrown off a little bit but I enjoyed it very much. Don’t be upset about it and I do hope you can create similar content like that in the future 🥺❤️ we love you!!!


YAGAMI!!!!! DO NOT APOLOGIZE!!!!! You gave PLENTY OF WARNINGS!!!!!! People can read and if they decided to click on it that’s not your fault because you gave them WARNINGS! I didn’t personally care for the situation because I hate endeavor and love my baby Shoto but I still appreciate your artistry and your ability to make a story come to life ! I also enjoyed the quirk play and the dominance!!! Don’t apologize Yagami you spoil us every day . No matter what you do people will ALWAYS find something g to complain or trip about! You did the audio and it catered to those who have those types of links. No big deal girl just keep it pushing! * starts jamming and dancing to Hip Hop Henry* WHOS NEXT??


Can y’all leave this woman alone 😑 she put plenty of warnings and there are different people with different taste in here. It’s your fault if you still listened anyway knowing good and well you wouldn’t like it. LOVE YOU QUEEN YOU ARE AWESOME ❤️👑🥵🥺😍


it’s ok!! you’re such a great person and we appreciate all the hard work you do Cece!!!🥺💕

Anura ☆

honestly, the warnings were there lol. anyone that would have been triggered or offended by it would have known what to expect. don’t apologize.


You marked them with plenty of warnings, anyone that clicked on it knew full well what they were getting themselves into and it isn't your fault if people ignore warnings. If people are old enough to be here paying for content, they're old enough to be able to choose what they can and can't handle. If the tags aren't something people like, they should just skip the post, and it's not your fault if they listen anyway and upset themselves, this is YOUR channel and YOUR content and at the end of the day we all love you for everything you do. Not every audio is going to please everyone, and people need to realize that and focus on the things they DO like, and ignore the ones they don't. It's all fiction and people deserve to be able to explore darker content just as much as the soft fluffy stuff. Keep doing what you're doing!


You definitely put enough warnings in! Not all things are for all people there’s lots of content for all sorts of folks here!


Yagami you are too good for us, thank you for being an exceptional human being🥺✨


Hey keep creating what YOU want to do Yagami! Just know most people are over dramatic and toxic out there when it comes to certain characters they hate the most and such with the kinks. Keep up the great work, you're a strong creator!! 💖💖


Dont worries cece <3 i feel like you gave us enough warning ! I did really enjoy it ! Keep up the good work Queen <3 !!!


U are a queen!! I loved it 💕👏💕👏 Que no se caiga tu 👑 Reina ❤💜


If they don't like it, they should just NOT LISTEN TO IT. You gave A LOT os warnings Pls, don't apologize. 💜

jasmine morgan

It's alright 🥰 we appreciate it


You shouldn't apologize! You gave content warnings, and if people don't like it they don't have to listen to it. 🥰 You're doing amazing.


You always give so many warning before hand everyone should know what they’re are getting into 😭 you make amazing creative content for everyone’s tastes don’t let this stop you amazing 🖤


Yeah listen, you are extremely well at warning us when things are about to get WEIRD or uncomfortable for some others. You don’t need to apologize what so ever, but we do appreciate the fact that you care so much. Just shows how much of a thoughtful person you are. We love you, ain’t nothing gonna change that. ❤️


you did nothing wrong 💞 I loved it so much, and would love to see more content just like it!!


Don't apologize, I haven't heard it yet but you have a disclaimer beforehand for them on every audio It's not your fault they listened to it anyways


No need to apologize. You labelled it correctly and gave thorough warning. They are just looking for reasons to send hate. I, personally, have been looking forward to a post like that for a while. Thank you for your hard work!!!


You have no reason to apologize!! You warned us we knew what we were getting into. I was one that hesitantly listened. Felt feelings. And now will continue to attempt to manifest Shotos revenge😂. Your work is amazing and we all love you ❤️❤️


You dont have to apologize! You sufficiently warned everyone with the title and description. Everyone who listened knew that the audio was going to be very extreme. You shouldn't be sorry for experimenting and staying from the norm. You can make whatever content you want.


Hey hey woah, dont sweat it! Not every audio is gunna be for everyone, and thats okay, the audio reached its intended audience and anyone who didn't enjoy it is free to move on! ❤️❤️❤️


The warnings were helpful so I could I proceed with caution, even though I did end up enjoying the audio 😗👉👈 You did good okay don't worry. 💕

Ren ✨

Cece please don’t feel bad! You put appropriate tags and warned people of the nature of the audio!! I think it’s cool that you’re exploring different things. Even if it wasn’t my cup of tea, I can still appreciate it. And I’m happy for the people who did enjoy the concept! Please don’t be sorry 🥺💕 we love you


Oh babe you gave us a fair 🚨 warning 🚨 and thank you so much for making content for us folk with the kinkier kinks😘


It's okay Cece! I thoroughly enjoyed the audio and think you gave plenty of warnings! Keep up the great work and please keep trying new and fun things! ☺️☺️☺️💕


We love you so much Cece, the fact that you not only put the warnings on the audio to WARN people about what’s to come but also to apologize for something that technically isn’t your fault. Now I’m not saying that people with trama should get over this kinda of stuff. Friends please, you need to be careful and read the warnings on the audios that’s why they’re there. You may disagree with an audio’s content and that’s fine. But the fact that you are paying for content you agreed to sign up for, and having access to choose the audios that YOU want to listen to is all that needs to apply.




Cece!! It was fine💕💕 you put alot of warning on it💕 and we appreciate you doing something out of the norm!! 💕💕💫💫 so don't worry! You did amazing queen


I really appreciate all of your works I'm honestly ok with this tipe of fellings, specially when i read warning. I think we're a big baby's and can handle this Thank you for your hard work


I completely agree. Warnings were placed. It’s like seeing a “warning: electrical current” sign and touching the fence anyway. Nothing to apologize for


You're good! Your warning was more then enough. You named everything. People should read the captions first.. and if they geel uncormfy with it, they dont have to listen to it. I and many other liked it. Keep going!


I'm getting really tired of these people that can't just move the fuck along when it's not something they like as if she needs to cater to you specially out of 32k people. There is absolutely no way you can say she didn't give enough warning on that post. Cece should not have to keep apologizing and feeling bad because of a few ignorant people. . Cece just keep doing you and the real ones will keep loving you and hyping you up as usual ❤❤


I thought it was good, and you gave enough warning. Keep it up 😊


There is no need to apologize or feel guilty we all still very much love and admire you.I like the more spicier audios last time i got the 25.00 tier and I was kinda tight with $$ this month but I can see the difference.I am getting the 25$ tier next month.I miss it sooo much.😍😘 L❤VE F💙R all


Sweetie, you're good! You put plenty of warnings in the description and if anyone felt uncomfortable, they could just stop listening. We're proud of you for exploring new ideas!


Its okay


It was clearly marked, some of us like extreme content and that definitely was! No need to be sorry for your creativity. Though I simp Todoroki so hard I still loved it just like I love all your content


Please dont apologize for your creativity and content, ever! You always have plenty of warnings on every single post so people have no reason to take offense. It was their choice to listen despite warnings and they are responsible for that decision, not you!!! Please continue doing what you do best!! Your true fans love all of your content, ALL of it!!!


You’re fine bb 💙


If anyone who was going to be offended by it listened, is an idiot considering you put plenty of warning. I was low-key into it. We need a hard dom shoto to win us back though!


it’s ok cece


i saw the warnings and it made me uncomfortable so i just chose not to listen to it. i think you put enough warnings on there don't worry


Cece your fine love people just need to not say anything you did nothing wrong we love you so much don’t let it get to you honey trust me you did nothing wrong at all❤️❤️❤️🖤


Oh God don't apologize sweetie!!! U just did it with good intentions and the will to create quality content! We really appreciate the amount of effort u put into ur work and ur passion! The warnings were just perfect and appropriate ♥️♥️♥️ do not blame urself. Love u!!~~


Please don’t be sorry! I saw the title and said “this one may not be for me” so I may not listen to it. I don’t have to click play if I don’t want to. No one is forcing it on me. Add more warnings if you were seeing feedback about that. ☺️ You are creating a space for different kinks and that’s okay!


Who was so weak that they got offended by that !? If no one got offended by Void I'm 100 % sure that ntr was perfectly fine. You could cuss me in person and I still wouldn't be offended 😂 be proud of your work. It was great.


Sweetie, you're good! You put plenty of warnings in the description and if anyone felt uncomfortable, they could just stop listening. We're proud of you for exploring new ideas!


It’s ok Yagami-senpai. You gave your listeners plenty of warnings and tbh, I enjoy a lot of the work you do for your fans. Keep up the good work💕💕💕


Please don't be upset or apologize! You gave tons of warnings and disclaimers in the description of the audio. It was pretty clear what the audio would entail and anyone that chose to listen was accepting those terms. I listened and it was honestly more tame than I would have guessed given the warnings! I'm sorry if people made you feel bad or like you had to apologize.


CeCe PLEASEEEE don't feel bad. Some things aren't certain people's cup of tea. And you put plenty of warnings so there's that. I'll never be offended. You do an amazing job never feel bad for that 🥺💛


The title very clearly said Cheating. It's not your fault if someone can't read. I don't intent to sound rude, but I hate when people blame others for their incompetence or short comings. You did literally nothing wrong.


Oh my gosh I thinks it’s honestly fine you gave enough of a warning that if people truly didn’t understand that on them because you explained fully what the audio is about you are such a sweetheart and I appreciate you caring about us but I think you’re fine I know I can’t speak for everyone but I am not necessarily into the audios with like two people but I read the descriptions and understand what I’m getting into those people needed to take the time to read what the audio was about before clicking because you made it very clear what it was about anyways just keep doing you and love your work and keep being amazing Queen


CECE!!!! you sweet, precious cinnamon roll. You have nothing to apologize for!!!


There is no need to apologize. You have the biggest trigger warning I’ve ever seen. If someone read that and still listened and got upset, that’s on them. We love you 🖤


Cece, you put more than enough trigger warnings, and if people still decide to listen and then complain, thats really not on you. You're not at fault. Please dont feel bad :c<3


Its okay bean! I know some people definitely liked it. Please don't apologize 🥺


Cece don't worry too much,,, it had warnings and if people didn't read it, it's their fault not yours💗


The audio was amazing the kink aspects added so much to it! Like I swear to god i t was the best and there were enough warnings for people before hand so no dive into the kinky world you got your lil freaks here who love it!! Keep it up and you are doing amazing!! Uggh I love your audios soo much


There is nothing to apologize for if someone doesn't want to listen to it there's nothing forcing them to. You don't owe us any apologies, keep being your amazing self!


noo i think you were very good with the warnings but that’s my perspective, thank you for all your hard work and effort regardless!!💗


I agree you shouldn’t feel bad about the post, tho it’s good to know your audience, their feelings towards certain kinks are always gonna be different! I read the title and decided not to listen myself however I personally cannot wait for that Fatgum audio tho 👁👄👁


Sweetie, you're good! You put plenty of warnings in the description and if anyone felt uncomfortable, they could just stop listening. We're proud of you for exploring new ideas!


Please don't get rid of it! I love all your work even if it is a little weird sometimes. Adds to the charm.


Don't feel bad or anything! It's totally fine honey we love you sm!!!❤❤❤✨

Christina Gibson

It had tons of warnings on it. There's no way they were missed unless someone really didn't even glance at the title etc. There's no way for you to please every person every time so please don't feel bad on this one. If someone takes a chance on an audio with that many warnings that's on them. There comes a point when people need to take some responsibility for themselves and their choices.


Honestly, you put warnings on it and told people in advance it was a pretty dark audio. If people disregard that and then get mad at you, that's on them


Im sorry that we pushed u to the point of deleting it. It was satisfactory for some of us and others felt bad abour hurting shoto but who are we to put blame on u for trying to make us happy. My friend was really excited to hear this aswell


You put out plenty of warnings! Please don’t let this stop you from branching out and trying new kinks/concepts with the characters!!


Cece...I’m sorry but Cece isn’t it. I advise you to not make another one of these. Besides it having warnings it still doesn’t really justify it.


You’re quite alright! If anyone ignored the warnings, the problem is with them not you! Continue being great! We appreciate all that you do


baby we really don’t deserve you. don’t apologize. 🥺


It's okay 🥺


Its fine for me, plus they were the warnings and if people dont listen then its not your fault. Like people say you are too good for us.😊😊✌


Oh cece! Please don’t apologize, you gave plenty of warnings. Not everything is for everyone, And that’s ok. Please know so many of us love and support you. Please take care of yourself, ok? Love you Cece 💖


Sweetie, you're good! You put plenty of warnings in the description and if anyone felt uncomfortable, they could just stop listening. We're proud of you for exploring new ideas!


The entire description was a warning, I'm not sure how much clearer you could have been with those -^- people knew what they were getting themselves into at that point.


If* If they don’t know what the warnings are then they need to look it up themselves. I personally didn’t know what NTR was and was going to look it up before I heard the audio just in case.

Aya Smile

Cece you put warnings for everybody. If they didn't bother to read the warnings that is their fault not yours. You are our Queen, we freaking love you❤❤❤❤❤ do not feel bad please!!! Please keep you the great work!!!!


babes u gave a warning, if someone still goes into it having seen the warnings, knowing they won't enjoy it and gets mad thats on them not you


Wait what happened. What post? Cece babe? Why is she saying sorry. Please someone explain 😢


You don't need to apologize Cece. I'll admit I was a little surprised but I'm definitely not complaining haha. Besides, you did put appropriate warnings on the audio so its on us if we listen to it. ❤❤


Don't be sorry. You tagged it. They want to be terrible about something that isn't their kink, they need to find something else to listen to, tbh. I am sure it's great. Not my personal kink, but I'm curious to take a listen to see how you did! From one 18+ creator to another, it is YOUR content. If it makes you happy, make what you want. ♡


Cece you’re amazing :( you put as many trigger warnings as you could have. You made it clear that this audio may not be for everyone & made sure to emphasize that there will be more content catering to others who cannot handle these types of audios. Don’t apologize! 🥺💗


But it had enough warnings! it was up to u to decide if u want to listen u were warned its not her fault if u were too curious to resist


no senpai don’t cry ;-; I love you, you did amazing ❤️ bedroom things are kinky and can be really dirty for some people you definitely gave a warning it’s okay you did good, keep fighting ;u;


It's okay 🥺 no problem 😊 💓


don’t worry for a second ❤️ the warning was there for a reason! thank you for doing what you do, always~


NOOO, DONT WORRY ABOUT IT CECE!!! WE LOVE EVERYTHING YOU DO FOR US, PLEASE DO APOLOGIZE! we love you to death, please dont apologize just because some people are immature about some audios that you post.


Peeps should know by now that this content isn’t always pg 😒 you always give enough warning anyway ❤️💕

Tempting Scarlet

You're fine. It was very well done. I just don't like making people sad. That's what got me. Other than that it was awesome :-)


CECE!!!! You put very very obvious warnings out there! Its not your fault! Please do not let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. We love you for your creativity and things you make!


You put way more than enough warning!! If people want to get all up in arms about something they fully could have avoided then they can ✨leave✨. Keep being amazing, you’re wonderful!!💙

Kathryn G

Hey it’s because of your warnings that I didn’t listen to the audio at all, there are plenty of people who did like the audio and I’d rather some people have content they enjoy even if it’s not one that I personally like. You gave plenty of warnings in advance and I really appreciate it Cece!


It's okay 🥺


We love you CeCe, post your content and people dont need to listen if they are uncomfortable. We love you ❤❤❤ take care of yourself babe


my queen No need to apologize, you did nothing wrong ... You put a warning with the audio content and all they had to do was DO NOT LISTEN TO IT. If someone is uncomfortable with an audio, just skip it and move on to another, there is no need to make offensive comments. JUST IGNORE THEM, WE LOVE YOU


It is ok! You have nothing to apologize for. You gave plenty of warnings. I personally loved it. You made the audio for a specific audience and warned that. You have so much talent and I can't thank you enough for the beautiful content you create. I absolutely love your audios and they have helped me a lot mentally, thank you so much you beautiful amazing human being 🖤🖤


No worries! there were enough warnings, everyone knew what they are getting into. No need to apologize <3 <3


They dont have to listen to it if they arent into it. You put a lot of effort and passion into these audios AND you put up warnings. You're doing great and we always love and appreciate you.


Do not apologize for exploring other stuff! I love all your work and if you put a warning on it you do as dark as you want! I would personally love a non con but i know how people feel about a lot of stuff. Don't apologize for your art - people know what they're getting into and if they don't they'll learn. You do YOU. <3<3 don't apologize for your awesomeness, those who udnerstand and are willing to explore those parts will be there. If they can't be wary of the tags oh well - that's on them - not you.


don't apologize for doing what you love!! there's always going to be someone who doesn't agree with it but yk, it's on them to just move on. we support you and we appreciate every time you upload and we love all of your content ❤️✨




Don’t feel like you have to apologize! You gave a very detailed warning and advised sensitive people to not listen to the audio. If people were offended it was because they explored darker kinks before they were prepared to handle it emotionally. You’ve created a beautiful, safe space of support to learn and explore ourselves. I’ve only been part of this community for a couple months but it has been a great experience. Thank you all you do Cece!


You have nothing to apologize for! There were many warnings and a reminder that you had other things coming out later if that wasnt going to be their cup of tea! We love you CeCe!


it’s alright cece!! you gave a ton of warnings so anyone who didn’t like that kind of stuff could have avoided and it was really good content that i’d love to see more of 🥺💖💖



Dark Anubis

If someone puts up warnings and another person decides to ignore those warnings and read/listen/watch/participate in it even though those warnings are for things that will trigger them, then they are idiots. I'm sorry, nut I wholeheartedly believe in taking responsibility for your OWN ACTIONS, especially when it comes to your own peace of mine and safety. Don't blame others for setting you off when you ignored their warnings. Yagami, keep up your hard work! You post stuff here for EVERYONE so we ALL have a little bit of something special. Never change, my darling! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜


*checks the audio description again, notices all the warnings in caps and then the reminder at the bottom to be cautious*


She literally put it all in caps... people should learn how to read.


NUUUU YAGAMI!! Don’t apologize!! We don’t deserve you ommmgggg 🥺🥺🥺


It’s okay you’re fine don’t worry we love you ❤️


CeCe, you have nothing to be sorry for. You had MORE than adequate warnings on the audios. I don't understand people listening to something they are obviously going to be turned off or disgusted by. There are tons of us that absolutely loved the kinks and scenarios involved, and honestly it's really nice to have those interests recognized and see others appreciating them as well.


Not everyone is going to like everything you post. Everyone has different taste. But you gave fair warning about what the audio would be. You have no reason to apologize. You are an amazing content creator. You have posted different kinds of audios and tried to include kinks for everyone or done the soft and comfy ones. I don't mean to be harsh but if anyone is dragging you down because you posted something they didn't like they need to shut the hell up. The world doesn't revolve around them. You have done an amazing job. There are way too many people who support EVERYTHING you do, not just what they like, for those who are offended to get much attention. We love all your content. Keep doing what you do and we'll still be here to support you.


The warnings were there. I enjoyed it! But everyone has different likes and preferences 😊 and that’s okay! No need for apologies! You’re phenomenal 🖤🖤


I personally do not like ntr or degradation but!! I'll support whatever you do CeCe! You're such a nice and kind soul, feel free to do whatever makes you happy! Some people might not like some things, and that's totally okay!! I won't stop supporting you only because you decided to do something I don't particularly like 💕💕 take care of yourself please! ; u ;


Oh honey no, don't apologize. You gave fair warning. What people decide to do after that warning is placed is on them.

Kuroo's sad girl

You shouldn't have to apologize babe!! You have out the warnings, if someone does not like it well don't hear it. You did a great job as always😌✋🏻


you don’t have to apologize for anything queen💞 people need to learn how to read there’s clearly a warning they just didn’t pay attention you don’t have to change anything plus we all know we enjoyed it anyways🥵 lol but foreal it’s okay 💞💞💞


Cede you put plenty of warnings on there, literally two paragraphs worth! If they continued to listen after all that, thats on them not you ❤❤


OMG YOU’RE SO SWEET! Thank you for always taking the time to place warnings for the heavier audios! I’m sure it helps many people when deciding what to listen too! 🥰 please keep creating and helping those who wish to explore more-able to do so safely 🥰✨✌️


I swear if she apologizes for something she doesn’t need to apologize for I’m gonna witch-hunt every person who’s making her feel as if she needs to apologize. If you don’t like her masterpieces then leave. Don’t welcome yourself into places and make comments to make someone else (mainly the creator/s) feel any other way but valid. Geeez! Leave the goddess alone please, she’s human too.


Omg no! Pls dont need to apologise!! The warning were super clear and the content is absolutely amazing <3 I enjoyed it so much and I hope to see more of this content in the future ❤️


I don't think you should apologize :(, you used the correct warnings 💗, the warnings are for something and if they don't like it don't see it, lol. Ppl please, learn to read warnings, they are not an ornament, they are for something.


DONT BE SORRY! This is your patreon, we love the content you create and if its not something to our taste we don't have to listen. Everything you post has tags telling us what its about ❤❤❤ please please don't feel bad!


nonono cece 🥺🥺 you put a warning so if people decided to listen afterwards that’s their decision and not ur responsibility!! don’t feel bad for exploring ur creativity 😔


Please don't think there was anything wrong with what you did! There was more than enough warnings, and there's nothing wrong with exploring the darker sides of kinks. If someone listened without paying mind to the obvious warnings, then it's their own fault. Not everyone is going to enjoy the same things, and that's fine. Keep doing what you're doing, and those of us that understand warnings will keep supporting you.


Do not apologize, you have nothing to be sorry for. You gave plenty of warning and if some still decided to listen that’s their fault. This is your art and not everyone is going to like it but you should never apologize for it.

Amber Foster

I am not a fan of Endeavor or Shoto, so I didn’t listen to the audio. I did, however, read the warnings you gave. No one is going to have the same kinks as other people, and that’s fine. But, you gave warnings to the audio! I don’t understand why people are so pressed. If you’re not into it, don’t listen to it?


You don't have to apologize at all💜. If people dont like this type of "play" they can easily ignore the audio and not listen. I honestly enjoy all of the audios that u make.😋


CeCe, you did your part and posted it with warnings, that's all you had to do. It's on them if they by pass the warnings even if it'll trigger them and that's their fault. They read the warnings, and ignored them and you didn't make them listen, they listened on their own terms. Keep up the great work and don't take it down, everyone has their own thing and I know there's people who will love it! People with specific kinks often down get catered to with popular actors like yourself, so to see a specific kink being posted, it makes me excited and hopeful you'll explore more with your stuff. With your fan base growing, it's inevitable that more people who hate and more people who love will join. I personally love your stuff so much, I'm just waiting for the day a $100 SINS tier opens so I can pledge, it kills me not knowing what the sins get, so jealous! You're doing a wonderful job and you make my life so much better. You got me back into anime, and I'm glad I took the step to give it all a shot. I don't regret a thing, and I will continue to pledge no matter what. I know what I'll like and won't like and so I listen to what I like and continue walking with what I don't like. Everyone is different and people get upset if it isn't always so sunshine and rainbows. Some people like the dark clouds and the lightning, so please don't stop what so ever. I personally live for the day a breeding audio is released, even though it'll totally get backlash like the NTR audio. So I'm not getting my hopes up, but it's just a thought 👉🏻👈🏻


Cece you don't need to apologize! Everyone has different types of kinks and not everyone like the darker ones. There's enough warnings. Thank you for all you do 🥺


Cece plss don't feel sorry no one's mad at you, we know how much you love us and that you do sooo many things to please us. There will always be people who like things and who don't like things, but we will never be mad at you for spoiling us w content. We know you work really hard for us and we love and appreciate you sooo muchh❤❤❤❤


No freaking way! I don’t like this at all! She puts warnings!!!


my queen No need to apologize, you did nothing wrong ... You put a warning with the audio content and all they had to do was DO NOT LISTEN TO IT. If someone is uncomfortable with an audio, just skip it and move on to another, there is no need to make offensive comments. JUST IGNORE THEM, WE LOVE YOU


You definitely had more than enough warning. I personally stayed away from it. I didn't think I could handle it BECAUSE of the warnings. So, I'm very grateful for them and there was absolutely plenty of warning! ❤️💗❤️


baby nooo uts okay, you did nothing wrong


it’s okay!! you’re going great cece 💕💕💕


It had all the warnings you could ask for, so don't worry about apologizing


You have nothing to apologize for Cee Cee, you put warnings and folks know if they aren't into that sort of thing they can stay out. On the plus size, I'm excited for more Fatgum content. I love the voice you do for the sweetest man out there.~


she gave a warning if they didn’t read it that’s was them. i personally liked it and you shouldn’t have to apologize


There were plenty of warnings though... i guess not everyone can read.


You have nothing to apologize for, you were the one who put tags and a warning before. If that didn’t make it clear to them, it’s their fault not your own.


Tbh people have fucked up fantasies. Some illegal and some bordering on illegal. Its a huge moral gray area because while you can argue that its just fantasies and its ok as long as you don't act on it, some say its wrong to even fantasize about it. Its a per-sitiatuon type of thing with varying degrees because each person has their own moral threshold- something you cannot control, to an extent. Personally I think you dont have shit to apologize for concerning this situation and topic because you did give warnings, tags, etc., and because, as my understanding of the audio content goes, its a more accepted fantasy. Tldr: people are fucked up and you cant control what others find morally acceptable


you gave warnings. if people decided to still listen even tho it had the warnings then thats on them. if they arent interested in that or r uncomfortable w/ it then they shouldn't listen so dont worry! keep up the good work!!! ❤


You wrote lots of warnings and don’t worry❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Noooo don’t be sorry, if it’s not someone’s cup of tea they don’t have to listen, you clearly stated in the title 💖 bby don’t be sad


I'm not sure if my other comment posted or not because my internet is going super slow, but you did everything correctly and you should not feel bad about a single thing! If people chose to disregard your warnings or to not read them that falls on their shoulders!


Hey it's okay you don't need to put up warnings for kinks, I think we can handle it, every now and then we get shocked but that's not always a bad thing, you're a really good voice actor and nothing you do would make me stop supporting you 🥰🥰🥰


Cece, some things some people dont like, and that's ok! You make what you want! Some people want it and you wanted to do it for them and that's all that matters! NO APOLOGIES NEEDED OR ASKED FOR🥰🥰🥰


No need to apologize! It’s your content and you gave us a warning💕love your work


Cece sweety, you did nothing wrong. You wrote down what warnings needed to be said and that was that. They chose to listen to it and didn't care for the warning sign. If they blame you for something you did on YOUR patreon, then that's on them. They knew what they were getting themselves into. Don't let those hate comments get to you. We are all here for you sugar bear. We love and appreciate everything you do for us! 🤗🤗


Cece you warned and labeled things! You did nothing wrong. This is all fictional and fantasy and nobody should be upset.


You don’t have to apologize Cece... you put the warnings... and, if they don’t like those types of audios, why even listening to them? So, hun, don’t apologize ❤️


Cece, you handled the situation in the best way possible. You put a very explicit warning and listed exactly what may cause discomfort to us. As someone who is not into degradation kink, i decided not to listen to the audio. Because you told me what to expect. And I respect and support all of the people here who really are into degradation, and they should be able to enjoy their kinks here too. I understand that you still probably feel bad that someone might have been hurt by this audio, but you did everything correctly and responsibly. And us, as the consumers of adult content on a diverse platform, should take the responsibility as well. Lots of love and support. You’re just such an amazing person! <3

Jhopeismyshiteu Purple Heart

But it had warnings they could’ve clicked off of it when the warnings were presented I saw the warnings and I didn’t want to listen and I didn’t listen because I read the title and warning you put plenty of warnings to the listener


Honey you don’t gotta apologize! You’re allowed to make content for EVERYONE, you’re an INCLUSIVE QUEEN AND WE LOVE IT ❤️❤️❤️ I promise your real fans love everything you do, even if it’s not their preferred cup of tea 💕 do what you love and what you want babes we got you 💖


Hey, no, you did nothing wrong. You put enough warnings on them, anybody could see exactly what the audio was going to be. At that point it is our own risk to listen to it. Loads of people enjoyed it!! Including me :) Don't put yourself down and keep creating exactly what you want, babe.


I feel bad we pushed u to this point. You were just trying to make us happy but we took it out on u for us feeling like we hurt shoto. We had no right to do that to u I'm truely sorry cece. My friend was so excited to hear this aswell


Cece hun don't worry about it, you gave so many warnings. If people went in, read the warnings, and still decided to listen and get offended then that's just on them.


I come for cock. ☕️


There’s a new NTR post between Endeavor and Shoto that she posted earlier. A lot of people listened to it and got upset by it. Although from what I see, it has a proper warning. ^^;


Literally if the people who are hating, they should have ready the warning first, because you did warn us. This isn't your fault. ❤


Dont be sorry queen. There were plenty of warnings, you did such a good job!


cece noooo we love you! You are an amazing creator and so kind and considerate and loving! Please don't let a few jerks get you down. You've always done as much as you could to keep everyone comfy

Tempting Scarlet

Your fine sweetie. They audio was great. I don't like making people feel sad. That's what got me. Other than that it was fantastic


Please NEVER apologize for your incredible work. We love you regardless. You're amazing, CeCe. 💕


It was an amazing audio and being a little kinkster myself I was in love with the whole audio and there were sooo much warning a head of time if people did not want to head warning they went at there own risks lolol keep up the amazing work and explore kink if you desire with tour audios but all the work you do is highly loved and appreciated


yes exploring new things is great and all but lets keep incest out of it???? idk just a thought


Don’t be sorry for your creative flow!! It had warnings and full filling people’s fantasies ranges in all sorts of directions!! We love you always!!🥺❤️🖤


Don’t apologize!! I’m glad to see you willing to create different content! Besides you warned us in ALL CAPS what was in the audio!


Alright. Which one of you made CeCe feel bad? You've lost your kneecap privileges!


You tagged it and put warnings up there! If someone chose to listen despite the warnings then that is on them! Not you! Cheating is a bad topic for me. So I chose to skip the audio. That's all it takes. If the warnings are there then the Listener needs to take personal responsibility and not listen.


If they didn't read the obvious warnings that are in all caps then that's on them. You have no need to apologise dear


You gave tonnes of warning! Please don't apologise!!!




It’s okay bby, they should’ve listened to the warnings. And I’m big baffled that people are pressed over that audio when we literally got busy with gang orca. Honey.... next caller


Cece you did nothing wrong. You put out plenty of warnings. It was something new you did and I personally enjoyed it. So pease don't feel like you need to apologize for something like this.


Don't apologize hun. You are just fine


It had a ton of warnings, so it's literally on the listeners. Gonna listen to it later tonight hopefully.


Girl, you are fine! You do what makes us all warm and cozy! We still love you!


Noo don't apologize u did nothing wrong🥺❤❤❤ u clearly warned everyone


Aw hon you're okay! No need to worry!! We all have different kinks and I'm glad to see you exploring them and providing us with that <3 You keep doing you boo, we love you!! :)


Oh my gosh, no! I love your stuff because we can safely discover what we like or don’t like - people just need to learn to pause and scroll on if they don’t like it ❤️❤️❤️❤️


It’s ok cece you warned the ones that can get triggered and that’s all I needed. I may listen to it be carefully


Don't Worry we love you ;-; you're amazing 💕


Yagami sweetie it's okay. You put warnings down, so if they didn't read them it was their decision. Don't let this bring you down hun. 💓


You did all you could to warn them no need to apologize. We are all adults here who can read and understand what was said before listening to the audio.




Darling you don't need to explain. You warned us to remember that this audio was slightly different. Everyone listens at their own risk. Create what you want to create, not just what someone wants you to create. I think it's good that you experiment with new things. I'm very grateful to you for everything you do for us ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


You did great on the warnings! I love you!


Sweetie - don’t apologize....but if you’re worried about people being offended have you thought about putting content warnings? Most people know your Pat is NSFW mostly but maybe putting darker kinks with a TW may help. But on the other hand — they didn’t have to listen to it


You put plenty of warnings, don't feel bad! It was very well marked for what the content included and I think it's amazing that you're exploring new ideas! 💕❤️


Don't apologize! It's just fictional :/ and if they don't like It they just don't have to hear It!


CeCe PLEASEEEE don't feel bad. Some things aren't certain people's cup of tea. And you put plenty of warnings so there's that. I'll never be offended. You do an amazing job never feel bad for that 🥺💛


It was all good! You gave lots of warning, honestly I don't even think it was that intense! The only thing sort of? missing was a coercion warning maybe?? But everything else was 👍🏽


Maybe make a new higher patreon tier for the more taboo kinks. That way everyone who signs up is well aware of what they are getting into. Also a conversation about kink shaming probably should be had at some point. There are way too many people here who think kink stops at pegging and chains.


You put a lot of warnings. It’s okay to venture out of the norm. Sure, we feel bad about doing it to Sho, but you shouldn’t feel bad! We knew what we were getting into.


Cece honey ☹️ you put enough warnings it's the persons fault for not taking them seriously or choosing to ignore them! We all knew what we were going into you stated it clearly there's no need to apologize!! <3


DON'T WORRY, DON'T APOLOGIZE. You do nothing wrong. That audio have all the warnings and you don't have to feel bad about it. Stay calm, sweetie, we all love you.


You literally gave people multiple warnings and they still chose to listen. We're all adults who can choose what media we take in. Don't worry about the haters hun


You warned us so much with audio, if anyone did not like it the 1. Didn't have to listen to it and 2. Could've stopped listening to it at any point. You did not force them to listen to it and you clearly laid out what the audio would hold. You are not at fault here and you should not feel bad. Everyone who listened to that audio made that choice. You do so much for us, so don't ever feel bad. Don't feel guilty for other people's choices. You are the best and most wonderful content creator♥️

Kae Lyn

You put plenty of warnings if they chose to ignore that then that is on them. You are the creator and you are providing your creative projects. Not everyone will like them but you did your best to provide a warning to the audience so they can decide for themselves to listen.


it’s okay !! you did a great job of being descriptive enough of the warnings and it’s not the end of the world !! you’re amazing and this announcement just proves it even more !!


I haven’t listened to it myself yet, but one thing sure is clear - there’s plenty of warnings, and if someone still decides to listen it’s on them! So don’t feel bad 💗✨

Chaotic Bun

Don't apologize! It personally wasnt my cup of tea from reading the tags but hey, I just didnt listen. Theres TONS of other content, you gave the correct warnings so there's no issue hun 💜


Cece sweety, you did nothing wrong. You wrote down what warnings needed to be said and that was that. They chose to listen to it and didn't care for the warning sign. If they blame you for something you did on YOUR patreon, then that's on them. They knew what they were getting themselves into. Don't let those hate comments get to you. We are all here for you sugar bear. We love and appreciate everything you do for us! 🤗🤗

Jennifer Medrano

The tags were perfectly clear. There is nothing wrong with exploring the dark side and not every audio will be directed at everyone. I have really come to see your content as more than a smut outlet. It really speaks volumes of your work that I have become so emotionally connected with these characters that I feel bad about being fictionally unfaithful, and I mean that as a compliment. You did not ruin my day, but you definitely made me feel feelings in the way that watching a movie and seeing the protagonist get hurt makes me feel things. I truly enjoy your work and I appreciate that you try your best to be so inclusive. ❤️


You did put enough warnings! I mainly didn’t listen since I’m not a big Endeavor fan, but also from the warnings. You did fine!💜


Cece this was perfect and it was properly tagged! People need to learn to choose what to hear about your content and leave it be if they don't like it! And let us enjoy it in the meantime!! They're fictional characters btw! Let's us have this in peacee Yato I love the audio please do more 💜💜


Nah there was a good description of what was going to happen. I skip triggering audios all the time; this isn't on you. People just need to pay atrention to descriptions.


You shouldn't have to apologize for it hun! You gave fair warning about it in the description of the audio! You are a goddess with what you do and they just can't handle it if they complain! You keep doing what you want to do!




CeCe PLEASEEEE don't feel bad. Some things aren't certain people's cup of tea. And you put plenty of warnings so there's that. I'll never be offended. You do an amazing job never feel bad for that 🥺💛


It’s baffling to see how so many people will throw a fit over audio. It’s really dumb that people will criticize another’s work for being too sensitive. Cece, you don’t have to apologize, they’re getting all uppity about an audio that they didn’t have to listen to. Added on, I bet you they would’ve had something different to say if it wasn’t the characters you chose. You’re doing amazing, you shouldn’t let anyone ruin what you create. “If you have an idea that you genuinely think is good, don’t let some idiot talk you out of it.” -Stan Lee


You definitely should not have to apologise for that. Your warnings were clearly there. I skipped that one because its not my cup of joe and it as easy as that if you don't enjoy that kind of stuff. You did nothing wrong in this. ❤️❤️


don’t be sorry! you’re so sweet and gave all the warnings 🥺❤️


Don’t apologize! You did nothing wrong Cece! ❤️❤️❤️ You gave plenty of warnings for the people who arnt into that type of thing! I loved it! You do amazing work! 💕


Cece you gave us all fair warning, what anyone else decided to do after that is all on them. Please don't apologize you did nothing wrong and we love you 🥺💗


you put a warning first, in all caps in the description and if they didnt read that it's in them💖💖💖


You warned us so much with audio, if anyone did not like it the 1. Didn't have to listen to it and 2. Could've stopped listening to it at any point. You did not force them to listen to it and you clearly laid out what the audio would hold. You are not at fault here and you should not feel bad. Everyone who listened to that audio made that choice. You do so much for us, so don't ever feel bad. Don't feel guilty for other people's choices. You are the best and most wonderful content creator♥️

Nina Tavluev

Nooooooo don't feel bad and you don't need to apologize!!! You put all the possible warnings, and it's not your problem that people just ignored the warnings and listened anyway, that's on them, not on you. We love you so so so much!!!!!❤❤❤❤


It’s okay Cece, you did put a warning in the audio, if ppl didn’t care and listened to it then it’s their fault, not yours, it was their decision no one forced them, you don’t have to be sorry.


Cece sweety, you did nothing wrong. You wrote down what warnings needed to be said and that was that. They chose to listen to it and didn't care for the warning sign. If they blame you for something you did on YOUR patreon, then that's on them. They knew what they were getting themselves into. Don't let those hate comments get to you. We are all here for you sugar bear. We love and appreciate everything you do for us! 🤗🤗


I personally believe that there were more than enough warnings. I actually really enjoyed the audio 😭 please continue to expand and explore with the content that you make. it was definitely an emotional rollercoaster, like the Void audio, but it was great!


omg nooooo it was a masterpiece!! It's your work love. Your amazing work on your platform. I thought there were plenty of warnings but I jumped on that audio as soon as it was posted. You always amaze me. You keep getting better and better!! I hope you realize how much we all appreciate you!! <3


MY QUEEN I came as soon as I heard🥺 you out more then enough warnings, it’s ok 💕 you apologizing and already fixing your mistake already makes it better. You realized it and are fixing it and your so sweet about it 🥺💕 it’s 100000% ok 🤣

Tempting Scarlet

You don't need to apologize. You marked it with warnings. The audio was great. I just don't like making people sad. Thats what got me. Other than that it was fantastic


Not at all! I didn’t find it extreme at all XD


You tagged it Very Clearly. It's a situation where. Not everyone is going to like every piece of content that you make. It's a simple like. read the audio description and deciding "this content is not for me" people throwing shade need to remember most of us are here for kink and debauchery, and not everyone is going to be into exploring the same content and it's not really your job to baby people through it. You provide content. Whether people consume it or not is up to them simple as that.


It’s okay 😭😭. Don’t mind the people who are hating on it and you literally don’t have to apologize for anything. You put warnings and if they didn’t like it they should’ve just moved on. Plus this is your patreon and you are entitled to make whatever you want.


You literally have nothing to apologize for. Those people throwing a fit about it seemingly cant read. Maybe we should all get together to fund paying for a class for them to learn how to read and what trigger warnings are for? And how to click away from an audio/video they dont like. Since they dont know how to already..


CECE DONT YOU DARE APOLOGIZE, anyone who read the warnings and was uncomfy with them should not have listened to the audio, this is absolute not your fault. you have a right to post any kind of content you want, never forget that!💗💗


CeCe as someone with PTSD caused by something in that audios range... you gave a very FAIR warning about what it was. People need to be responsible for their own mental health too and not rely on you in full. I knew straight away to avoid it due to your TW. If you're concerned though maybe try more detailed summaries just in case people might be over looking the general tags and titles which I think is what happened here. But you did good the fact you immediately apologized when you noticed people having trouble shows you care. Try not to get too stressed out hon!


You warned us so much with audio, if anyone did not like it the 1. Didn't have to listen to it and 2. Could've stopped listening to it at any point. You did not force them to listen to it and you clearly laid out what the audio would hold. You are not at fault here and you should not feel bad. Everyone who listened to that audio made that choice. You do so much for us, so don't ever feel bad. Don't feel guilty for other people's choices. You are the best and most wonderful content creator♥️

Tazzy B

I haven't listened to it yet but I plan on it when I had time I can also FKKN READ. You put warnings on the shit and someone still decided to listen and have a problem with it? GTFOH Don't apologize for SHIT. The average every day non listener things ALL of this is not OK. So it's OK if the content is what you like specifically but nobody else can get their kinks massaged every now and then? What a bunch of hypocritical slut muppets! LETS ALSO NOT FORGET THESE ARE NOT REAL PEOPLE as we love to proudly say when defending the content that WE like. Cece is so better woman than I because I definitely would not apologize. How the FKK you gonna be holier than thou on this and 10inutes before you were probably humping the gear shift in your car listening to Bakugou get pegged or some shit. Get over your goddam selves


It's not your fault! The audios ALWAYS have trigger warnings and if someone listen to them anf feel bad then it's not your fault, it's them xd If an audio it's not your style just don't listen to them, i know people who actually are into this kink so it's not like it's something that Nobody likes. Don't apologize, it's YOUR patreon you uploaded whatever you want, and i promise you the mayority would like it, so don't think it's your fault!😤😤

Sharon D (Karma's Loyal Pet)

What I'm offended by is that you even feel like you have to apologize for something that you had given plenty of warning about. Yes there was enough warning its not your fault if people don't heed them. It's ridiculous to apologize for it so stop it and I say this with much love and respect....it just drives me crazy that you think that.


Do some of ya'll just choose not to read the descriptions before you listen to an audio? There's more than enough warning. No one should have to feel uncomfortable, but when you're given such an OBVIOUS "Hey! If you don't like these kinds of things or youre sensitive to them, DO NOT LISTEN." Than how you feel afterwards is your own fault. Take responsibility for the decision YOU made.


Please don't apologize for the content... it was awesome! Let all your inspiration into the content that is the best!


you did great like always and you warned us so no need to apologize


NOOOOO its oki to try out new things don't you worry queen don't let yourself down here take this 👑❤️❤️


Cece you made it ABUNDANTLY clear what the audio was, it could not have been more clear! You don't owe anyone an apology. I love that you do such a wide spectrum of content from the sweetest possible fluff to the dark and evil goodness 😈 never stop ❤️


Thank you for taking the time to write this! I think the only thing would be is to clarify what "NTR" is since some people might not know what it is. Other than that, you gave a fair warning! I appreciate that you explore so many kinks!


CeCe PLEASEEEE dont feel bad. Some things just aren't some folk's cup of tea. They can simply scroll if they don't feel comfy listening. Plus you put PLENTY of warnings so there's that. You do an amazing job and I'll never be offended. Never feel bad for your art. Love you tons! <3


I agree with everyone here. You provided the appropriate warnings. You are amazing and shouldn't feel bad for creating content that you want to create!


You gave all the warnings and people knew what they signed up for and don’t have to listen. You don’t need to apologize!


You are not at all responsible for people not reading warnings!! 💗


You gave a warning... if people don’t like it, then they shouldn’t interact with it.

Momoko Minamoto

It’s okay Cece. Don’t let anyone get to you. We will support your content


Don’t apologize you did great bb


DONT WORRY ABOUT IT! You gave warning and everything so if people still listened to it it’s on them!


I saw the post and said “Not my thing” and opted NOT TO LISTEN TO IT!! To the people who got mad 1) If you’re not into something, no one is forcing you to listen to it 2) if you’re not gonna pay attention to the warnings in BIG LETTERS ALL OVER THE POST, don’t throw a fit about it later And 3) (the big one for any and all kink communities) DON’T SHIT ON OTHER PEOPLE’S THING JUST ‘CAUSE IT’S NOT YOURS And to Cece, we love you, hon 💖💖💖


Me too! I'm extremely mad that she is putting up warnings and everything but still has to apologize.


She isn't 'enabling' anything. She has more than adequate warnings on the audio and it's very easy to scroll on and not listen if it's not something you're interested in or could be triggered by. I'm sure CeCe isn't a proponent of actual incest.


there’s no need to apologize. You warned everyone in the description and make more than enough content for everyone to enjoy. Not everything is for everyone and that’s okay. Luv u💖


can i ask why the audio is still up? what’s the point of apologizing if you aren’t going to take it down?


I felt it was sufficiently tagged, but I'm also very cautious. I personally chose not to listen as that particular kink is not for me. However, my biggest critique of it would be that an abused child (yes I get that the character is not child aged, I'm talking about the relationship) was put in that situation with his extremely abusive father.


It’s okay!!! It’s not your fault at all!!! You gave warnings!!!!


It had warnings, babe! No worries. If someone chose to listen to it despite knowing that was on it's that was on them, not you! A lot of us enjoy those darker audios, dont worry about it!


You gave a clear warning. You did nothing that you have to apologize for. The audio was amazing as usual.


You gave plenty of warning in the description!! No apology needed 💖💖💖


Girl do not stress you put warnings for the video so if people don’t like it they don’t have to watch it please don’t apologise we love you 💞💞💞


The warnings were there and we love you so much! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ We are so grateful and you should never feel like you have to apologize for your hard work. You've put in so much energy for us and we appreciate you so very very much. SO MANY HUGS! 🤗


You're fine, Love. Please don't stress yourself out. You put alot of warnings ahead of time even in caps. It's not your fault that the person decided to listen to it even when reading the warnings. It's on them..not you, hun. You do alot for us..please don't worry and stress out. Stay calm, we love you. ♡

Jennifer Love

It’s just an alternate outcome, in a different universe. Doesn’t have to stick unless you want it to! And everybody has different preferences. So good job reaching out to that audience. ☺️


You did post the warning. No apologies needed. Plain and simple. Make sure to take care of yourself


Don't worry about it! You put warnings so everything is gucci... Also.... did I hear Fatgum???


Cece don’t be sorry! You didn’t do anything wrong hun 💖


She is going to have to make a 18+ one because the trolls are getting ridiculous.


Except it wasn't a mistake, she put up enough warnings and plenty people enjoyed the audio. Not everyone has the same kinks, that's normal, and personally i think it's great that she's experimenting 🤷 It's supposed to be a safe space after all.

Courtney Johnson

Your warning was good enough! Don't apologize because people decided to listen when you clearly stated it will make them uncomfortable. All ❤️❤️❤️


Don’t be sorry for making content!!! The content that you make is amazing and I live for every second of it!! You put warnings for it and if someone isn’t comfortable with listening to that- you gave more than enough warning for them to not listen. I can’t thank you enough for the content that you make and put out! You just keep doing you!!!


You literally tagged the crap out of it, it’s on them for not listening to your descriptions. Please don’t feel bad about it! They should have just scrolled by. You did what you were supposed to, it’s on them for not heeding your warnings! 💕💕💕


No, Cece, you put plenty of warnings in it! This is your content and your patreon, you can't cater to everyone! It may have not been my thing but I still had a ton of fun reacting to it with a friend. You did nothing wrong! You're so talented and working so hard, we love you! 💕💕


You're so sweet, and I get it. It is interesting to explore darker kinks, and while i haven't listened to it, i think i understand from the description why some people would like it, it's just a bit much for me. I do have my darker kinks though, so it's understandable...it's a safe place to explore. Thank you for the trigger warnings though <3 as that does help me know i may want to skip on this one


It's alright, you didn't do anything wrong. Yes, it is an iffy audio for a lot of people, but that's alright. Plenty of people participate in the darker side of art, it's okay that you do it too. Plus, you made sure to put plenty of warnings and made sure that people were aware of what the content was, and even made one for each of the "main 3" pronouns. If people are upset at you after listening to it, then it's their problem for not heeding the warnings. Personally, I did listen to it, and I wasnt a big fan of it. But was that your fault? Absolutely not. I know that any blame for not enjoying it like other audios rests on me and my preferences, not you and your work. I've only been a patron since the 11th, but I really enjoy your work, and you deserve the ability to do what you want with your skill.


Consider the following: just don't listen to anything you won't enjoy


Please don't feel bad. This isn't supposed to be an exclusively wholesome space, and it's really lame of people to shame you to try and make you only post what they think is acceptable. You made it VERY clear that it's dark and gave plenty of warning.


You have so many warnings!! You did absolutely nothing wrong, I personally really enjoyed it so please don’t feel bad

Dessi Bear ❤️

CeCe don’t apologize for your work. You’re an artist and if everybody doesn’t understand the vision then oh well. There’s so many other audios that can be listened to. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I’m not a fan of incest and I don’t really like the Todoroki family in general but I thought the audio was very interesting and the story had me shook 😆 10/10


We don’t deserve you. We must protect

Moon Elm

It's okay if you don't like it. But please don't try to restrict other people's kinks... We just need to respect each other's taste


NO!!!! There was warning on it, and you made it very clear on what was to be expected. I understand that certain audios may not be everyone's cup of tea, which is totally fine too, but there is absolutely no need to be sorry for trying to cater to different kinks, it shows that you care for what your audience wants, even if its out of the norm... That in itself shows how thoughtful you are to your friends, and patreons who also have a darker kink. Please do not feel bad at all!>.<


You put so many warnings!!! There’s no reason to apologize!!


i feel like you gave plenty of warning and made it clear that the audio was not for everyone. if someone chose to listen anyway after seeing the warnings and felt uncomfortable as a result, i personally think that's their problem. you don't have to apologize for anything, especially not when it's giving people a safe place to explore their kinks. some things aren't for everyone and that's perfectly okay.


Honestly I'm so grateful you're exploring so many different kinks and scenarios and not everything is for everyone but I hope a few bad comments don't discourage you from creating.


I think you made it VERY clear of what that audio was gonna be like. It was exactly what I expected. Don't be to hard on yourself, you're doing great ❤


You displayed all the necessary warnings and text. It’s not your fault, If people don’t like ‘intense’ or ‘extreme’ audios it’s simple, they don’t have to listen to it. They can listen to something else there’s range on here... it’s YOUR patreon and you create what you want, on top of all that. Don’t beat yourself up for this please, you did nothing wrong 🖤


There is no need to apologize at all! You gave more than enough warning so anyone who didn't want to listen or couldn't listen knew what the audio contained! You do so much for us! Don't worry about it, we LOVE to see things you are passionate about and having fun with!!


There was a fair warning given beforehand so people who didn’t enjoy it could skip it. Keep doing you!


you shouldn't apologize for making content!!!! your warning was good enough and very clear!!


Hey, no, you did nothing wrong. You put enough warnings on them, anybody could see exactly what the audio was going to be. At that point it is our own risk to listen to it. Loads of people enjoyed it!! Including me :) Don't put yourself down and keep creating exactly what you want, babe.


Don't apologize! please, your content is always amazing and you are too! don't be sad about it :(( in my case I didn't felt uncomfy with the audio, it was unexpected but honestly, I love it ;; you put a lot of warnings in the description so is not your fault at all

Yuna Zoldyck

You don’t have to apologize Cece 🥺 you gave us warnings and some of them did listen to them you don’t have to apologize for anything hun ❤️


Tbh something will always offend someone. But in my personal opinion you put more than enough warnings. everyone has different kinks, no one is exactly the same.


I think it's really good to have warnings so people know what they're getting into, which you had, the content was a little disturbing, so it was really good to have those warnings in the first place. I get the need for experimentation, but I also I think that there are other ways for Fathers and Sons to bond I guess.😅


Y’all are so aggressively supportive 😂😂. It’s honestly lovely to see🥺🥰❣️

Game Girl Mary

But you put a warning in it we all felt bad for shoto I was in shock but In such a good way but your work your story’s are so incredible and so amazing we love you so much don’t feel bad for making that Audio don’t feel bad or guilty feel happy and proud for the videos you make just for us YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND SWEET CINNAMON ROLL 😁❤️

Meghan Winkler

You did so well with your warnings love. It is so not your fault people chose to neglect them. You put warnings in EVERY audio you make, that's how much you care. You're so sweet. Don't let people who don't understand basic english get you down.


You did everything right !


Oh no, it’s totally fine! You’ve made it very clear beforehand with proper warnings, and anyone who takes issue with it should’ve really heeded it in the first place. It was their choice to listen, and it isn’t your fault. I hope you aren’t dissuaded from creating what you want and love. The many varied extremes of hardcore to comfort and in between audios are part of what makes following you such an awesome experience! Really, you are wonderful for what you do! ❤️


no please you shouldn't have to apologize :( i will admit, it was not my cup of tea. but that is okay, i still appreciate the time and effort you put into that audio. you added tags and a description that entailed what the audio contained and what it was about, so i am not sure why there is so many people upset? if you don't like that kind of content there is an easy solution, don't listen to it :) it is so simple. no need to bring anyone down or be mean. all might would not think that is very plus ultra of you. anyways sending you all love xx


YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IT, DON'T APOLOGIZE. You do nothing wrong and prove of it is all the comments here, we all love you so much and please don think too much about it. That audio have all the warnings. Please, take care of yourself and don't worry, all is okay. We love you <3


Dear I feel you warned people VERY CLEARLY. You as a creator are allowed to post what you want and if someone is uncomfortable with the content they do not have to listen. I hope everyone had at least been respectful when commenting.


Yea there was plenty of warnings on there! You don’t need to apologize for anything!! We all appreciate all the hard work and love all the content we’re blessed with ☺️❤️❤️


it's not your fault! you did the right thing and tagged the whole thing, people shouldn't go past their boundaries and blame in on you after, I'm very sorry you feel this way :( and hope that you don't stop making this kind of content because it's a way to explore things in a really safe environment

dabi ✨

I agree with the character part!! it was just the endeavor haters being salty. any other characters and they wouldn't have said a word


*gasp* Nooooo don’t apologize!!!!!


You wrote everything we needed to know in big bold letters so I didn't listen because it's not my thing. But it's basically like fanfiction : if you don't like the tags, don't read it. You did nothing wrong imo


I smell snowflake to whoever... you know what I haven’t listen to it since I’m busy at work 😀 but imma go give it a try uwu


Don’t be sorry Queen! You did everything right by putting warnings up! I love your content CeCe! Please keep up the good work, make sure to drink some water and rest up! We love you and appreciate all the work you do for us horny animals 💜💜💜


You put plenty of warnings on it, I really think it’s okay. It’s fine to explore darker kinks and we love you for it


You’re ok love bug. No need to worry. You put warnings and let people know what to expect. You’re just making content we love like always.


NOOO CECE ITS OKAY exploring these kinks are okay and not everyone’s taste is going to be the same. IT IS TASTE. A personal opinion to many about kinks honey you did nothing wrong 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


Don't make me tap the tw sign. If you can't learn to walk away from media that is harmful to your mental health, then you are not mature enough to be consuming that media in the first place.


You could also just like not listen to it and then there won’t be a problem for you, and other people can take make decisions to listen to it or not.

Jennifer Dallas

While the cheating and Endeavor thing wasn't my cup of tea, this still hit a few kinks that I really enjoy being hit. I loved the audio itself, and just imagined a couple of different characters in place of the two Todorokis. There was ample warning of what the audio contained, so I feel you have absolutely no need to apologize.


CeCe love you did the correct thing providing warnings and it’s everyone else who didn’t take a few seconds to read it. Not everyone is a vanilla type lover some of us love the kinky things. You are doing your best to provide something for everyone. And everyone else who isn’t a fan then don’t listen to it there’s other things to listen to. Cece you are a creator! Making stories and fantasies for us and we appreciate everything you, please don’t feel like you cause anything you put warnings and people saw them and other people didn’t and that’s on them.


Thank you!! Im mad as hell they keep ignoring warnings then blaming her. Like seriously?? She takes it All so personal when people attack her. Cece you are doing nothing wrong! Screw them for not being responsible to READ


Noooooo your doing great and you made sure to put all the warnings on it. :( we love you


You put warnings and if someone listened to it and didn’t like it then that’s on them. Not you. They have a choice to listen or not. No need to apologize. You are doing amazing and I love that you experiment with different things with your patreon. Please take care of yourself.


it’s as simple as ignoring the notification on that audio and not listening to it. don’t mind it cece it’s not your fault if people decide to ignore the warnings and listen to it. you aren’t responsible to their reactions cause you don’t force anyone to listen to your audios


Do. NOT. Be. Sorry. We love your work and everything you stand for and never be afraid to create. There were ENOUGH warnings and if someone felt offended then they could have stopped listening at any time. We love you and your work, never stop your creativity.

Cherub Venus



Okay i've got to stop you right there. First of all you put warnings am i right? It's not your fault that some of people can't read till the end of long texts. Second of all even if it was something different, something new, it's still amazing you know? You're making amazing content okay? Now repeat after me : You are doing amazing work. Even if it was something some people didn't expect and didn't enjoy (there are warnings for a reason you filp flop fishes) it was amazing. Personally it's not my thing but i still enjoyed it! So now don't apologize for something amazing okay? Btw take care of yourself and don't forget to hydrate! Love you <3 *virtual hug*


You're completely fine! You gave everyone proper warning! It wasn't everyone's cup of tea, 'nd that's fine! You're amazing, Cece!!




Please don't worry too much! The main reason I didn't like it was because it felt like dubcon but other than that you gave so many warnings! thank you for all you do!


This is literally an established genre of porn already. Not a genre that I particularly watch, but I'm not offended by this. "Own up to her actions"? Really? Grow up.


nooooo be sorry Cece , is okay


i like when we get stuff like this like the kinkier side of things it’s really cool, some people won’t like it and that’s just how it is it but i know a lot of ppl like this stuff too

XxChim85xX .

Don't have to apologize CC. You gave enough warning and people need to do research on subjects/genres they might not have much knowledge about. In this day and age where we literally we have technology at our fingers tips. You keep doing your awesome work!


Don’t apologize! There a TON of TW and warnings saying that audio wasn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea! Is it one I’m going to listen to? Probs not, but there are tooooons of others who love this shit. You’re still doing the Lords work! 🖤🖤🖤🖤


I wanted to go out my comfort zone and listen to it, I made a grave mistake and now I’m in a spiral of ptsd and hallucinations


Don't feel bad, not even a little. You put a ton of warnings, if they didn't like it they didn't have to listen. People disagree and that's fine, but art is art and you shouldn't be made to feel bad for yours!!! Keep doing what you do, whatever it is you want to do, and I'll personally fight anyone who hurts you. We love you ❤❤❤


No, you warned us. If people didn't read your warnings that's they're problem. It's fucked up and it's dirty and those of us who love it love it. Those of us who don't should scroll past.


You’re fine , you put plenty of warnings. Anyone who doesn’t like it can simply not listen. Don’t feel bad ❤️


Baby you don't need to apologize, you post plenty of warnings!! Also, we love you and your content! 💖😭


what is wrong with people and not being able to read??? you honestly did nothing wrong and you shouldn't even apologize. you're a content creator and this is YOUR content that we have the pleasure of listening to. it's easy to trigger people but at the end of the day you don't have to do more than a trigger warning. we appreciate you, cece!


You tagged the crap out of that!!! If other people still listened after the warnings thats on them. You're perfectly fine!!! Im always looking forward to the content you make ❤❤❤🥺 and a fatgum sleep aid??? Ive NEVER BEEN SO EXCITED


You did nothing wrong! You put warnings on there letting people know it was a darker type of audio. And if the person went ahead to listen even after seeing those warnings its no ones fault but their own. Keep up the amazing work sweetie.


you provided all the trigger warnings necessary, cece. not to invalidate anyone's feelings, but they were adequately warned; including myself!!! I read the warnings, saw that it probably wasn't for me, and moved along!! bc everyone has their thing!!! please don't feel bad. we all still love and support you.


Good lord, folks. There were so many warnings on the audios - if you want to read all those tags and TWs and still chance listening to it, then you cannot come at the creator because it wasn't your cup of tea. I read them, figured it wasn't for me, didn't listen, moved on; its a simple system really. If you're coming here to listen to audios with content that is 18+ but aren't adult enough to interact with them responsibly, and respect the creator when she is trying something new (even if it isn't for you) then maybe you need to move on. Cece, please don't be put out about trying new things. I know you're a people pleaser at heart, but its impossible to be perfect. And hey! A bunch of people really enjoyed the audios, judging by the positive comments and likes.

Jhopeismyshiteu Purple Heart

EXACTLY She posted many warnings with in the audio that people should’ve read through the warnings to actually understand and read the title and it annoys me because these people are angry at her and it’s like dude she gave you warning’s and had warnings in there and people are like oh I’m more vanilla OK then don’t listen to it like I don’t understand that CeCe doing literally the best work I’ve ever seen ever and I hate these people are giving her so much shit for it


I like the kinks, incest is a bit taboo but everything else is great. Would love to hear NTR again but with DabiHawks ...that would b spicy


Oh I’m feel bad for you Cece 😞


Yagami, this your page. You can post what makes you happy. I read the description and I saw the warnings. You did nothing wrong. I plan on listening to it later 😊. Don't let others tell you what you can and can't post. You work hard on everything you do and we all know you mean the best for your community. Every that truly supports you won't care what you post. Do what makes you happy. Also to those that came at queen yagami for making that, just don't listen to it. IT'S THAT SIMPLE. Yagami can make what she wants. She shouldn't be getting hate for the things she works on so hard for all of us. Especially after everything that happened with the drama. Please let her do what makes her happy. Her work is not just for us but for herself too. They make her happy.


It’s not your fault people don’t know how to heed warnings! Your content is always wonderful and you try to cater to everyone and never ever kink shame🖤


Hey nothing wrong with wanting to make all fans happy. I'm sure if you had a trigger warning that people understand :3. We love and appreciate you sooo much!


there’s no need to apologize miss cece. the warnings were very clear in the description and it’s our choice as the listener to take them into account and decide if we want to listen to the audio or not. continue to create and post whatever your heart desires. we love everything you do and appreciate all the time and effort you put into everything. we love you! ♥️


I'm trying to go through the comments to find out what NTR is and I havent gotten very far. I havent listened yet myself but I do plan to listen to it shortly but feel uneducated all of a sudden

Patricia M Daniels

People need to learn to read and chill out. Let the rest of us enjoy things. You're good, Yato.


Don't apologize for your great work! You make it very clear in the description. If they not able to read properly that's not your fault! Keep your head up. You make us all happy with your work, thank you for that.


HONEY! DARLING! You have nothing to apologize for! You gave clear warnings and if someone is uncomfortable with it, then it is their own fault for not reading the warnings. We all love you!!! And the work you put out!!! You have blessed us with so much!!!🥰😍💖 Keep up the great work!!!


How dare you! If the people on here can’t read your numerous warnings that’s on them, not you hun. How dare you make me say how dare you so many times today. You make me experience the pain of hurting Shoto and you have the gall to apologize for it. Girl you are over here curing my dysphoria and creating an ungodly amount of art for us tortured souls. You are like the ASMR Hamilton! I don’t know how you do it and still have energy to care if you’ve offended someone. People are paying for this, they should know what they are doing when they decide to listen to one of these. Your warnings are plenty, you did your part and the fault is on the listener if they have a problem dear.


I think you put in enough warnings. It was more than clear what was going to be in there, and who doesn't like it can skip it. You've got so much content, there's a little bit for everyone here, including extreme things. If people don't like it, they should move on. I'm sorry some people would attack you for this ❤


I love all your work Cece🥺 I’m so happy I got the patreon. And I enjoy all the genres of audios you make💕💕


I mean listen, did it make me uncomfy? Yes but not??? In a bad way?? I guess if that makes sense lol like I knew it would because of the caption you know? I think it was sufficiently tagged.


Whenever things like this happen it reminds me of a book I’ve read called My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday. It was originally published in 1973 and it was just a collection of multiple different types of women’s most darkest of sexual fantasies. But of course back then people thought it was disturbing. Women don’t have sexual thoughts only men do. The people that scream and cry when they don’t like something are seriously children.


Omg no sweetie it’s fine!!!!! You’ll never be able to make something that is going to please everyone. Thank you for your hard work. You’re loved and appreciated, please don’t be sad ❤️


Am I rlly the only one that thinks an apology is needed here lmao


I feel you have given a good enough warning but I guess for pple that don’t read the notes maybe put Flashy❌💢Red🔴 emojis to like help catch there attention 🤷🏽‍♀️. P.S. I am in LOVE with the Sleep Aid audio idea💛🧡❤️Comfort Corners are great but for me personally I only listen to them when I’m in a busy mood. Sleeping wise tho I loved the audio and Fat Gum would be perfect for this . Now I have an Idea for my fellow Fans 😌 if you have any grab a bunch of pillows, lay them nicely in the middle of your bed if you want/can stack some on top, get a comforter of your choice, Lay it out on top of the pillows. If you want you could add some limbs but it’s to help anybody that would like to submerge more into the audio🥰


Don't apologise, you labelled it as a trigger warning multiple times. Incenst in anime, manga etc is a popular kink, each to their own. But remember these are fictional characters that Cece ages up and performs for kinks, or as I call it heavens work 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 If it's not you thing don't listen, it's not difficult to pick another audio. Got it 😒🙄


don’t apologize cece! u put all the necessary warnings that were needed and made urself very clear that people who were sensitive to that material should not listen. please don’t apologize for making content. and PLEASE dont be afraid to explore more kinks.


You put soooooo, so, so many warnings. It's not at all your fault if some people decided to not read further than the title. With this time of thing, it's a well-known fact that one must read everything before they click play, in order to avoid triggers. You can't be at fault for those who didn't read or, for some reason, decided to try and test their triggers and were ultimately triggered. You are not to blame and you are not at fault. You gave ample warning and they ignored that or disregarded it.

Oddish T

You gave them all the warnings needed to avoid the audio, you have nothing to apologize for Cece!!! We love you so much.


don’t apologize hon! you put clear warnings in the description and people CHOSE to listen! this isn’t your fault. people know their boundaries and you you did nothing wrong! plus, you have little to no extreme content, it’s perfectly fine


You shouldn't have to apologize for something that you clearly gave warnings about. Hate the character not the actor people. We love and appreciate everything you do for us Cece.


Cede! Please don’t apologize! Indeed the audio was different from most but you have plenty of warning! And if anything, I was applaud by how amazing the voice acting was in this one. Yea I didn’t get turned on or whatever, but that’s not the point! The point was I felt scared, intense, and even laughing and mad at certain points. I felt an array of emotions and that’s what good storytelling and acting does! I felt so immerse in the story and it felt so real and it was an incredible experience! You truly have an amazing talent and please don’t feel confined to making the same stuff. It is safe to say that everyone here loves you and wants to see you grow <3


Oh bby don’t feel bad! You put warnings and people who didn’t want to didn’t have to listen to it. We love you and it’s okay! 💕


I'm fairly new here but I absolutely enjoyed it. I'm a fan of NTR and I mean you gave so many warning on the audio before hand, so I feel you did all you could but I would love some more NTR with Dabi/Hawks maybe because the spice🙌🏾


You gave a TON of warnings. I hope noone said anything. They better not have 😡 You did your duty, bb.




please don't let it bother you/get to you!! you were very clear, put tons of warnings, and were super detailed in the description of it, so it really was up to us to decide if it was something we were into and were gonna listen to or skip over and listen to something else. not sure where the miscommunication came from, but its not on you at all!! we all love and appreciate you!! 💖💖💖💖

Amy Rose

Maybe this is just for the sake of others who are new to your work but would you ever consider making a post/list of things you will NEVER include in an audio? Just to give ppl peace of mind? I know you would never post anything actually illegal obviously but it might not hurt to just give a list because yes we are all here to explore ourselves and our kinks without shame but there is a line and some ppl may need to see it. (I’m sorry if I’m speaking for others I really am not fazed by any of the raunchy stuff I LIVE for hardcore boys) love you girl! keep up your amazing work 🥰


I second the breeding audio idea 😳 You're probably right though. I have no doubt there'd be backlash, but there's backlash with pretty much anything and everything.


Yo, no need to be sorry, i read the warnings and listened to it, i personally didnt like it but thats purely on me, because you gave a full paragraph of warnings, so dont worry about it, you did what you needed to. People getting up in arms about it is on them for listening to it despite the warnings


it’s okay! to each their own honestly what you do is a work of art and i know for sure we greatly appreciate it! but hey a fatgum sleep aid 👀 say less queen


You gave sufficient warnings. We are all adults here. People should reevaluate whether they're responsible enough to be here rather than place blame on the creator doing their job, as if censorship is the answer here.


Probably. All I ask is why? What is she apologizing for exactly? Making an audio that you don’t like? I just really don’t understand where you and a few others are coming from and if truly like to know.


CECE DO NOT DARE APOLOGIZE! I WILL NOT ALLOW IT! XD You gave more than enough warning for that and it’s definitely not your fault if people don’t read or ignore your warnings. I personally don’t feel very comfortable with mlm x listener stuff and I usually don’t listen but when I do I surely DO NOT complain about it because I know other people like it, I’m not going to spread toxic negativity into the comments to ruin people’s good time! >:( Because ofc XD I was a HUGE fan of that audio like so that’s the one complained about. S m h. YOU DID NOTHING WRONG! 🙁


Don’t ever apologize for trying something new! If other people don’t like it or don’t read the warnings that’s on them.


I felt like there were more than enough warnings in the description; you were very up front about what it included, and what to expect as well. I'm sorry that people seem to be giving you hell for it, it's absolutely fine to explore things like that within art; please don't let them discourage you from dabbling in a bit of the 'unethical' side of fiction. It reminds me of the age old fanfic debate regarding dark fic; that whole "oh, if you write this dark, twisted story, you obviously support that kind of thing in real life" debacle. Like no. Sometimes, you just wanna make something raunchy, dirty, and entirely filthy; and what better way to explore that kind of thing than your desired art medium? You do you, dude! <3 We're literally all here, sinning together, after all.


One of the reasons I think what you do is so great is because this is a safe place to explore some kinks, including some darker ones. It's fiction. People are into different stuff, some stuff that not everyone will think is right. It's very, very important to read the warnings, always read the warnings. And there were plenty of warnings, you did a good job with that and you always do. Keep doing the good work you do, queen.


Honestly this is really aggravating that you've been bullied about this. Some of us have scenarios or kinks that are considered deeper, darker, or more disturbing than your typical tags. And when people come in and shame us for enjoying something that was obviously catered to our tastes, when given proper and adequate warnings that it is obviously NOT something they will want to partake in, it's disheartening. Personally I just wanted to say thank you for providing a variety of content for ALL listeners.


There will always be people who are upset that 100% of a creator’s content isn’t geared directly to them—you clearly noted warnings, and made a point to say that it’s /extreme/. I love your audios like that because I’m actually really uncomfortable with gentle intimacy, so having options that cater to my preference for rough content makes me feel welcomed in this space. Thank you for creating content that appeals to such a wide range, even if a few people get upset now and again


Cece baby you put TONS of warnings. Everyone on this app is capable of understanding the warnings and chose to ignore them. It’s not your fault babe. It’s theirs for not listening.


I know damn well everyone is an adult here. Let’s not bypass all the warnings that were CLEARLY written all over the post and then complain about it when it triggers you. And let’s not spin this off as people who enjoyed the audio to be “condoning incest”.


its ok yagami we stil love you♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


If people get offended then they aren’t reading the warnings before hand.. so it’s their own fault. I work at a sex shop and I tell all the anime fans about you! You help people more than you know! Don’t apologize baby doll. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Frickkkkkkking frick 🙄 I really gotta sensor myself . Frick that person but I'm not tryna get booted.


You don't need to apologise at all, you gave way more than enough warnings and if people didn't like it they just chose to ignore it. Try not to stress over it too much cinnamon bun 💜❤️💜❤️


Please don't feel bad CeCe! ❤️ You put enough warnings on the post and they made the choice to listen even with your obvious warnings. Please do more hardcore stuff! There's a lot of us who love it and wish we could get more! People like to hate on hardcore stuff and then no one wants to make those kinds of audios 😭😭


Don’t feel bad about it. I quite love it and you are doing an amazing job.


You did warn us though 🥺🥺


You don’t need to apologize!


You did right in putting a very clear description and warning about the content of the post, and if anyone got upset well then that’s their bad for not reading before listening. I passed on this one and enjoyed the Deku one very much. It’s just what I needed to hear today since there was a death in my family last night. You’re so sweet Cece~ ✨❤️ I’m sorry that some people just don’t read, follow directions and are quick to get angy about things. It’s not fair at all. ( ´△`)


The amount of warnings you put on there clearly gave the listener the option to NOT listen. You work too hard for this backlash and I’m saddened to see this!


This was hardly incest, this was just a dark version of the Dabi and Shoto 7MIH audio. Incest would've been Endeavor and Shoto touching each other or kissing which did not happen.


It’s the dumbest shit ever. Like do you think people that make horror movies think it’s ok for you to go out and murder people? No. They do not. They just like the horror genre. It’s ridiculous.


It was perfect dont apologise! Apart from it being heart breaking , it was amazingly done! Can't wait to see how this continues...


Honestly, you literally gave a whole list of warnings and what the audio contains, if someone clicked on it to listen and felt offended anyways, that's on them. That's not your fault that they're hard headed, you did what you were supposed to do, don't feel bad about it Cee

Alice Kerssens

You don’t need to apologize!! The audio had plenty of warnings on it and it’s totally up to the person to listen to it. If anyone gives you trouble even after all that, their just looking for a fight 😤


Don't feel bad!! Still thankful for EVERYTHING you do for us💖💕




Queen you do not have to apologize!!! There are clear warnings in the description, so please don’t feel bad! You work so hard and we all super appreciate it and love you! 💙✨


Cece you gave PLENTY of warning, people who aren’t into that sort of thing shouldn’t have even clicked on it! You described how NSFW it was and you owe nothing to anyone - you’re offering us a service and if people didn’t bother to read the warnings or disregarded them that’s their fault. You’ve done nothing wrong, no fault is yours ❤️🥺


You don't need to apologize. You put what the audio was going to be! If people choose to ignore descriptions that's one them. It was dirty but delightful. Also I'm crying already because I am READY For the fatgum sleep aid


omg look at what y’all did to cece. there was a freaking trigger warning and obviously it was y’all fault for listening to it don’t blame her for something you did cuz “curiosity killed the cat” honestly cece i like the audio it made me sad about how me made my baby shoto feel but it also made me laugh because of the fact that i was yelling at endeavor

Sevyn Soma

I feel like if people aren't comfortable with it, don't listen to it. You gave plenty of warning.


Queen no need to be sorry about the work you do. We know you trying to please everybody.... To be Extremely HONEST 👉👈 i liKed it very much. So KEEEP IT UP BEAUTIFUL. 😍🖤


Or you can just read tags when they come up and decide not to listen to those? It's not a creator's job to hold your hand through their KINK porn content???


I think people forget the concept of dead dove that is used in fanworks. It's a useful meme from Arrested Development where the main character sees a bag labeled dead dove in refrigerator, opens the bag and sees a dead dove. He then realized he should have known better. So the idea is that if you're not into dead doves then you don't open the bag and you move on. So aside from the warnings that were put on a post it's on you to decide if it's for you to listen to or to ignore aside from issues of morality, personal taste etc.


Offended! I loved it. Literally only thing going on in my mind was this going on.




Don’t apologize! If people are old enough to be listening to your work, they are old enough to be responsible for curating their own online experiences. And that means reading the very clear content warnings you put on your posts and choosing to proceed. If a listener didn’t do that, that’s on them and not you.


I loved it Cece and the warnings were really clear so don’t beat yourself up about it 🥺💞 thank you for the full course meal 😩🔥



Mikiri Gibson

I will always support your artistic choices even if they don’t align with my own tastes! I think it was a fantastic unique idea and you were VERY forthcoming with your warnings. You are an extremely respectful person that much is obvious, we all love what you do, don’t feel down for even a moment! 💕 I love the variety that you post, it even gets me questioning my kinks 😝


it’s great to explore more taboo kinks, and i think the audio had enough warning (although detailed tags are always helpful!)— but geez some of you in the comments are being really nasty towards the people who could have been triggered by this??? granted, the warnings are there for a reason, but there’s no need to be so insensitive. we’re all here to enjoy CeCe’s content, whether it’s the comfort audio’s, the hardcore ones, or anything in between. nobody should be shamed for what they enjoy OR for what they’re uncomfortable with/triggered by.


comment section on this post? wonderful. wholesome. I appreciate all of you and your ability to think rationally. I hope CeCe reads some of these, she deserves to feel appreciated after everything she's done for us. comment section on the NTR posts? I did not think a paywalled, trigger tagged, NSFW post would be somewhere I'd find people behaving like unattended twelve year old antishippers on tw*tter and yet it seems "kink is evil and fantasy means you support it in real life" people exist everywhere


Please don't apologies! You warned people what the audio would involved and tbh its very obvious that the audio was going to be something a lot more heavier. Its definitely not going to be everyone's cup of tea and that's totally okay! Its always interesting seeing more extreme kinks etc being explored! Keep up the amazing work, we love you <3


Do not apologize. The content contained warnings of what to expect. If you’re not into a certain kink then simply don’t listen to it. I for one love and enjoy your work and always look forward to listen to your audios! Love you!


No worries!! We all love you and you always label everything just fine! ♥️♥️


you lost me at the incest. bye

Candy Kat

Its ok cece really. Some people liked it and other don't. I know for me it wasn't my thing. It was still a good audio though. And I'm glad I listened to it. Please don't blame yourself for it.


This is not sitting right with me at all! She didn’t have to apologize because people can’t freaking read mane


I think there were plenty warnings I mean I knew exactly what I was getting myself into when I hit play I also think this creates a safe space to explore kink in a healthy way i now know that while I still very much enjoy degredation I don't super enjoy the ntr and that's okay like its a learning experience and I still got to enjoy your amazing talents! Not every audio will be for everyone and I love that you dip into the more extreme and hardcore styles for people who enjoy it I think you have nothing to apologise for 💖💖💖


I’m just saying everyone was real quiet during the the last Todoroki audio. So the ✨hypocrisy✨ is real loud right now. Incest isn’t my thing for very personal reasons but I read the tags and moved on. It’s very simple you don’t have sit here and be outraged for every single thing. It takes too much energy and honestly Cece goes through enough criticism as it is. I feel like she’s constantly apologizing because people can’t moderate their own behavior.

Bethany Powell

Sweetie your fine, you did your due diligence and put warnings for darker content up. If people felt uncomfortable after listening while ignoring the warnings that's on them. I think most people who reacted badly probably are uncomfortable the idea of hurting characters they care about.


Don’t let those comments bother you, they didn’t have a problem with the shoto x dabi lol they clearly read warnings and decided to still listen to the audio. DONT 👏 LIKE 👏 DONT 👏 LISTEN 👏


Trust me, no apology needed. If people don't like it, then they shouldn't listen. You added plenty of warnings, they were very clear

Jennifer Dallas

I would also like to say, for the people saying "incest is wrong", yes it is. But there is no actual incest in the audio. Shoto and Endeavor don't even touch each other through the entire thing. The listener is literally between them the entire time, and they don't touch.


Can you do the biker kiri x listener please, but make it a regular one(I hope you know what I mean😅😅


It’s ok Cece!! You were clear with the warnings, the people here should be old enough to look at what they are listening to. It’s their fault for not reading the labels.


CeCe you're not responsible for people not paying attention to the warnings.


you did absolutely nothing wrong. Even if you hadn't given the incest warning, it was titled shoto vs enji anyway!!! people will find reasons to be mad no matter what. never feel bad about doing what you enjoy because it is not harming anyone. if someone does not want to see that kind of content, all they have to do is scroll past. you gave plenty of warning, please don't beat yourself up about this. i love your work!! <3


You are your own human these people don't own you so fuck them haters can hate, be the best you that you can be 😘 post whatever makes you happy I'm just here to support you 😁💖💖


If you don’t like something, don’t listen. No one is forcing you or twisting your arm. Cece, I will always support you. You don’t need to apologize for Art. Some just don’t understand. There will always be some unhappy people. You have a warning and I appreciate that. Love you! 💖


I think I speak for many of us who were very much not okay with the whole audio when I say this apology was not it, it was honestly half assed and I get that NOW you feel bad with the backlash of it, but you should have thought it through. This was not okay and quiet frankly triggering, I love Cece I do, I love the audios (some of them) but this one was the last straw, please next time you make an audio with controversial subjects think about the outcome. And if this was a gift for a friend maybe it should have just been sent to them or kept in the discord because, while some people like many other don’t me included. I feel personally let down by this and I will no longer be supporting.


You did great queen!!! thanks so much for the content you always provide ✨❤️❤️


this was SO HEAVILY TAGGED. no one should “accidentally” listened to this & been shocked by the content. this is an 18+ page with 18+ content, and it’s perfectly acceptable to expect your audience to be able to READ! you did nothing wrong, and personally that audio hit aaalllllll the good spots 🥵


No apologies needed. WARNINGS are there for a reason. Incest was tagged, plus it is a popular kink regardless of the offended in here. As an incest survivor, no one gets to tell Me what I can and can't enjoy or engage with. There is no way this audio is IMPACTING REALITY in anyway. That's ridiculous. How is it impacting reality? What does that even mean? If you're on a crusade about incest, pornhub Frontpages are right there to complain about. Begone.


Absolutely do not apologise. Warnings were there. Their fault for listening when they know it’s not their thing. Absolutely enjoyed it myself, had to take a break from work to finish it tho 😂😂

Crystal Takami

Cece it is always ok to keep exploring and expanding your art! The idea of being a Patreon on YOUR channel is that this is a safe space for consenting adults to explore their fandoms and sexuality. You did your job by posting highly specific warnings in the description and it’s the audience/consumer’s job to read them. Us as your audience and fans needs to take responsibility too. I hope the tidal wave of love and support from your fans outweighs the small, bad comments of a very few 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓


You tagged it and put plenty of warning Cece! You've done nothing wrong!


Dude. she put warning. You could just have easily ignored the post. Ofc if you wanna leave you’re welcome to. But don’t attack yagami for it

Vivid Nectarine ♪

bbe this is ur page and ur business. never ever apologize for something dat is ur business and secure or income. u did what what u could and if some perps can’t read proper, this is on them, not u. I mean what the heck tho. this house is a business with plenty of stuff for everyone and anyone and its tagged so y’all know what it is about and then still have the nerve to blabbin just bc some cant read. cece u did good hun, no need to apologize. never. not in ur worlds, not about ur business.


Request for G I L D A R T S from fairytale


You put very clear warnings on that post CeCe. It's not your fault if people didn't heed those warnings. I personally loved it and I hope you'll continue to explore darker kinks. You have all of my support 💖💕💗💖💕


I agree with a lot of what was said here so I won't repeat the same thing. Instead, I want to say that I was happy you posted it. I don't like ntr so I didnt listen to it but I do know that there exists a subset of us that like and enjoy these darker kinks. And I was glad you made content for them to enjoy. I'm glad you create many different types of content for all of us to enjoy and how inclusive it is. Thank you so much for all that you do for us and I look forward to your future content.


Big agree!! People are totally justified in asking for more warnings on things, despite how well informed we feel we may have been. @ everyone on either side: please be kind. We are all learning and trying our best.


U did a really good job tagging it!!!! And I was really happy to see u branching into some darker content I LOVE that stuff. Please dont feel bad for experimenting


You don't need to apologize for it! You gave plenty of warning, and if someone decided to still listen to it and felt uncomfortable, they could have stopped at any point! Keep creating amazing and diverse content, many of your patrons enjoyed it. There's always going to be someone who will enjoy what you make!


So did you happen to miss ALL of the tags and trigger warnings and the caps letters when you listened to the audio or—?


Gurl you’re good, you posted the warning, incest is just a little on the taboo side


Don't apologies for your creations 🥺 you work so hard on them


You’re right Cece. I won’t go off or get mad. I have to remember to be kind. I just hate you even had to apologize. But I won’t say anything else.


You don’t need to apologize you PUT warnings if they chose to ignore them that’s not on you, I haven’t even listened to it yet but I read the warnings cause they are there for a reason, you warned the, they didn’t listen

perris (dazai’s cum sock)

babe, it’s literally okay. i’m not trying to invalidate anyone, but you put enough warnings on that post. of course everyone wasn’t going to like it, because your content can’t please everyone all the time, but i loved it. don’t be afraid to try new things, please. you warned everyone and if they didn’t listen or read it, there wasn’t much you could do after that. ❤️


this isn’t my apology to except but thanks for saying something. also guys let’s be respectful of one another’s feelings pls.


I thought you did fine! you marked it appropriately so if someone didnt read it or read it and continued to listen thats their own fault! I personally love darker audios like this so this was a fantastic treat! and its everyones own responsibility to curate their own media experience. as long as you tag things correctly like you did, the responsibility falls on the consumer at that point and not you! I hope you do more audios like this in the future as it was rlly fun and good!!!


You are absolutely fine you beautiful person


Cece pls, i know it takes courage to take your content to another steps and divert it into a wider range, i heeded the warnings and choose not to listen to the NTR audio, but please DO NOT beat yourself up over this, i know these audio takes a lot of times to do. I just dont want you to feel discouraged for trying something new...also for those saying that im attacking her - im not, she’s literally trying to please all of her listeners here isnt she? For those who dont like NTR just dont listen to it, its your own fault for trying it out aint it?


You warned everyone in the post! You’re creating totally awesome content! And you’re even awesome outside of content making. Thanks for all that you do!


I have yet to listen to it, but I know some people can see it as a comfort thing? If there's people in a situation like that irl, some could see it as a comfort, knowing their comfort characters deal with the same thing? Also, if it's too harsh for some, literally, just click off. There's lots of warnings that should be read. It's not your fault Cece.


No need to apologise Yagami. There were plenty of warnings, if they didn't read them or listen to them, that's on them. I listened to the warnings and that's why I haven't listened to the audios, because it's just not my cup of tea, but that's not to say that it's no one's cup of tea. Plenty of people love your work that you put out there, myself included as well as the friends I've talked into listening to your audios, and you've made such an amazing community. I can't wait to see what else you do and to keep supporting you. ❤️ You're so amazing and talented and I thank you for all that you've done. ❤️


Pls dont apologize i admit i was scared 🥺 but its part of the spice. You did a great job 🥰 i really love your work


Everything is okay:3 You’re such a nice person


You tagged it and put plenty of warning on it my dear you did nothing wrong it was our choice to go ahead and listen to it besides this is your patreon you can do what ever you want plz don’t feel bad plus what might not be for one might be for others just because one doesn’t like it doesn’t mean another didn’t enjoy it plz plz plz don’t feel bad 🥺💗💗


Croce, you don’t have to apologize! You put warnings and if people listed to it then that’s on them. I got a few minutes in before I took a nap but I thought it was amazing so far!! You work so hard and you don’t have to apologize for that! I can’t wait for the Fatgum Sleep Aid and the 7MIH!! Keep up the good work and we all love you!

Hallymally Bubu

You told the sensitice ppl to not listen to it tho...theyve been warned....


Please don’t apologize for wanting to explore more nsfw territory on YOUR Patreon. You have a right to do what you want with your own work, as long as it makes you happy. These are fictional situations with fictional characters. And you gave all the warning tags you could. That’s the best you can do. People can not fault the creator for their choice in ignoring said warnings. Please keep exploring new territory if that’s what you want to do. Your work is amazing regardless of the genre ❤️


You don’t have to apologize people over sensitive...if they want to support you it has to be all package 🥺💖


The part I appreciated most: You put the warning first. You're doing amazing Doll! Thank you so much for all that you do!


Oh, honey....it was literally filled with warnings! Sometimes people get too excited and and get click happy, and then realizing their mistake they blame others for their own actions.


yeah ion how to feel about that one chief but you did give appropriate warnings


The title very clearly said Cheating. It's not your fault if someone can't read. I don't intent to sound rude, but I hate when people blame others for their incompetence or short comings. You did literally nothing wrong.


Please don’t be too hard on yourself! Thank you for the warnings, though! We are all so grateful for your amazing work!


Hey don’t worry u put warnings for people, it’s there fault if they still watched it knowing it will trigger them. Ur all good post the stuff u like to do ❤️ Also fuck yeah fatgum!!!


My dude i love the post honestly. I just hope you could make a part 2 soon

Jhopeismyshiteu Purple Heart

Like I read a comment that said “I’m more into vanilla and I don’t like this audio at all.” And I’m like dude she gave you warnings it literally says HARDCORE in the title and warnings it’s not that hard to read


I’m getting annoyed at people always having a problem with everything.... There’s literally no way you could of put more warnings it’s literally the first thing I saw. If they listen to something knowing what it is and that they might no like it, it’s ON THEM NOT you. Some people like more ‘vanilla’ or ‘softer’ audios and that’s fine, but there’s range on here and I don’t want you to feel like you can’t explore darker more intense scenario because some people aren’t into that. And want to make you feel guilty about it or like you did something wrong. Just because they’re not into that doesn’t mean you can’t make audios like this, many of us will like it, there’s always an audience. I personally want to see you explore what you want as well and I don’t have any problem with darker audios at all and I know a lot of people like them too ! Please don’t let those that don’t like the more intense audios stop you from making them !


well reading all these comments - I CANT WAIT TO LISTEN TO THIS


You gave plenty of warnings. Dont be so hard on yourself!


You shouldn't have to apologize for anything you do, you blatantly put up warnings in each of your posts informing people of what they'll be getting into and this is no different. As adults and human beings we have the ability to choose what we do and don't want to listen to, watch, say or whatever. If someone who is known for making horror channels puts up a warning informing the individual of the horror they will see it is then up to the individual whether they want to watch the content or not, once you have posted and given fair warning about what you've posted what other people decide to do with it isn't in your hands, it's not your responsibility to hold their hand when they feel upset about something. You don't like it don't watch, read or listen, same goes for anything else they watch, many porn sites post the same kind of content whether fake or real its up to the person posting, so just like they can scroll past the posts they don't like there they can do the same here


So an example I checked out an erotic anthology that included a short story about a scat kink. I realized that it was not my thing so I moved on to the next story and that was being surprised with no warning. However I simply moved on... That was definitely a bit shocking as a barely adult. 🤭


At the end of the day, CeCe gave CLEAR warnings. Crystal freakin clear and y'all with a problem still decided NOT to use your eyes to READ said warnings and are now upset because you were triggered BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T READ. THE. WARNINGS!!!


You put out content and put every possible warning, you didn’t do anything wrong queen 💕 you’re fine

katie z

i loved it, i thought you did well marking what it contained and wrote a thoughtful warning. there were clear warnings, people need to read the blurb and decide if they can/should listen. i love you cece, i love your hardcore content !!! thanks for being amazing 💓💕


Alright I know I can't shut up, but I've been in fandom a long, LONG time, including writing somewhat well known porn in this specific fandom, and I've seen the issues of censorship and triggers pop up again and again and again. Content warnings exist for a reason. There is always going to be media that could be triggering or upsetting to some. If the possibility of there being something like that on your Patreon is something that a user does not want to have to deal with, 100% their right to not read it or unsub. But why go INTO that content, that is clearly marked, to bash those that want to read or listen to it? We have the ability and right to choose what we do and don't want to subject ourselves to on the internet. We SHOULD BE all adults here.


The entire description and title was warnings. If someone clicked on it after that, it’s their own fault.


Plsssss no apologizing you literally provide a SAFE environment for me to explore the darker kinks. We love you Cece tysm for giving me that

Vivid Nectarine ♪

what some really need to understand, yatos work is not always about mumus, peeweees and I love u forever till down, suck my whatever till I explode stuff. yato handles and provides a variety of different topics (strong ones, hurt ones, loved ones etc) and do some reaaaally think she shakes dat off just like dat? this woman digs her soul and mind into certain matters so the worlds are authentic and on spot. if u can’t see the amount of effort behind this in an objective way, yall need to fkin sit down and reflect bc by the end of the day there is a human behind it who not needs to be bashed for bc just some cant read. this community is a bunch of beloving, gorgeous, magnificent, kind and most important understanding souls and minds and it’s really a surprise for me to read some reflections bc when some of y’all buy stuff, y’all probably read the description and not just put it in the bag bc good looking and stuff. so its ur responsibility. the creator did his job. now its y’all job to read the description correctly and to understand proper. simple as dat.


There was plenty of warnings on the opening part of all of the posts, I don't think you could have made it any clearer than you did :/ I think it's good trying to open up to more kinks (we're a very diverse bunch) and as long as you're putting the appropriate warnings (again you did) then it's up to the listener to make the decision to try it or skip past it - I tried it, wasn't my cup of tea and that was my decision, I went into it informed of what to expect. Don't doubt yourself Cece, you take care of us so much :)


Cece, dude your fine! ITS fine!! You completely warned the listener and somehow (for sum STUPID UNKNOWN REASON ) the listener didn't listen to the warning 🤷🏽‍♀️ thats their fault! You shouldn't have to apologize, you shouldn't have to explain yourself, the warning was plenty!! YOU TOOK THE RIGHT STEPS TO ENSURE WHO COULD LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND WHO COULD HANDLE IT where able to understandthat if it was for them or not!!!!! YOU THE OG lol Don't you worry about a thing you did good from what i seen ❤❤ We love ya bunches!

Divinity Bell

Thank u for taking the initiative to apologize but u shouldnt have to. U put up enough warnings and if they still read it and felt some kind of way thats on them 100%. Keep doing you always!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤


Can people not read or what? THERE'S WARNINGS ON EACH POST! Like what else do you need? CeCe to personally come to your house and tell u? She has the right to post whatever she wants, it's up to us if we want to listen to it or not. Plus not a single freaking person said anything about the Dabi and Shoto Audios so what's the difference here now? Y'all need to get your facts straight. If you don't like it just keep scrolling and mind your own business, it's not that hard unless u want to start drama. CeCe did nothing wrong, she did everything perfect and made sure that there were CLEAR WARNINGS for everyone to see.

SuperWhoLockian 2882

CeCe you did nothing wrong you put warnings you let everyone know before hand if it was a gift then you shouldn't be ashamed you're an awesome creator and you should have the freedom to do as you're pleasing to do


Please don't apologise because some can't read and heed warnings! ❤️ It's not your fault that they couldn't understand those warnings!


we're all adults and i think it's a little silly that people can look past warnings and feel like they're obligated to listen. you did nothing wrong, if people can choose to listen to only they audios of characters they like, they can use that same freedom of choice to not listen to something CLEARLY labeled with TWs. like i said in my comment on one of those posts, you provide a safe space for people to explore what they like and find out what they don't, without worrying about judgement. you try to cover as many kinks as you can to give people that chance to figure themselves out. if they read the warnings and knew they wouldn't be into it, it's on them for listening, not on you for posting. as for the incest argument, i'll agree with something another person said - people didn't bat an eyelash at the dabi & shoto audio, to my knowledge at least. i think it was it being ENDEAVOR that threw people off, myself included. but a responsible adult knows when to click away. we're too old to be acting like that isn't a readily available option. if we can have villain audios without people thinking cece condones murder, we can have that audio without people thinking cece condones incest. good grief. i'm sorry you have to deal with all of this but you did everything you should have in that situation. we love you!


It's fine!! I think it's great ^^


This isn’t a proper apology. If you were TRULY sorry, you wouldn’t have put a gif, you wouldn’t have said “i’m sorry IF”. your apology translates as “🥺🥺🥺🥺 i’m sowey pls don’t cancel me uwu”. A proper apology would be to create a whole new PROPER apology, take down the audios and actually show how sorry you are if you meant it.


Thank you! So many people were in the comments like “y’all are disgusting for like this. This is literal Incest”, like this is suppose to be a safe place for EVERYONE.




If you are old enough to listen to these audios you should be mature enough to read the warnings and decide what you want or don't want to listen !


Y’all haters need to stop being so pressed. You aren’t the only listeners. What works for some may not work for others. So be kind and shut up. Leave my queen ALONE


it's okay Cece don't feel bad! personally wasn't my cup of tea but it was for some people. you had warnings and if you went in knowing them, don't get upset


*scrolls through comments to defend our queen with the wrath of 32000 weebs*


You're listening to kink porn on the internet about drawings. PLease get off your high horse.


Sweet baby, you didn't overstep your bounds AT ALL! It was wonderfully refreshing, as someone who has darker kinks that don't get to see the light of day, it felt good to finally dip into them once again. The warnings were all there and it is 100% NOT your fault if people ignore them and listen anyways. Opinions are okay, unsubbing because they don't want certain content is acceptable, but none of the hate to come to you. You're providing service for all different types of people here! Keep doing what you're doing, I beg you. It's great content even if it doesn't reach everyone. The fact that it makes some of us VERY VERY happy is great! <333


Cece we all love you. You did the right thing with the warnings etc. You have no reason to be sorry x


Dude, I've written incest/non-con fiction before and dealt with non-con/assault-esque situations in my life. I'm still not as on edge as some of these lot. Cece gave explicit warning, and if you're listening to her content legally, you're a grown adult. You know what I, a grown tax-paying adult who legally pays for her content does when Cece releases audio I don't like? I wait for the next one. I don't go into comments and cry. If your concern is that people who shouldn't be listening to this, ie underage or mentally incapable people, might get upset about it, you should be getting mad at Patreon or the TikTok people who steal her stuff.


Please don’t delete it 💖 you did everything you could


You definitely gave enough warnings for this audio. You made it VERY clear on what kind of material was going to be in the audio. I usually read the descriptions and stuff to make sure I am okay with the content, and almost always I am. It is understandable that someone would feel uncomfortable if it is not their thing. You didn't put a gun to the person's head and say "LISTEN TO THIS AUDIO OR I'LL SHOOT YOU." Even though it was not something I would be into, I still listened because for one I was okay with it, and two I was interested. It is hard to please every single person, but people also need to take responsibility for themselves. Keep being creative and exploring! You have spiced up my life in the most positive ways possible. We love you lots!


No worries Cece, you had enough warnings and labels. It was clear what the listener was getting into by your description. But, there will always be people who are butthurt. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Aaaaaand as a litigation attorney, this is why we will always have dumb lawsuits. Because no matter how many flipping warnings you put out in large, all caps letters, there will always be some idiots who say, "I didn't see it" and then try to blame someone else. 🙄


It's not you Cece! It's the haters! They don't listen to your text when you said "WARNING! " I really like though. 🥺 so I wasn't uncomfortable with it at all. Just do what makes you happy!


We’re all adults here and some are acting like toddlers. You have eyes, you can read, comprehend what you’re reading and if you want to listen to the audio or not. Stop making Cece feel bad for a scenario that you don’t like personally. You can’t blame someone for making an audio of something you don’t like and shaming them for it. Just don’t listen to it and keep it moving. This is 18+ content why are people acting so offended and immature over NOTHING. It’s ridiculous


Me in the comment section just to like EVERY single comment that SUPPORTS QUEEN CECE - no need to apologize!!! Its your page & there was plenty of warnings 😌


Don't apologize. You labeled it correctly. Im sure a lot of the comments dont mean to yell at you. Stay safe Cece !


I loved it!!! For the record I think you gave more than enough warnings and were perfectly clear. I love when you push the boundaries a bit and it keeps things fun and interesting


You had warnings. You did what you could. The people that ignored the warnings and still listened to it are kinda at fault. Some people like,, some people don’t. And if you don’t like it,, don’t listen to it and make Cece feel bad about it.


The title and description was loaded with warnings, if people continued regardless of the warnings and were offended then that's their own fault, not yours. I personally hate cuckhold/ntr, so I just didn't listen to the audio. I don't understand why people feel the need to make themselves uncomfortable for the sake of appearing ""knowledgeable"" online. Please don't apologize


I thought the warnings were sufficient, don’t need to be so hard on yourself!


As someone who skipped over this audio I urge you guys please please read the description- I think it's fair to say that Cece was clear in what the audio was about so that people can skip over it without listening to it


I’m so proud of you Cece!! ❤️❤️❤️


I honestly didn’t mind if I kind of liked it honestly 🙈


This is absolutely not your fault, you put warnings on it and people should have listened. There's nothing more you could have done- you did what you were supposed to.


man all i wanted was a tendou audio 🧍🏽‍♀️


i love you so much cece, you did nothing wrong.


It’s ok cece <3 people will either enjoy it or not! Same goes to everything that people make in this world!! Keep doing you >:)


She was very damn clear they need to stop being sensitive y’all literally pay money for her extra EXTRA stuff that can’t go on you tube what did you expect? Leave her alone she’s trying her best to please everyone if you don’t like it just listen to the next video she puts out and shut up 💀💀


You put all kinds of warnings on that post, lovely. People really just be pulling up to these audios doing this: 👩🏿‍🦯👩🏿‍🦯👩🏿‍🦯 If they didn't want to listen, they didn't have to. You're doing phenomenal work. 💖 All the love


It was awesome.... u//u I love you Cece


DO NOT APOLOGIZE you labeled it with a warning it clearly said what it said. You did a good job sis


The people who are making cece feel bad are immature and should learn self control and basic human decency


We’re all supposed to be adults, and as responsible adults, we need to take it upon ourselves to read warnings and other things before going into them. No one is going to put giant blinking warning signs like in some kind of cheesy parody movie. Cece, no need to apologize. You put warnings and did everything you could to make everyone aware. I particularly didn’t like it, but that’s not my cup of tea. I knew what I was getting myself into by listening to the audio and that’s my choice. Our choices matter and your choice was to put warnings, because you care about our wellbeing and want us to feel safe. It’s not your fault that people don’t pay attention to or read the warnings before listening.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Tired Tiefling

You put very clear warnings. You did the responsible thing by warning people of what they were getting into before they press play. Anybody who decided they wanted to listen to it needs to take it seriously, warnings on content aren’t just for fun they are the creator trying to create safe environments. You should not need to apologize because people either aren’t reading your warnings or aren’t taking them serious. That’s on them not you

Tazzy B



Don’t be sorry!! You clearly labeled warnings and it’s simple af to just stop listening to an audio that bothers someone. You’re doing great Cece baby! We love you 💙


Truly open minded and understanding people know you meant no harm. The kinks you have displayed were labled, you even stated it was a bit on the darker side of things and to not listen if you were sensitive to such things. To be truly open minded and understanding, people won't kink shame or attack you for trying to safely support those kinks. I fully support you in your efforts to deliver people what they asked for silently. No one got hurt or forced to record what you did because you are the only person in the recording. You made it clear what you're trying to do and I admire you for having the courage to crack a few eggs to completely follow through and include everyone. Even those forced into the corner from kink shaming.


Wow im surprised. One you gave a clear description and warning with the audio. Two I highly enjoyed it. Didnt think I would. But now I think I have an unknown kink.


I don’t understand why anyone was offended at all. Title was a warning. Description was a warning. All the comments were warnings. There were warnings. THERE WERE WARNINGS. If someone read all that, still went into the audio, and had a problem, well, welcome to the consequences of your actions. Now you’re bothered. That’s on that individual; not on Cece.


Honestly don’t feel like you should apologize, you have your warnings and all. Me personally I loved it it was outside of my usual ...r💙💙💙💕💕💕


Nooooo you should not apologize. I thought it was an interesting take on these characters. You gave plenty of warning and just to prepare myself I read some of the comments just so I had a better idea of what I would be getting into . Cheating makes me uncomfortable but I still chose to listen. Men calling me a whore makes me uncomfortable and I still chose to listen. I love that you have created a healthy outlet for people to enjoy and explore, it's a safe place for those who don't always know what they like or might be scared to admit to liking something. These audios have helped me in such a big way and it's obvious that it's helped so many others. I understand why you are apologizing but please know I am one of the many that feels like it unnecessary. Please take care of yourself. Mind, body, and soul. Keep loving yourself cause we certainly won't stop loving you and your work


Cece we love you and it’s not your fault you put warnings as you always do love


I mean fiction is for exploring themes you wouldn't want to explore IRL. neither NTR nor the fact that it was Endeavor and Shouto are my cup of tea, but in that case I just don't sip. It makes me uncomfortable, but you labeled it clearly enough that I knew to avoid it. You're fine.


Hey! Don't apologize, you put on warnings for everyone to see, and you did absolutely nothing wrong here. Ignore whoever complains about it, if they have time to listen to the audio and complain about it, they definitely had time to read the warnings. You're doing amazing, and I hope you're also taking good care of yourself! <3

Arcana (He Him)

You didn't offend me. As much as I hate Endevour and was more on Shoto's side I appreciated the angle, it made sense that Endevour would be like that and your warnings seemed very clear. You can't read for them.


I agree with this 100% she did nothing wrong, what she made is a WILDLY POPULAR KINK! She gave many many warnings and if people just clicked and didnt read, thats on them. Like, i love the VD audios (he has blood play, knifes , GUNS) but not a fan of normal deku so what does one do, scroll past. Oof.


Oh, I have an idea, maybe Extreme Corner can stay, but be locked to a higher sub tier? There is less chance for the softer listeners to impulsively click on it? I know the temptation is great, so perhaps keeping it to 10 or 25 tier would make it easier?


Don’t apologize. This is actually pretty tame from what other things I’ve come across. I still don’t like cheating or incest (which was pretty light in the audio imo), so the audio isn’t for me. That’s okay! I can listen to your other stuff. It’s not the end of the world.


You put a warning and everything. Personally, it’s one of my favorite audios now so I can tell you I loved it. Please don’t let people make you feel bad about it though. The title is explanatory so you did your job as a creator. <3


I think stuff like this is fine since there is an audience for it out there but next time you need to be more in-depth and easily recognizable tags. Also when using things like 'blackmail' you should be careful because it can be taken the wrong way.


These comments are..... 🥴🥴


you kidding me thats some extra extra spicy whoo! i need a cuddle after that and you did put a warning so no need to worry sweetie you got some awesome talent!


DONT WORRY ABOUT IT CECE we still love you and th work you create you did the right thing putting labels dont worry about what people say keep doing you we still gonna love regardless ❤❤❤

Tired Tiefling

We’re all big boys and girls (or people if you’re NB) , we can dictate what content we indulge in. If it wasn’t your cup of tea scroll past it, don’t press play, or do what I did and just stop listening. If you’re REALLY unhappy stop being a patron. It’s YOUR job to control which things you like and dislike. Not hers.


Awwww babyyyy nooo 🥺💔💔💔 Imma say this loud for the people in the back... 🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥 YOUR TALENT IS FLAWLESS!!!!! 💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖🔥💖 You gave fair warning!!! People need to learn HOW to talk about things they don’t like with out pulling the “I’m offended” card. For example, endeavour’s not my vibe but totally support anyone who likes him, each to their own. Peoples’ need to attack what they don’t like shows toxic behaviour and a lack of emotional intelligence. You’re incredibly talented and a remarkable story-teller. (Also empathetic as hell, which I know makes it hard when you genuinely care so much for others). You don’t need to apologise for the bad behaviour of others.... they need to learn to respect you and those around them more than they currently do, that will require growth on their part. Please keep doing your thing, and try not to worry. 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 You know we love you, and will always have your back.


Sweetheart, Cece, yagami yato-sama .. really, do not apologize or feel like you did us wrong. That is absolutely not the case! Bottom line is - we're all thirsty a.f. individuals. 🤣 We all have our preferences. And we get to simp and openly enjoy our preferences through you and within this community. Not everybody is going to love everything, but that's okay - because I know for one that I have learned SO MUCH about what I enjoy, and even not enjoy, sexually through your audios in a safe environment. Thank you cece... you truely got a heart of gold . ❤


Cece sweetie, you put a content warning on that video! And everyone here has clearly displayed their ability to read their screens if they’ve signed up to view your content. Don’t feel bad for making the content you want to make, and shame on anyone who’s putting Cece down for making something that doesn’t suit their likes. Get off your moral high-horse, it’s fucking fiction.


Never apologize! Niche fetishes deserve to be heard, too. It’s cool that you would do something like that for those who don’t get to have that kind of thing very often. You put so many warnings on it, so if someone ignored that and got upset, that’s really their problem. I don’t mean to sound insensitive. 🥺


I’m finna start beating people up. Like there coming at cece for this audio yet there are millions of actual pornography of actual Incest this is fictional characters! Leave her alone. Like if you are subscribed to her patreon then you shouldn’t be so judgmental and be more considerate to her feelings and to her work. She works hard day and night to please everyone around her. And if you can’t appreciate that then you don’t deserve any of her audios of time of day!

Tharja Lavellan

I always appreciate the warnings you set in place! And The warning was very clear to me and that’s why I haven’t listened to it. I am very sensitive to this subject. But I didn’t freak out, attack anyone and or even really bat a eyelash, I carried on with my day. I admire your work! We all appreciate you! People just need to read...lol 😂


dont even sweat it ! you put a tw in the description and if people still choose to listen to it thats on them at that point , thank you for all the effort you put in for us ! we love you cece <3


Imagine having nothing else better to do with your lack of reading comprehension then attack a sister just trying to provide you with a niche service


I feel there’s no issue since u put a warning soo no need to worry CECE we all love you 💜💜💜

Vivid Nectarine ♪

koko, great idea bbe. guys from discord and cece if u read this, this is a great, great idea. rate the audio to a higher pledge if u agree bbe.


I didnt even listen to the audio. Yk why? Solely bc I'm not much of a Shoto fan in that sense & def not an Endeavor fan. But I still read the warnings even tho i knew i wasnt gonna listen to it. And even reading all these comments I'm still not gonna listen to it bc i know it's not my kinda fix. It is COMPLETELY understandable and fine if some things just arent your kinda thing, or if they are. One of the things I love about being here is that everyone is so open and welcoming, no matter what you're into. Dont ruin that. And geez dont take out the mistake you made on CeCe. Shes too kind to even be sharing her work with us. Theres something here for EVERYONE; appreciate the acceptance and beauty in that. Whether it's something hardcore, vanilla, the intensity, or even comfort corners; dont shame anyone and def dont get rude with CeCe. She tries to make things for EVERYONE and that's a beautiful and kind thing that she DOESNT have to do


No no, no no! Do not apologize to those who have clearly chosen to ignore the huge WARNINGS you listed on those posts. Yes, it's not for everyone (including myself) but that doesn't give them license to shit all over it and honestly I don't know why they think they can do that when they are literally paying on this Patreon but anyway...to those mf's MOVE ON if you know it's not going to be for you. IT'S NOT DIFFICULT! Cece, you are wonderful, caring, and ever so thoughtful, I appreciate the work that you do for us. This is your page and you should upload whatever you want. Your audios give me so much comfort and I’m even building some confidence in myself. Keep doing what you love to do, we loving fans will have your back!


There was such a detailed warning in the description though...it was basically screamed at us. It would've been so easy to just read that and move past it. I don't know that more tags would've changed anything here...people couldn't read the description that was given


Little worried about the people here talking about these characters as if they are real. There is no Shoto and Endeavor. This is acting. This is one very talented woman creating fictional scenarios to be enjoyed as entertainment. If you can’t discern that, then I don’t think you’re mature enough to consume adult oriented content.


Cece, you are a queen and you did nothing wrong. I was happily killed by the audio and loved it so much! Even though the end totally broke my heart! I am so excited to see if you make any more to it! I loved it and needed it so bad today. You made my day so much better. Thank you for being amazing and working as hard as you do. 💜💜💜🙏


I don’t even know how many more warnings you could have put. It was INSANE and not for everyone, but definitely for some of us.


You're okay sweetheart, there was MORE than enough warning. Anyone who was offended clearly didn't read it carefully or at all. 💜 They can always unsubscribe


You guys need to calm your shit... It's her Patreon, she can do what she wants on it. If there's a certain type of content you don't like DON'T LISTEN TO IT. It's really that simple. The fact that she felt she had to apologize for her own content is ridiculous


There is no reason to apologise. You gave enough warnings, like ENOUGH that even I knew that I'm not in the headspace for this right now. And for everyone else, if those warnings hit you hard, that means it is not for you. Please move on and don't bash the creator and don't kink shame. You want to be respected, respect others. You are paying for 18+ NSFW content. You should of known eventually something would come up that isn't for you. And if this is "the last straw" unsub and move on. Though I've read fanfic that takes it to a whole new level so good luck there. Some people don't tag their writing. Like someone says "You are responsible for what you consume on the internet. No one else." If you are paying for adult content, you are old enough to think and know what is and is not for you.


Don’t t worry cece I still love you


I think it’s pretty obvious that is not an audio that’s gonna please everyone, but for real I think every audio is like that! You read the description and listen if you feel like it’s something for you!! That’s why descriptions and warnings are so important and they were both very clear on this one. It’s okay Cece 🖤


I can understand why it'd offend someone, as incest is just a huge taboo & people are affected by it. Sometimes seeing it is all it takes to upset someone & it may be traumatic so I wouldn't ask people to "get over it" because you don't know what another person has experienced. (Sexual abuse from a relative and etc.) That being said, thank you for labelling, it's not my cuppa so I knew what to do. My only thing is that I worry now that people who claim you're a pedophile will now have new material to slander you over.


Hey I’m very open about peoples kinks your fine hun. I was just a bit surprised lol


You put warnings. Thats their fault that they chose to ignore them. You did nothing wrong Cece don’t feel bad


You don't have to apologise, you used plenty of warnings. I watched it and didn't like it myself but I didn't have to listen so no blame should be placed on you. <3 lots of love, hope you don't get upset by this.


it’s okay bbg!! u did nothing wrong!!!


I love the fact you have a huge heart and never want to offend anyone, but you were more than generous with your warnings. Hugs and love Cece, I personally love the mix of content and how you cater to as many kinks and tastes as possible. And remember sweet one, you can’t always make everyone happy. Just do what makes YOU happy and we will all be here for the ride. ❤️❤️


Anyone who is offended needs to learn to read. Cece doesn’t have to apologize for your actions and feelings. Look she clearly labeled it. If you didn’t want to hear it why’d you press play? It’s called accountability, welcome to life. Cece, you do AMAZING work. You are so damn talented. Keep up your phenomenal work and let your patrons listen at their own risk. You handled it very well. 💚🤍💙💜


we are all grown ass adults who know how to read, and SHOULD know how to navigate the internet especially to prevent stumbling upon things we find upsetting. this isn’t your fault at ALL. with that being said, i REALLY hope you don’t let this affect your future work and that you put out more “extreme” audios like this in the future because it helps a lot of people figure out what they enjoy without fear of judgement, and/or lets people with past trauma who are now into these things have an outlet defined by control and fantasy. you’re doing god’s work and i love you.


You clearly post what is going to be in the audio and the person who complained only had to IGNORE it or NOT listen to it. SIMPLE. People are too sensitive and think the world revolves around them. Your friend wanted it and you did it for them. Don't delete it! You don't have to apologize for it because we are in a world that you can't please everyone. If they don't like to content then bye-bye. I'm still waiting for you to take request to do personal audios for people. You might loose your voice with all the request but it's okay hehe.


Bruh you don't have to apologize for shit this your patron do whatever . There's gonna be people that disagree and that's when you hit em with the "I still got your money for this month so..." 😂😂😂 But fr though do you we love you !!


To the people complaining, saying her apology isn't good enough or whatever, and unsubbing, I just have one question... Can you not fucking read? I can NOT believe the level of entitlement in some of these comments. Why should she apologize to you, when you clearly IGNORED her 2 paragraphs of warnings and listened to it anyway? She is not responsible for you, take care of yourself, labels are there for you to determine if it's for you or not. If you decide to ignore it, that's on you... Don't cry about it and demand apologizes 😂 She has 32k other patrons to entertain, don't make this about you because you decided to be an idiot 🤷‍♀️


Everyone has said it but I will as well, you gave a very sufficient amount of warning on that post. Youre always so thoughtful and kind, but you’re really not in the wrong here. Love you sososo much thank you for all your hard work


Right? I’m scrolling through making sure no one is putting down our queen


There were warnings for the audio , and some of you still attacked here , you guys need stop that. if you are Uncomfortable with it please do not Listen she put all of nsfw and even the description stating this. She should not be apologizing for the work she done.


You don’t need to apologize. If they felt uncomfortable then they could just leave the audio. Simple. You’re doing great so don’t worry about a thing sweetie 💖

Vivid Nectarine ♪

I listened to dat, hard topics, ngl. but from an objective view god dam woman how ur mind and voice is circulating is so next level godtier I want to dig ma heads in it 😩🤘 dont u dare apologizing ever again about ur contents or I will hunt u down with popcornz and other stuff 😤 and yes, I’m hardcore openminded and I can reflect objectively to certain topics. no need for me to bash around. lets stay constructive guys and take this as opportunity to know each other perspectives on a respectful level. we all deserve dat, doesn’t matter if we agree or not. 🤘☘️


Wow, this is her personal page!!! I wish people would stop tripping and leave our precious Cece TF ALONE ! good got dayum!


Baby girl. Relax. We promise you, it’s okay. Create what you want, and people have the right to choose which ones they listen to. I personally love that you’re exploring darker kinks (knifeplay is a fave of mine), but I totally understand people who don’t. What I don’t understand however, is why people would give you shit for creating an audio that doesn’t suit their tastes. If you’re not interested, why make a creator you enjoy feel like shit??? Just ignore it??????


This apology was unnecessary, you left more than enough clear warnings and anyone who proceeded anyway and got offended needs to blame themselves and them reevaluate why they engage with things that clearly disturb them.


I think it's the potential inscest is what made alot of people uncomfortable, me included, thank you however for the apology.

Katira Moon

You don’t need to apologize!! There were more than enough warnings and anyone could’ve just stopped listening if the started to feel uncomfortable. I loved the audio!! It was right up my weird alley lol


Baby noooo :( I can only speak for myself here but I think you made the warnings pretty clear and it's obvious that not every audio is for every person but that is their own responsibility to either not listen at all or stop if it gets too bad💕💕💕💕


you NEVER need to apologize, Cece. You work so hard and you make the art you wanna make❤️ You put all the warnings and you should never be attacked for any of your audios, it was a really cool exploration. Don’t listen to haters

Novak Rouge

I'm sorry you have to apologize :( it's YOUR page after all, and it's not like you lied on the description of the audio. You made everything super clear and if anyone felt like it wasn't their cup of tea, it was just as easy as saying "oh okay, I'll wait til next audio". It's just simple as that :( You're very talented and I hope this isn't discouraging to you. I know how hard it can get. I'm sending lots of love and I'm proud you're exploring ❤️


You should also be able to post the stuff you want and like too


I am BEGGING for the naysayers to grow tf up none of these scenarios are real and proper warnings were explicitly stated point blank. Jesus Christ can’t we have anything a little different to be explored that we all happily PAY for Cece to create? Damn y’all, relax!


Yup. The tone of some of the comments makes me concerned that the ones commenting are nowhere near the age or maturity they should be to be consuming this kind of material.


And I really appreciate the warnings, I'm glad you cared enough to do that!


Bro, the warnings was there for a reason. If you don't like it or think you can't handle it, just keep scrooling and ignore that.


Personally, I loved it. I think there was plenty of warning and that it was a nice treat to anyone who may have that kink! 💕💕💕

Tai tai



CeCe I appreciate your apologies but there's no need for it. You're do an amazing job, keep up the work. You are an artist, especially self, tell your stories. You put the proper amount of warnings, it's their fault that they didn't read it. If they don't like it they can listen to something else, that's what I did.


Cece, you're amazing! Please don't let those who chose to listen to something despite the warnings make you feel bad! We love you and support you queen! <3


You did nothing wrong. I liked it. It was interesting. If some people didn't like it, that's ok. If they didn't read the MULTIPLE warnings on it and continued to listen to the audio only to not like, that's on them. Every audio you make has a fair warning and if they don't heed it, that really is on them. You did perfectly fine. Also, yay! A Fatgum sleep aid! I loved listening to the Hawks one. It was comforting and REALLY helped me sleep =) I conked out for 9 1/2 hours X3


I agree with Haley Pitts, people have control over themselves so they are responsible what they decide to listen to or not. I have a friend who is into darker kinks than I and I don’t judge her for it or harass her over it. You’re exploring new things and as a creator that’s good for you! Don’t worry baby girl we got you.


dont worry about it!!! u honestly have nth to apologise for, u always tag everything so people know if they want to listen or not!! i appreciate u so much!! ❤️❤️🥰🥰

Imagining Dragons

Honestly, I very much enjoy the darker audios. It may sound unconventional, but they kinda help me cope and heal from my own traumas, and I know it probably helps others too. I think that as long as the audio is properly tagged with warnings, everything is good!


Hmmm maybe a solution for this matter? Like most of the comments here is really encouraging you Cece, myself included. Since we have “Comfort Corner” how about now add “Extreme Corner” ?. I just felt like after this Todo x Ende audio you might feel discouraged and wouldn’t want to try anything newer. In my personal opinion i wouldnt want that ofc. EDIT: wait fucc im dumb she already put EC at the title, ugh guess my eyes only wanders to the description. Neverther less i still dont want her to feel discouraged.


Nooo Cece you did amazing ok? It was a new experience for everyone and something for you to experiment with. Despite yes, this type of audio is not really my cup of tea, but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. You have some serious talent that I respect greatly, and I REALLY appreciate and respect you for wanting to explore different concepts. We love you Cece!! You are amazing!! 💕💕💕💕


No need love the variety 💕 be proud of your awesome work


Cece keep your head up chicky your creativity and gentle exploration into all kinds audios are very much appreciated by so many.


Some people like that kind of thing. Some people don't. They didn't read the warnings and listened to it anyway and just wanted something to complain about. You have no reason to apologise. Keep being amazing!! I love your work so much and you make my day just by making it. Don't give up! (And maybe make some more like that...super hot...)


Uh I wasn’t offended? You did give ample warning to what was to be expected. You shouldn’t have to apologize over the fact that some people chose to disregard said warnings and listened to an audio that they knew could trigger them just cuz it’s new content or because of the curiosity factor. NTR isn’t my thing so I backed away and didn’t listen. But I got friends here that like it and it makes me sad they feel judged cuz there was such outward disapproval for their kink. Cece works hard to try to cater to all of us and the various kinks we have. We all have different opinions but we still gotta be respectful and kind about it ❤️


You gave a warning and people have a choice whether they listen to it or not. If it's not their thing, they shouldn't listen and if it is, so be it. As long as there is a warning given for those who it may bother, then I don't see a problem. We love you lots and appreciate all that you do!


Listen you don’t have to apologize!!! There was more than enough tags on those posts and it’s also very kind of you do explore the darker side of kinks nothing wrong with that. Everyone doesn’t like to like or dislike the same things and that okay! However it is not your fault they chose to not read the tags. Hon your work is amazing and lovely


I have to laugh because all the people bitch about the audio are all like "yOU COULDVE TRIGGERED A VICTIM" Motherfucker, I am a victim. YOU don't speak for me. The audio had the proper warnings, if you still listened and got mad that's your own damn fault. Feel free to leave 👋✨


You have absolutely no reason to apologize!!! You gave many warnings on the post and if people can’t read that’s their faults!!! They should know better than to disregard your warnings and then criticize you for it when you tried to tell them it might not be for them. Everyone may have different preferences and opinions, but it’s as simple as if you don’t like something or you think it’s not for you, then just listen to other audios you’re more comfortable about. You were so sweet and thoughtful to make it for a friend and to explore other kinks that your patrons might be interested as well. Cece, make the content that YOU want and we’ll support you through and through!


CeCe you did amazing, you even told people in the description of the darker sides so please keep your head high.


I was in no way offended 💖 you're allowed creative freedom in any way you enjoy! We love you Cece!!!


You put a thorough trigger warning. Like VERY THOROUGH. If people chose to listen to it despite those warnings that’s on them. Cece you are amazing and have been a transparent and honest creator for us. I don’t think people are super aware of the darker side of kinks and it’s great that you were giving content with that side of kinks in it (AND there were trigger warnings). This will hopefully encourage people to be more open and knowledgeable on the different spectrum of kinks! But please do not apologize for their mistake!!! I’m sorry that people can be so harsh 😭 sending so much love and support to you today 💕


you don’t have to apologise! you literally give SO MUCH and there were multiple trigger warnings. you are incredible 💕

Meli VonCherry

I feel sorry for Cece cuz to tell the truth I don't think she needed to apologize, I mean this kind of things and even Wilders are regulars chats on the Fandom, so she just wanted to make something for them, also I don't know about you people but when I am not sure of somenthing on a movie, serie or book, I just disassociate myself from it and go on with it, Is that so difficult? If you don't like it but you listen to it because you are curious do it but disassociate yourself from it so you don't feel bad, and you even can Imagine a better ending? Like I don't know, maybe the real you is going to steal Shoto and the actual listener is just someone else perspective?.... Why is so easy for me but no for you?


But I liked it 🥺🤲


Oh honey, ilysm. You shouldn’t feel bad or have to apologize. Everything’s tagged wonderfully and you were explicit about its contents. I don’t want you to feel bad about it or get discouraged from venturing into new things! It wasn’t my cup of tea but it was good in its own way


Despite what others are saying, you apology is appreciated regardless of if it was necessary or not.


I just want you to know that someone told me you did that and I asked for your patreon and instantly subscribed to you so like, I'm 100000% here for it thank you for the food


🙌🏽🙏🏽 preach, I’m scared everyone will become more hateful because she’s trying new things out and I really don’t want this community to be toxic.. I love it a lot because I feel welcomed by others and share similar interests, I just wish people knew that she was trying something new and people explore kinks all the time! Or if people just..knew they won’t like everything in the world


Cece Imma be real with you, don’t apologize. It’s literally the listeners fault for not reading the tags and warnings carefully. (I’m serious, that’s on you y’all.) and beside. You guys need to remember this content is fictional, not real never will be. So please stop guilt tripping Cece for something that never happened and never will, because these characters are NOT. REAL. ✨✨✨✨


I really don’t get people on the internet sometimes. First off, this is the internet, where almost anyone can post anything. It is your job as someone who uses the internet to make sure that you don’t come across things that make you uncomfortable or are triggering. This audio is a perfect example - it is YOUR, not Cece’s, not the rest of the community’s, etc, but your JOB to AVOID these things if they make you uncomfortable. Voicing your feelings is great, and encouraged, but not to the point where you shit on Cece or any other creator for it. On top of that, there were many, many, MANY warnings written in ALL CAPS for a 30 minute long audio y’all could’ve stopped at any time. This falls on the people who failed to avoid it. Cece, please don’t feel moved to apologize for this. They should have read the warnings and heeded them.


If they have a problem with it they should just not listen to it, yeah 😋? why complain when she left warnings, plus she didn’t force you to listen to it.... now you make her apologize? heh.. They should learn to read before they start a ruckus🤭


Love you, CeCe~


No no no it’s okay!! I’m sure we all understand it just caught us completely off guard 😂

Tazzy B

That's another thing,, stop flapping your gums so much about what goes on in Patreon like WTF is wrong with y'all. For every 1 person that just, subscribed because they're into something that was described you have 500 more complaining and causing Cece more stress because she's having to defend herself and her work to people that aren't even here or should have knowledge of what goes on in here! Shut your damned mouths!


Dont feel like you have to apologize for the audios! You clearly marked what it contained and even mentioned that it wouldn't be suitable for everyone! If someone knew it would make them uncomfortable then they could have simply chosen to not listen (and same goes for anyone who started to listen but quickly realized they couldn't handle it or didn't like it. Ya'll could have pressed stop at any time and gone to something you would enjoy). I for one enjoy the fact that you're delving into the darker side of things, since it gives me and many others the chance to see just how far down the rabbit hole we can go before we have to stop in a completely safe environment, but I can understand how its definitely not something everyone will enjoy. Keep being awesome Cece and dont let a little negative feedback stop you from producing what you want to produce: at the end of the day it's Your Patreon channel, and that means that you're the one who gets the final say on all content.


Cede you have no reason to be sorry!! It really the listeners for ignoring the warnings you gave


while it caught me off guard at first, I’ve honestly seen much worse in fan fiction so this? Is paltry (to me) lmao, don’t stress Cece It’s good that you apologized anyway though! even if you didn’t exactly “have” to

Vivid Nectarine ♪

but what I don’t really get... this is 18+ content. different topics. hard kinks. soft kinks. warnings added. still a problem. why? 👁👄👁


It wasn’t your fault !! We know you didn’t mean any harm. I guess some people didn’t understand how different it would be. I don’t think you need to apologize but it shows you care a lot ❤️ I hope this doesn’t impact you too much, we love you and your content~


No apology is necessary. Warnings were given. Nobody is holding someone at gunpoint telling them to listen. Darker sexual themes are common particularly in the field of anime, and there’s nothing wrong with exploring them. It was a great twist from usual Cece, do NOT feel apologetic.


I don't think you have to apologise at all. Everyone's right, you give warnings before hand. If people think it's too much, well, they were warned. They shouldn't take it out on you



Renae ❄

You NEVER need to apologize Yato! This is YOUR Patreon and there were very clear warnings and it is not hard at all to simply not listen to the audio and skip over it like myself. They CHOSE to listen and it is not your fault!!! Never stop creating what you love, everyone has their own tastes and have the absolute right to have them! Ignore those who speak ill of you. I will always support you! WE LOVE YOU YATO!!!! ❤❤❤❤

Tazzy B

I'm offering PayPal payment for their tier this month I really wish they would!


Please don't be sorry, it breaks my heart to see you so sad! I know you worked hard on them.


Don’t apologize, Cece! I think it’s important that things like this are explored!!! I honestly really liked it, the way you made the guilt feel real is amazing! Not all relationships are perfect and can be Crazy such as the situation you made then. Please don’t delete the post, and I want to encourage you to make more like this! Even explore more situations than the regular 7MIH and such. It’s always good to try something knew even when there’s good or negative feedback. You’re doing amazing and don’t give up! 🥺




Don’t worry Cece! There is no need for an apology people should be able to read the warnings you set! If they’re adults they should be able to understand that they don’t need to listen to the audio if it’s not their cup of tea! Love u Cece you’re extremely talented


Don’t apologize! You gave a warning and people could see from the titles what the audios were for! We still love you! ❤️


I really hope she doesn’t get discouraged from trying new things after this 😔


If you were curious and got uncomfortable by it even though you saw the warnings; baby, that is on you. Don’t hate on Cece for your own personal curiosity that led you to discomfort 🤷🏽‍♀️


CeCe, please don't feel super upset over this. You put lots and lots of warnings on that... Maybe people should read them. And ya know realize that not everything is for everybody. Guys try to remember that CeCe is as fragile as she is wonderful and takes stuff to heart really easily. She posted lots of warnings and It sounds like you guys are being really harsh to her over your own lack of awareness. Just remember. Be kind. You don't have to love or even listen too every single audio. You can pick and choose what you like and still get your money's worth.


You completely put thorough warnings on the post. I don't think you should apologize at all. Whoever played it, clearly would (at least should) have read the post and made the decision to listen. Not everyone is going to be okay with stuff of this content, however some are. It's clearly 18+... clearly fictional... and meant to remain fantasy. I think you shouldnt have to feel like you need to apologize at all.

Arcana (He Him)

This is incredibly important which I find a lot of those who jump to defend hypothetical people don't get. Sometimes it's more damaging to demonise the fictional exploration.


YOU DONT NEED TO APOLOGIZE! I LOVE THE WEIRD DIFFERENT STUFF PLUS YOU PUT WARNINGS! sucks that you have such shitty people in this fanbase

Cloud Begner

Somethings aren’t for everyone. I know this wasn’t my taste but I just want to say thank you for respecting and giving this gift to those who enjoy this. You are a goddess and only deserve respect. Please don’t let negativity hurt you

Kimberly Lopez

You did nothing wrong! you gave us of multiple trigger warnings! We love you so much. Please don’t be discouraged from making this kind of content. Some of us love it ❤️ We love youuuuuu 🥺❤️❤️🥺


It's not personally my thing but I don't see a problem in exploring NTR kinks in a safe and harmless way through these audios (and yes, you did give thorough enough warnings!)


no apologies necessary!! you did everything you should have and you aren’t responsible for how people are reacting!! we love you 🧡


No need to apologize it had plenty of warning. It's a great experience


you definitely put enough warnings for the audio!! you gave a content warning, gave listeners the ok for them to skip it if they weren’t comfy with it, and even the comments spoke about it, which can also be considered more warnings. honestly, i feel that those were enough? we as listeners have the responsibility for whether we choose to listen to it with full awareness of what’s coming or choosing to avoid listening to it. some ppl may have not agreed w the audio, yes, but y’all we gotta remember that there are those that did and may have darker kinks than others!! you’re doing everything you can to make your listeners feel less ashamed for what they like and exploring themselves, and that’s something i absolutely appreciate about you. please take care cece!

Vivid Nectarine ♪

babe, in my subjective opinion the only thing u need to delete is this apology post here. never ever settle ur level down bc u reached a high one. the more u rise and explore new things the more people watch and judge. but apologizing for ur way of dealing with stuff and kinks? hell to the fkin no. 😁 ahhhhh I needs my popcorn, gang orcas audio is comin over later *excited*


I loved it. As someone who has kinks due to trauma (idk i guess it helps me cope in a healthy way) that audio was. Actually rly nice? And then the Deku comfort right after was almost like...aftercare for me? Idk. I enjoyed it. You clearly put warnings. We love you cece, please don't worry too much.

jasmine morgan

Is ok we all like it.. Well at least some of us😘😘

Miss Luna

Don't need to apologize in your description warned us about the audios. But some didn't read it before starting the audios.


Babe they're not real..


Don’t be upset!!!! That’s their problem. We love it!


Cece my queen ! You shouldn’t have to apologize. It’s in the description that if you’re sensitive you don’t have to listen to it. You are not in the wrong. Keep doing what you’re doing! And make sure you take time to relax and take time for yourself.


To be completely fair, you did put a lot of warnings on the post. If we listened to it and didn’t like it, it’s not on you, it’s on us. You can only do so much and if we choose to proceed, you already did your job. I wasn’t a huge fan of it, but at least I already knew what I was getting myself into.

Shelby Lynn

You loterally rock girl! We love you


There was a Shit ton of warnings. Anyone who ventured in past those warnings knew what they was walking into! We loves you. You are amazing!!


Queen Cece, you are such a beautiful person! I'm so grateful for your audios, thank you so much for everything you do! ❤


I need 48 inches of Kugo to turn my bad high blood pressure into good high blood pressure


I haven’t listened yet but I’m definitely going to ! It’s crazy the amount of ppl her so quick to kink shame, aren’t we supposed to be a safe place to be vulnerable? People shouldn’t have to apologize for their kinks especially of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS, it doesn’t hurt anybody and if you’re not into a certain kink then don’t listen to the audio it’s THAT easy to not be an asshole to our goddess of empowerment cece ❤️ she works so hard to give EVERYONE what they want and that includes people who like this sort of stuff too!! She’s not making audios just for doms or just for subs or just for females/males ect, which means she will include kinks you’re not into and that just means you skip over those audios!!


You put so many warnings on every one of those! Anyone who clicked on it after reading everything and continued to be jerks were just doing so to do so! You’re wonderful and ya are kind as hell thank you for all the work you put out all the time! We love you and your passion and dedication thank you for everything!!!


I already commented once here, but that was to Cece. This one is directed to those who had something to say: Cece is not obligated to apologize to ANY of you. She put multiple warnings in the description about what the audio contained and you still clicked on it anyway. That is YOUR fault. If you didn’t read the obvious warnings, it is STILL your fault, as you chose not to hinder them. A lot of you are hurting your own feelings over fiction. You need to mature, which a tragedy considering that this was released on Patreon. We are all supposed to be adults here. I felt like I was looking at the 13 year olds in the YouTube comment section. Now if it’s not your kink or something you wanted to try, that’s okay! But crying about it is ridiculous. And one more thing. I feel like a good amount of hate is being directed towards at this audio because it was Endeavor. Since this audio contains Enji you want to cry and complain. You guys had nothing to say when it was Todoroki with Dabi now did you? Don’t pick and choose what you think is okay just because of a stupid bias.




No need to apologize your description warned us plenty. It’d be interesting to hear a shoto and Ka-Chan x listener audio


No! Don't be sorry! Was it intense? Yes. But was it well warned? Yes. Do what is fun for you, and you will create pure magic. Don't let it stop you in any way ♡


I love you so much


cece ive been a fan for a long time and have supported you in the past, but there are some that are inappropriate to make audios about. having a trigger warning is great, but posting an audio about incest etc. is never going to be ok, as theyre not just kinks but illegal/ inappropriate circumstances.

Red cherry shark

It was a different and I like to be adventurous! As I’m trying to say Is.. I kinda liked it a little too much. Haha.. but I agree! I always appreciate your hard work for us! Thank you! I love you!


God, I love Cece so much. 😭😭🥺💜💜

Arcana (He Him)

There are plenty of fictional works that explore these topics and in the novels they don't even have warnings often (I think warnings have a place but we're talking old books too) before picking up a book as someone with things that cause me panic and severe anxiety. I read synopses and reviews before hand. It takes a lot of work and there is some incredibly dark stuff out there. I cannot think of banning all the books and films that have terrible topics. It's just not going to happen. Unfortunately the world often hates people like me (trans) and if I had my way I'd change the real world violence before fiction. I have learnt how fictional accounts sometimes help as catharsis for victims and they often feel bad enough for liking the content as it is saying 'this should be gone' removes potential outlets for victims and further demonises them for liking it. Learning that is what mostly changed my mind on banning abusive fiction


Cece for world ruler 2020 💕 Please don’t stop making stuff like the last audio! I adore the comfort audios but WOW THE SPICE IS AMAZING. More crazy spice please omg


The Dabi Shouto audio exists though? This is a well established porn genre. THEY ARE ALSO DRAWINGS. You're listening to porn about drawings.


I get being upset or triggered, that's valid, but people being unnecessarily rude to you is not okay and will never be okay. If it truly bothers them so much they can unsub? But policing your content isn't okay.


Lets stop here for a second. I might said that earlier in the comments but. BUT. im gonna make it clear again. Do not. DO NOT! Apologize for something that youre proud of that youre making. Your work is amazing okay? And now i want you to repeat after me okay? You are amazing. You are talented. You are making something unique. There's something that my teacher used to say to us-his students. "People are afraid of something new. They are going to react different ways to it. Not accepting, being afraid, hating. Don't be afraid to try make old things new by trying them new different ways as long as you're confident in yourself and your work." (It might be not the best translation to English of what he said) . So don't be sorry. Even if it might not be my type of audio i still liked it! So even if some people don't pay attention to warnings (ekhem bitch they are here for a reason) there are 32k more people who really liked? Appreciated? Loved? Are amaized by your work. So now at the end of this chaotic post. You are incredible amazing person. You are doing such good content. And at least but not last. Take care of yourself (it's IMPORTANT ok?). Haters were, haters are and haters gonna be here. Ignore them. They're probably just mostly jealous. Hydrate, love yourself, we love you and your work (thats why we are paying for it :3). <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 *sending love and virtual hugs*


Imma add this as well just cause if we’re 18+ and have brains, unsubscribe from her Patreon or avoid any tags like this in the future. (Make sure you read the tags and warning descriptions carefully.) Nobody is forcing you to listen to it. AGAIN. THIS IS FICTION. NOT REAL. NEVER WILL BE. ✨✨


From what I’ve been seeing, people haven’t been upset about how hardcore it is but rather the incest part of it. Please do not be afraid to do more hardcore audio in the future! Or audios with competition between characters as long as they are not family. This is coming from a place of love and constructive criticism, I don’t want you to get cancelled 😭

Eiji’s pebble

Kill em with kindness sounds like Bakugo like in the anime lets kill em all with awesome music lol ❤️❤️❤️


I've just realized how fast i was typing and how much mistakes i've made here😂😅

Eiji’s pebble

Don’t overwork yourself either stay healthy❤️❤️❤️


it all boils down to this: if you didn’t like the audio because it isn’t your cup of tea, i don’t think any of us who DID like it have a problem with that. it’s when you SHAME people (like quite a few ppl did in the comments) for liking certain kinks that it isn’t okay. you’re allowed to like and dislike things, but don’t disrespect the other party for an opposing opinion. also please read the trigger warnings next time. she puts them there for a reason: so you don’t have to listen to it if it isn’t your thing. hopefully we can all learn from this in the future and keep listening to some amazing audio porn.


She said no fighting, so I'm going to LEAVE this comment section before I start hurting peoples feelings.


Also, its ok for Cece to apologize. For people unoffended, the apology isn't for you. I do appreciate her acknowledging the audio may be problematic tto some. But as i said in a previous comment...policing her content aint it. Don't listen to content you won't like, and it shouldn't be an issue so long as things are properly tagged.


I love u


Cece really makes my heart go uwu


We love you!!💕🌸 I get how people got offended but I still admire every work of you and Im excited for everything that’s about to come! Don’t feel too bad 💫 I think you handled it really well!


EXACTLY. nobody is upset that it triggered people, we’re upset that cece and the people who enjoyed the audio are being attacked for creating/liking it. :((


Let's not forget that we are all 100% responsible for the type of content we consume on the internet. Now if the audio was completely untagged, then that would be a much different conversation!!! But it *was* tagged. Cece did her job by tagging it, and past that, it is *our* responsibility to avoid content that could potentially trigger us. (Which is why I opted to not listen to it.) Also just a small side note, it seems a little strange to be discussing the morals and ethics of *porn*, the type of content that is made almost exclusively to explore people's fantasies. Also this is probably the safest place/method to explore said fantasies, since no actual people are involved. Edit: Let's also not forget to be civil about our discussions. We are all adults here, lets start acting like it.

Vivid Nectarine ♪

y’all I can’t explain in words how feral my temper gets when I see a creator apologize for their content. 😩 been there, never fkin again. argh yato u sweet bean, gosh I hope this will not get too much to ur hearts gnahhh pls by the love and brains of beloved hawkins, read 💃 the 💃 descriptions 💃 before 💃 u 💃 enter 💃 certain 💃 topiiiiiiicccssss 🦄💯🤘


Dont worry about apologizing Cece! You put the warnings into text in all CAPS and if someone doesnt take the time to read and know what theyre getting into, especially if they know tht they are sensitive to certain subjects, that is on them. If someone reads the warnings and decided they want to still go for it, that is also on them. Nobody forces them to listen to them. And this is not the first time you have put warnings into the description so it is nothing new. You are doing these because you enjoy them, and since you properly mark them it is no way anyones business to talk negatively about an audio if all they had to do was read the description like everyone else does. Don't apologize Cece, its not your fault.


Yes yes yes, a million times yes. I'm glad to see another name popping up a few times like mine has because this has just gotten under my skin. CeCe is such a thoughtful and imaginative creator and I don't want her to be discouraged from trying out new things because of this.


Do not let people police your content! They could’ve just left it be and dipped or ignored it it’s fictional content you put real life effort into and the fact that people chose to be rude and even uncivilized ain’t your fault. You put warnings and they’re so upset about the incest that???? Wasn’t even the real part of the audio the only thing was that they were both /demolishing/ the listener so who actually cares. I completely understand if it made people uncomfortable, but they could’ve just kept it moving and not came out the way they did. Don’t apologize and I really hope they ain’t attack you hard you’re wonderful, your efforts and your work is amazing to so many people and even an inspiration. I really hope this doesn’t make you anxious about doing things you’re passionate about. You got all the love Cece we love you and your work!


Im weak,, even after all this Cece just acts like a mom like “hEY...y’all be nice to each other 👀”


Cece, you’re good!!!💕💕💕


Some of y’all need to start reading ‘cause there was a warning on the post. If y’all decided to ignore what she wrote then that’s on you if you figure out it’s stuff you don’t like or aren’t comfortable with. Also Cece didn’t do anything wrong on exploring different topics. She can do whatever she wants. Don’t like it then wait for the next post it’s that simple.


Don’t feel sorry for something you’ve created. You put a warning in all caps. I love everything you create and I don’t want you to feel like you have to be restricted. We love you cece 🥰🥰🥰


I feel sick. I just wish for us all to get along. But some of the negative comments on both sides worry me. While I agree that she shouldn’t have to apologize, some people were politely saying it’s not their cup of tea. And people got mad at them. Then there’s the whole it’s not a kink thing. There is this thing called role play. And it does include a rape and incest kink. But none of it is real. Cece gave plenty of warnings. She is not in the wrong.


CeCe thank you for everything you do! 💞 Your audios whether it's the NSFW or comfort I love them all! You are literally a Goddess!!! I really hope the negativity people bring doesn't change the content you make!


Don't feel sorry. Don't let people police your content. You put warnings, it's their own fault if they didn't read. If they're not mature enough to read the labels, they shouldn't partake at all. Ain't got time for babies up in here.


The audio wasnt my cup of tea because I dont like Enji. I still tried it out because of curiosity. That being said Cece put multiple warnings in caps mind you... And you chose to listen out of curiosity. The fact that she even apologized for the audio means that she understand that it made people uncomfortable. She even said that she's going back to her old content. Dont attack people for what they prefer/like as long as it doesnt hurt anyone.

Vivid Nectarine ♪

this. to share opinions is a huge roller coster for body, soul and mind bc subjective worlds clashing together and it gets twisty so I feel u. but most of us here have each others back. we may don’t know each other but we share same experiences and thoughts sometimes. u good hun, hope u will feel better very soon. its just temporary and for some it needs to obviously be discussed ☺️

Tabitha Guss

If I’m not apologizing then you really shouldn’t have to. This is your Patreon and content. You can’t please everyone honey and that’s that. 😒 I for one liked those NTR/Netorare/Cheating/Cuckolding audios and if I don’t like something I don’t play it-it’s that simple. 👏🏼 I can adult over myself just fine and read the descriptions, comments or tags just fine to know what I’m getting into. Anyway I’m done with this topic so I’m gonna listen to the Bakugou theatre audio now and finish up my playlists.


I get people feeling some kinda way if they have a trauma or get triggered but you can not deny there were warnings in all caps in school we learn to read the directions, so its not a difficult concept to read the description of a video , shes put warnings before , the point is READ for your own safety, warnings are there for a reason, if you didn’t care to read or notice thats not on cece


I mean, you did give them a warning. Lol. If they can’t read, oh well. I liked it. 🤣


Dark stuff is my jam as a trauma survivor myself, it helps me cope safely with my own stuff. If you end up not exploring it that's ok, but if you do I'll be in your corner enjoying it!! Love you so much, CeCe!


You’re so sweet CeCe 😭😭 this is why we love you


Ily Cece more than words can describe, you’re doing amazing 💗💗

Radical Radical

Wow hun how the hell do ya run a patreon with so many peeps on it, mad respect ♡


Cece you're so amazing and I don't think you understand how much we love and appreciate you as well!! 💕 you make audios that bring smiles to our faces! And as multiple people have said- the audio had many warnings and was very clear to see so listening after seeing the warning and throwing a fit isn't very mature~ she understamds it wasn't everyone's cup of tea -hence the warnings- but don't take it out on her- she said she was a little out of the normal but she never said she stay like that! Please be kind to each other and don't be rude to each other! And Cece! Keep up your absolutely amazing beautiful work queen!!! We love you


Cece, I just wanted to say that you're amazing for the work that you do! Keep up the good work ❤️


Request for gild arts from fairy tail 💗


There’s no way she’s real she has to be a goddess or something


Cece our queen of kindness and love and all things good 🥺🥺🥺


the way there is so much to UNPACK HERE. let's address this audio THE "KINK" DEBATE okay, so the whole deal is the audio made was involving SHOTO and his ABUSIVE FATHER ENDEAVOUR and that this was appealing for whatever reason to a lot of people. why is that? INCEST IS NOT A KINK. INCEST IS NOT A KINK. INCEST IS NOT A MF KINK. let me show you a QUICK definition, according to google for both incest and kink kink kinkiness is the use of non-conventional sexual practices, concepts or fantasies incest /ˈɪnsɛst/ noun sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry each other. the crime of having sexual intercourse with a parent, child, sibling, or grandchild. notice how CRIME is in the definition?? yeah. cos it is ILLEGAL, and completely inappropriate and completely wrong. that is not kinkshaming, this is not being hateful, this is not BULLYING, especially when the creator responsible is an ADULT with the knowledge and capacity to understand the significance. having sexual fantasies? completely normal and healthy. and i believe people should explore by all means. but an interest in such a thing as incest cannot be considered a "kink" unless you mean to say that it is conventional and typical for all the supporters of this to have relations with your relatives. incest causes significant trauma in people's lives, and often invokes power dynamics and forces a horrible situation, most often on CHILDREN in this situation. if this is appealing to you, then i have nothing to say but reconsider ur life perhaps?? becuase you support both incest and pedophilia and rape. and none of those things are right or excusable, in "fantasy/kink" or in real life. and for you to support this also invalidates the suffering of hundreds of people, its not about YY feelings, its about the severity of the situation and how triggering and inappropriate this content .




That is an incredible jump to say that someone that consumes this kind of material is a supporter of rape and pedophilia. If this content is triggering or upsetting for someone, they absolutely should not read it. But these are FICTIONAL characters in a FICTIONAL setting. Shoto is not portrayed as a child, this is not pedophilia, this is not even incest because there is no sexual contact between Enji and Shoto. I respect that this is obviously an upsetting topic for you, so I am not trying to come across as callous, but the shaming that is going on towards people that enjoy subversive *fictional* content, wherein no actual person or persons is being harmed, is very aggravating.


Sounds like some teens got a hold of their parent's bank details for patreon honestly. I know some people have trauma and triggers, I know I do. But I'm mature enough to know my limits and scroll passed what I don't like since there was warnings. Hell, one of Cece's old audios here gave me a panic attack, but it was my own fault and I didn't write any immature wah wah this triggered my ptsd. Because that was on me and I'm responsible for my own actions.


Bb you shouldn’t have to apologize! You gave a warning, it’s their faults for not reading it. Keep up the good work!


I'm sure everyone has said this, but you did well with the warnings and it's okay to have a variety of audios that may not cater to everyone. The audio in question was first and foremost meant as a gift for your friend. You honestly shared it because you had those subbed here that may want to listen to it in mind. And that in itself is kind (and also rather kind of your friend if they also said it was okay to share it too). I'm one of those who have skipped it because it contains themes I don't like. That is okay! I see it much like how I've always gone about picking the Otome Drama CDs I've bought-- there's a huge variety available and constantly produced that have many themes in them ranging from soft, pillow talk to themes/kinks you put. You're offering a selection to give something to everyone. It's a choice to play them. I'm very appreciative of the warnings, so thank you, Cece. I do think that if you make any others like that audio in the future, you probably should type "Warning:" followed by a firm and strict list. But, honestly, your all caps warning was sufficient. It helped me avoid it. And on top of that, you even announced that you'd have other lighter and comforting audios to come soon for those of us like me who didn't press play. I can't offer any crit on the audio since I didn't listen, but I also wonder if some are upset because they tie it in with the main Todoroki Route/Story? I'm still new (and am on a conspiracy man meme journey atm after catching up with Kiri's Route), but perhaps maybe also labeling an audio as "AU" or "Alternate Route" or something might also help those who may feel the need to listen despite warnings to fulfill their "completionist" otome heart? Also, I know you edited but I want to say please keep exploring any darker themes you yourself are comfortable or interested in. Personally, I'm one of the fans that found your Villain AU and the Villain Auction audio SUPER INTERESTING! I'm eagerly waiting for whatever time they continue in your busy schedule because of the possible darker themes (like my faves: aphro-drugs, mind break, mind control, ect). I'm still new and I've been very happy. And while I haven't been able to be engaged in the community minus a text message in the patreon community tab to shout my love and hopes for future audios, everyone so far has been nice too. I really hope those who are getting upset at others for being uncomfortable or angry understand to not lash out. Warnings were there and if people played it despite that, they did consent to listening. However, maybe if the community or vets suggest to those upset to listen to specific comfort or softer ones, that'd be nicer and kinder. My pick if you ignored the warnings: please play Kirishima's comfort audio! Cece's Kirishima makes me happy and his laugh will cheer you up! It's manly! It's sunshine! Or please go listen to All Might's route part 1 because he will make you feel cool and like a princess! It's one I suggested to my bestie and she's very giddy after a hard time at work. Please take time to step away and relax instead of attack. Again, thank you for the warnings, Cece. And thank you for the audios. I'm glad I found you and your Kiri Route audios because they have brought my Otome loving heart joy. It's nice taking a break from listening to Japanese audios and find an English audio route(s) too! Do your best.


I’m pretty excited to listen to it but also kinda scared 😂 your content is always the best and tagged accordingly


Oh my fuckinf god. How hard is it to skip one audio. If you ignore warnings that’s your fault.


I think it was very bold of you to post that one actually because of how sensitive that topic can be but imo you used all the trigger warnings you could've put on so... I personally didn't listen to it bcs I know it's really not my thing and just ... overall triggering.. Now if some ppl don't take into considerations the warnings you added in that long ALL CAP description idk what to tell them... I mean... the title itself gave information on what that audio was about it doesn't require a degree to understand... Now pls when you think something is gonna trigger you even in the slightest, just don't listen... even out of curiosity ?... if it's not for you then it's not for you.. You will prevent things like this from happening and also preserve your mental health, win win situation ! She clearly stated the content of the audio in the description so I think the moment you press play it's your responsibility.. learn how to consume the artwork you pay for, descriptions and titles are here for a reason ^^ As a finishing note I saw a lot of comments from ppl who listened saying endeavor and shoto didnt sexually interact and that was what worried me the most knowing the two characters are coming from the same family, ngl I got a bit anxious about that so I'll trust your words on that one, folks, that's why I didnt listen in the first place. I think the outcome of that audio would've been different if the characters used in it were different too.

Arcana (He Him)

Well from what I can see for those who are more likely to complain your apology wasn't enough anyway, the only apology is to take it down and that puts you also in hard place because so many appreciated it


Please read Who’s been sleeping in your head? By Brett Kahr before becoming so hostile about people’s kinks. It is a really good educational book on how humans as a whole think when it comes to kinks and sexual fantasies that may be weird to you specifically if anyone is interested.


What does she have to apologise for? These characters aren’t real and as someone who’s been through sexual trauma these audios are a life saver. A lot of the people getting angry are doing so on behalf of others who didn’t ask. Those people defending and treating these ANIME CHARACTERS like they actually have rights and feelings and like actual people who have gone through trauma (sexual or otherwise) like myself and others is ACTUALLY invalidating and insulting. Kink involves more than what you’re comfortable with and you’re easily able to not listen to the audio. You guys are barking up the wrong tree. Good on Cece for pushing the boundaries ❤️ 🥰


The people in this comment section... it's the equivalent of walking into the shop and reading that the packet you are holding says "Doritos" and then getting angry after you've eaten them because you don't like Doritos to begin with 🙃 She doesn't need to apologise because you don't like the content of her clearly labelled audio, guys. I saw the label and chose not to listen because it's not my cup of tea but I'm sure there are people who really enjoyed it. I mean, she tells great stories with her audios, we all know this. Isn't that why we are all here? Because we love her stories? 🙁 Anyway, yeah. Love her like she deserves and don't spread hate. If you see a tag that you don't like, don't listen to the audio. There's so many audios to listen to here that it really shouldn't matter if you don't hear 1 of them :(


Why y’all ain’t go this hard for dabi and shoto? Gang orca? There is a trigger warning on the audio, y’all did it to yourselves if y’all feel offended. It’s not even y’all first rodeo so please, with all the love in my heart...stfu and take a nap. It’s fake...they ain’t real.


It personally was not my cup of tea, but attacking someone else for liking it is stupid.


For those complaining, you don’t need to listen to it. There’s porn all over the internet that has sick twisted family shit ( not saying it’s okay ), but this is NOT something new... If you don’t like it, don’t listen to it. You don’t need to apologize Cece!! You gave enough warning and we love you ♥️♥️♥️


Love you Cece, you keep doing you bubba 💖


The amount of people who can't distinguish between fiction and reality in these comments is alarming. Cece did her part by tagging everything accordingly. It's your job as a consumer to know your own boundaries and literally consent to the dark themes that are being explored here. They are drawings. This is a safe way to explore kink Yes Kink. This is a common hardcore role play kink. It's a whole ass porn genre. The drawings feelings aren't going to get hurt and if your feelings are going to be hurt by it to this degree plain and simple you don't belong in untailored kink spaces.


There is nothing to apologize for.


the ones saying "you have no reason to apologize" are not the ones who felt uncomfortable or triggered, so ya'll have to remember it's not your place to say that. But also I still have nothing but love for Cece, she obviously didn't make this audio out of malice or to make anyone feel uncomfy or to remind them of their trauma. Not everyone is gonna agree here, and that's okay!! Let's just accept the folks who have darker kinks and be mindful of those who can't help how they feel towards something, especially when it can remind them of trauma. Let's remember that Cece has built a kind, loving, accepting and supporting community. Don't attack either those who like the audio or those who don't.

Ren ✨

I commented earlier but I just wanted to say- I love you so much Cece! 💕 and I really am excited at the idea of exploring darker kinks. I hope this doesn’t deter you from doing so in your content- especially as someone who has developed darker kinks to cope with trauma 💕💕 plus its fun to push boundaries and explore new things




I like noncon fiction but I never request it because it's such a divisive kink. For me to like something NTR, which is something I normally never touch, proves you got real talent. I respect you for trying out something more extreme but also respect you for giving warnings IN ALL CAPS and listening to those who didn't like it.

Vivid Nectarine ♪

pls yall tell me dat most of us see the clear difference between fiction and reality. otherwise I need my bourbon 🥃 bc some replys...


You are so lovely CeCe. Even though it wasn't exactly what I would have wanted from an audio with those tags, I don't think you needed to do any sort of apology. It was a wonderfully done audio. You are a treasure and a queen.


Thank you for always pushing your boundaries, Cece ❤ I'm sorry for the hate that post is getting but know that there are people that support you and appreciate the art you give us. 🥰🥰🥰


If you do not like the audio, or hate the audio, that is your opinion and we respect it. But do not, and I mean do not hate and insult the listeners or Cece. Not only has she put several trigger warnings and spoilers on that audio, but she even apologized after. If you didn't like it, you could have just easily skipped it, ignored it and go along with your day. I personally dealt with a cheating partner in my life, but in any way, shape or form it is my place to go around and insult others or insult Cece, especially since she apologized and she explained herself. In this community we respect people's opinions and each other, we spread love, joy, care to everyone but we do not tolerate hate and shame towards people. If you come in here to spread hate to any of the listener or to Cece, leave. Pack your stuff and leave and don't even dare coming back. In here, we spread love, care and happiness to people, not hate.


thank you cece!! we love you so much💞🥺


If your traumatic experience is so bad that you're triggered by kink/dark content just existing well tagged (or that you don't have the impulse control to stop yourself from listening to things that will trigger you) then you don't belong in kink spaces that can't be tailored to your specific comfort zone.


people are just dumb, don't listen to them, many people liked the audio and if you want to delve into darker kinks go ahead, they can leave if they want to


I don’t know what going on....but I do know Cece always tags her audios and puts large warnings on her audio letting us know exactly what will be in it. She is amazing and I don’t feel like it is our place to attack her for OUR feelings about something that we Voluntarily subjected ourselves to.......


This comment made me laugh because I got serious "can I PLEASE get a waffle" vibes from it Edited to say, it made me laugh in a good way. :) ♥️

DaLila Senpai

Everything u make is amazing keep up the good work 😊😊😊☺️

Sharon D (Karma's Loyal Pet)

I am so livid right now.....yes everyone has the right to their opinions and can voice it or criticize it, however what you don't have the right to is shaming and guilt tripping the people who do enjoy dark art! That is exactly what this is. You Have no right to dictate what a person can and cannot enjoy if its fiction. I repeat...fiction...meaning not real! So fine you hated the audio but stop putting down and judging people for liking it!


Nooo that was amazing! I'm glad to see some of the darker stuff. Can't always be cute and bubbly. You are awesome!!!! I thought it had more than enough warnings and tags. Never have I clicked play so fast 😂


Some comments are starting to worry me in terms of the maturity and age of some of y’all...hating and kink shaming is not it at all...I’ve never seen any creator have to apologize for an audio they put all the possible tags for, along with many visible warnings. This is honestly so sad, just because YOU don’t like an audio doesn’t mean others don’t, you don’t have to listen to every audio, not everything is for you. If you like softer or more vanilla audios that’s cool too but don’t shame Cece for making and others for liking those ‘darker’ scenarios or saying it’s ‘wrong’ because it’s not. This better not make her feel like she can’t do certain audios that are more ‘intense’ or like this one because I know many people enjoyed it and it’s lowkey turning into censorship at this point. If you don’t like the tags on an audio, keep it moving and listen to something else. And if you are going to be triggered by certain things you shouldn’t be on a platform where you can’t control or filter certain topics or tags that will be posted. Love you Cece, please don’t feel bad 🖤


You make great audios and wanting to explore darker topics like is totally cool and great! That content isnt for everyone, but it's our own responsibility to know if it's for us or not. Keep doing you and making whatever your heart desires!! I'll still be listening


honey no you have no reason to be sorry, you did everything right by tagging the content and if people still listened to it it's their own fault and they have no reason to attack you over that


We love you so much no matter what!! I support you no matter what and thank you for posting everything 💕💕


Some of y’all are being so damn mean. STOP! Stop shaming people! Stop saying this is a fake apology! This is what I’m talking about. Folks aren’t mad because y’all don’t like it. We’re mad because some of y’all are being disrespectful towards her. At this point y’all are not sharing opinions anymore but flat out being mean and saying harsh words. There’s no need for drama or trying to cancel her.


We love you Cece!!❤️❤️❤️


This. This is why you are such an amazing person. Thank you for being the kind, loving, and understanding person you are! You’ll always have a fan in me and I will always look forward to your content ❤️


THANK YOU!! I think darker kinks aren’t talked about enough!! There is such a spectrum with dom/subs, different role plays, items, violence, etc that people don’t understand. She gave so many warnings and yet ppl still listened to hate on it. These are also FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. Having some content that extends welcome to people who have those kinks is a great way to include different preferences!! I hope Cece is doing ok and that she sees all the support people are giving her 😭💕


I ❤ you cece. Never change. And remember to listen to the ones who love you as you are. Take care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically.


Cece honey I don't even know you and I consider you a very important person to me. You've calmed me down from several panic attacks and gotten me to sleep when I thought it was impossible. You're allowed to be creative, you're vaild in your creativity. You put several warnings and made it clear what it was about. People need to learn to read and learn to not tred where they can't handle whats gonna happen in said media. Please don't be so hard on yourself, you're an amazing person and we all love you. Stay healthy and take care love we'll be here to support you. 💙💙


Honestly you have nothing to apologize for , you did WhT you wanted and as an artist you have that right I read every single description before I listen to see if hey do I actually want to listen For example the Void one I didn’t listen to it because I knew I wasn’t gonna vibe with it Nothing wrong with it I just knew that I wouldn’t like it Everyone has an option to not listen you are not forcing any audios on them Maybe some people shouldn’t be here if they aren’t mature enough to listen to them and learn how to make cognitive ideas by themselves Thank you for coming to my ted talk #pegendevour2020


Several audios involve taboo content. (Villain Deku. Shiggy literally threatening your life. Shouto/Dabi. Shinsou/Aizawa) if this is going to be what puts you over the edge idk what to say. yknow? Like. It's not all rainbows and butterflies here and if you can't handle that maybe just? Accept that you're not in a good enough place mentally to interact with these audios?


Thank you!!! I will always support you cece. You are always so kind and patient with us.


This is exactly why we loca and support you! 🥺💖


Thank you for all the work that you do! You tagged everything and did everything right.


Cece we love you! You're so kind and patient with us to the point where we probably don't deserve it


Baby girl, sweet pea, some people like this stuff(me included), others dont. If you wanna cater to people with darker kinks and interests as well as your usual audios then thats your business. You tagged the audio correctly and you have NOTHING to be sorry for. Personally i though the audio was *chefs kiss.* Youre amazing at what you do. The people who didn't like it shouls have read the description and tags. Love you!


I'm so mad people are being jerks and borderline kink shaming people over an audio you put all necessary warnings for and literally ruining it for everyone. I don't understand how they listened to the audio without reading your very clear warning.


You are fine. You should not have to apologize. Thete was a warning placed so everyone who clicked on the audio knew exaxtly what they were getting in to. Thank you for all the amazing content you make and dont let the haters get you down.


Wonderful apology :) we still love you and yeah, adding earnings and trigger warnings is good and those who don't follow.. well that's them. Only thing I can add is just saying that while it's healthy to explore darker kinks, just make mention (if it's what you believe fully) that things like incest, or rape, or cheating isn't something you promote IRL CX something solely fantasy based, I think that's maybe where people get uncomfortable. When it sound alike promoting no consent zones, force, incest etc instead of just making sure it's a fantasy. I know it doesn't always need to be said but reading between lines or what you want to see has been... Very popular CX

Vivid Nectarine ♪

yall I don’t mind if u don’t agree with other or mine opinions but if yall comin for people on their insta or tiktok bc of their opinions, consider this. I’m not cece. I don’t have a good heart. I will literally smash ur balls with rusty nails on the chair just to see ur pain. metaphorically speaking *cough* so don’t try me or others to bash just bc some of y’all can’t see the difference between reality and fiction. this is y’all reflection, not mine or others. I’m open for constructive discussions but hate... no way.


Like what you like honestly. I personally don’t like freaky stuff but this place is meant for all :) we soft ppl can gather around and talk about hawks humming us to sleep while the others talk about being pegged by Bakugou in the movie theater (OvO) heh heh


Seriously. Anyone struggling with this should consider if this particular platform is something they need to be involved in.


I hope others comments dont effect you too much, especially mentally. You did you part. You put warnings. And not on just this audio or YouTube video but ALL of them! There’s content all over the damn internet regarding topics like this. If the people who don’t wanna listen to that specific content but end up doing so, that’s their own damn fault. None threatened them to listen to it. It was out of their own free will and they should never blame someone else for their own actions. It immature, childish af, and just flat out irritating. People like that need to own up and grow up. So please, I’m begging you, don’t let it get to you. Your helping so many people (including me) with all kinds of content you put out there. And the fact that you do it, despite the world we live in, is TRULY admirable. I’m sending you exclusive and large amount of love to you. 💗💞💕💕💓💓💞💓💗💞💞💓💞💝💘💕💓 please accept it 🥰 at the end of the day, people should just spread nothing much love and that’s it.


Thank you for everything you do! You are truly a treasure 💖


I think I'm speaking for all of us when I say that we are so so proud and glad to have you in our lives 💞


I am a very new fan, but I adore you and your work and thank you so much for it ^_^

Jade Castle

So this comment section is a dumpster fire and I really hope you're ok, Cece. This has to be a lot to take in. I saw the audio title, laughed, went "ooo spicy" and then closed the app and it seems like a lot of people didn't do that. For YOUR sanity (not for people who can't read and show discretion), I think it might be helpful to bury the content under a read more instead of having the warnings in all caps and the title in bold. I think, even though it's a warning, the image can still be triggering. I would LOVE to see the "Extreme Corner" series continue (I fucking love noncon, it's a huge kink of mine) but maybe they can be labeled "Extreme Corner #1" etc as a series and then the content -- the characters, the kinks, etc -- can be below the read more line. And there can be tags to warn either on the post or above the read line. That way people have two opportunities to prepare themselves: one before reading the description and one before listening to the audio. THEN it is clear they consented to that experience. I 100% support you but I also hear the very real responses of "this freaked me out" and also the clearly uneducated people who don't understand how kink works and are frankly white knighting all over the place and it's all awful. Everyone please take care.


You always handle this with so much maturity and love Cece~ Thank you for being you and we're always here for you<3 I love the space youve created and always feel safe here. Everytime I get a notification from your patreon it makes my day. Just I cant thank you enough for helping through shit I didnt even know I needed to unpack. I love you so much Cece thank you from the bottom of my heart


I appreciate your generosity and commitment to creating a warm and inclusive community, even when there is disagreement. The way you handled the situation shows great leadership and sets the right tone. Keep on doing you, Cece. You're doing great.


Not every audio will be your cup of tea! Cece works incredibly hard to make inclusive audios for everyone. There were multiple warnings on the audio and people in the comments were also offering warnings. Keep working hard 💕💕


What did humanity ever do to deserve you wow


I really hope Cece isn’t hurt by people getting upset. I’m irritated for her. I really don’t see what the big issue is. It’s not like she didn’t warn anyone. It is not her fault that some people don’t know how to read and take heed. There are captions and content warnings for a reason. And as someone who is normally triggered by incest, I’m not even mad about it. I frickin read the caption. This is her page and she shouldn’t have to apologize. I don’t understand why that’s so hard to grasp. Something way worse could have been done. Cece, I hope you’re okay and doing well. Thank you for the content, stay sane 💫


Ar the end of the day, Cece can make what ever she likes and desires. Not everything is someone's likes. She puts allot of hard work into her audios. If you don't like it don't listen. Cece keep being amazing sweetheart.


No need to apologise! You gave plenty of warning! Definitely my type of audio 😈

Jhopeismyshiteu Purple Heart

Aren’t the same people who are upset are the ones who enjoyed Dabi and Shoto tag team? 🤔


you’re too good for this world 🥺


You're too sweet and we honestly don't deserve but I hope that everyone accepts your apology and thinks about your emotions as well as a caring a sweet person you are🥺🥺 <33


You are the kindness most sweet person ❤️


we don’t deserve such a righteous queen like Cece


Legit think its wild some of these arguments are about how taboo or "dark" the audio is and it isn't appropriate for Yagami to have on her patreon, even though there's literally DOZENS of other audios that also contain dark themes (dubious consent, non-consensual drugging, kidnapping, borderline torture, threats of murder/harm, sexual slavery, cannibalism, and thats just to name a few) and no one batted an eye or demanded they be removed. Like all of you on your soap boxes and clutching your pearls need to evaluate why you feel so strongly that the audio is so bad it needs to be removed even when it was tagged correctly. If you don't like the content, fair enough but don't demand something be removed because you don't like it. If you know you don't like something, feel uncomfortable, or could/get triggered by said content then its in your best interest to not listen to said audio for your own mental wellbeing, as content like this and others can be harmful, again that falls to you the listener to protect yourself. I did think of a potential idea that could benefit these extreme corner audios (because, yes please ❤! "extreme corner" has alot of potential 👀) is to make a summary or tldr of the audio, it could just a couple of sentences that describes the narrative/scene taking place with context, then people can decide if that is too much for their tastes or not.


So let me get this straight: People are always asking for warnings and tags for audio Cece complies and does just that People ignore said warnings, listen to the audio and then have the NERVE to get upset?🤔🤔

Alora Hawkins

Sending good vibes your way


Love you and support everything you do Cece ❤️❤️❤️! You’re the best !


youre literally the kindest & most empathetic content creator ive ever followed we fr dont deserve you 🥺 the fact that u put tws on yr posts and listen to our requests & feed us with comfort audios says so much abt u as a person 💙💙


I just finished listening to the NTR audio and I don't think you ever need to apologize! This is a place for your imaginative freedom and posting things that may be considered more "risque" is something that I think you should do without feeling bad about it (this is just my opinion, of course). I will support you and your work and happiness, Cece! Sending my undying love and support~ >w<


I love you CeCe😔❤️


Your audios bring me so much joy.

Amethyst Elisaga

You don’t have to apologize at all, Cece 💜 your work is immaculate and you shouldn’t feel bad for it. You’ve built a loving community with your talent and that in itself is enough 💜 drink plenty of water and take care of yourself. We love you 🥰


Also,,,Extreme Corner has a lot of potential, I know majority of us, me included would love to see more ‘darker’ audios with different kinks. Don’t EVER censor yourself or your content not everything is for everyone and people don’t have to listen to everything either. I’ve never seen a creator of nsfw content have to apologize or get hate for an audio they tagged accordingly with many warnings. This is a 18+ Patreon and people shouldn’t be on a platform where they can’t filter or suppress certain tags that could make them uncomfortable or triggered, bottom line. We love you Cece 🖤!!


Please don't feel bad! Thank you so much for all the happiness you bring us all with your talent x


DONT BE SORRY!! you put so many warnings and disclaimers in the description of that audio and if any of us felt uncomfortable at any point we could’ve clicked away, they’re choosing to be offended even though they listened to the whole audio. 🤷🏻‍♀️ SO MUCH LOVE AND SUPPORT TO YOU CECE ❤️


At the end of the day you are just an all around amazing person. Keep up this amazing work!

Ren ✨

This!! I love the idea of Extreme corner 😳 And it’s awesome that you pointed out the previous dark themes too ‼️


Couldn't have said it better myself! Whole heatedly agree. Love you CeCe!


like literally, make it make sense 🙄 cece did what she had to do, people should to the same


don’t be sorry love! you provide disclaimers and warnings for all of them so they need to start reading! if you don’t like an audio, click away ! that’s just it. we love you and we are so grateful for you !


We love you Cece! You’re a queen amongst us 😌🥰


We love you Cece!!! 🥰🥰 you bring us so much happiness!


I love you so much Cece. Anybody who says her apology is half assed or that they won’t support her because of the audio or are disappointed, need to get the fuck out and take their negative ass outta this community. A lot of people are validating those who were triggered and uncomfortable, but to have the audacity to shame those who like the audio and the creator for posting that type of content, have to reevaluate themselves. We’re adults here. This patreon is for 18+ individuals. The least you can do is act mature in these times by not listening to the audio. Also, just a little side note, educate yourself on the topics of incest, rape, and pedophilia. Don’t categorize people as such for listening to the audio and enjoying it. This stuff is a fantasy, not reality. Nobody wants to be raped, nobody is a pedophile for liking the audio and nobody actually indulges in incest. (Unless sweet home Alabama) Stop shaming others for liking this content while expecting others to validate your discomfort at the same time. For those who are aggressively defending Cece, I understand. Reading some comments got me HEATED, but I don’t want her to be dragged by those who say “you’re the reason she’s gonna have a bad reputation or name.” Another thing to add, don’t process comments as if they’re TRYING to attack you and your opinions/feelings. Everybody is including themselves, attempting to be respectful, but I’m not going to lie, the way some people respond really comes off as ignorant, uneducated, and disrespectful. Now, enjoy the rest of your day you beautiful human.❤️ P.S. I love hawks so much 😭❤️ I want more sleeping aid audios with him, comfort, kinky, au’s, everything. Thank you for reading✨


Just throw some dirt in the haters eyes. Pocket sand!


You are the sweetest bean 💖


Love you cece


I also think you don't have to apologize Cece ! Everything you do is great, even if it reaches its limits or against the taste for some. You can't please everyone, that's just not possible, but i can feel how hard you tries to make everyone happy! And I'm happy to be part of this community and I'm incredibly grateful ❤️ love each other and be open! Please don't stop doing what you doing 🤗❤️ I love you Cece ❤️


also, don't apologize, those guys are called "antis" and they care more about fictional lives than real ones, just ignore them because all they'll do is bring you down


You're doing the best you can Cece you literally had the posts covered in warnings, if anyone has a problem, that's their own issue


Um- this is an 18+ patreon anyway-? If there are any actual adults getting offended by an audio because it's not their kink- then don't listen to it? It's not that hard-.... Keep it up Cece <3 Keep being you-! Make the kind of content you want to make. We will support you every step of the way!


excuse me there was a dabi and shouto tag team? 👀 👀 👀 B R B


Bruh as someone who legit has diagnosed triggers I know what they are and it’s MY responsibility to avoid them and be my own best advocate for what those are and consider what I’m about to take in before I take it in. You literally went above and beyond providing trigger warnings. If people aren’t reading them (and this is when my teacher side comes out) it’s like reading the directions on a test and then getting mad and confused about the content because you didn’t read the description that was provided to you. No hate to those who did get triggered, but y’all need to be mature and accountable for yourselves.


My thing is how are you mad when you got not only ONE WARNING but MULTIPLE WARNINGS and wanna come here calling yourself mad when you were warned is real clown shit right there. And there's people mad that didn't even listen to it but wanna yap away and if you don't like it then what logical sense does it make to listen to something you don't like? It's not real, it's a shame she has to apologize when she warned people, Fiction isn't reality, and please get out your feelings. Pateron should do some vetting


I personally didn't listen to the Shoto vs Endeavor audio because it isn't my thing. If it is your thing, no shame whatsoever. Everyone likes different things. I just came to say she shouldn't have to apologize because she very clearly had warnings on the audios... so maybe before getting upset, take a moment to read what she wrote? It's fiction and not everything is going to appeal to every single person.


Everyone needs to be responsible for policing themselves and knowing what they like or don’t ,you can always click out no one says you have to listen we all have different tastes and different wants from this page not everything is for you ....especially in an 18+ setting ❤️ you Cece , you did all you could to warn us of the content we were about to indulge in you are a queen


Tiny and ready to throw hands for you. Like bruh, got warnings out the ass, if they don't like it then like...there's the door and they can leave like dude...


oh man. we’re all adults here, if someone doesn’t wanna listen to something they don’t have to?? there’s nothing for you to be sorry for, you provided a perfectly good trigger warning. those of us who don’t feel like an audio is for us don’t have to listen, what’s anyone getting mad for? you’re doing fine cece, there’s nothing to apologise for ♡


thank you for placing warnings on your audios! some of the kinks may be too hardcore for some people and i do appreciate that you kept that in mind for people. also i appreciate you for apologizing as well.


Cece honey you put so many warnings, you didn’t do anything wrong. This is an 18+ patreon so if people can’t act like mature adults then I don’t know what they’re doing. People are able to recognise their own boundaries so if they don’t like the audio, they need to be mature and click away. If they don’t, that’s on them and they need to learn what it means to be accountable for their actions. I’m not saying that if people were triggered or uncomfortable, they deserve it. I’m merely saying that people know what their triggers are and they had plenty of warnings and disclaimers. We love you Cece and we are so grateful for the time and effort you put into making these audios. You truely are amazing! ❤️


Cece you put so many warnings under that post, if anyone got offended it was their fault. We are all adults here and know our own boundaries. I personally felt it was an interesting new take on things. Keep up the great work hun! ❤


You do not have to be sorry. You put lots of warnings in the description and if someonoe who finds this kind of content uncomfortable listened it despite those, well, that is their own decision. You do not have to feel bad about it. :)


you put so many warnings out there, and if it really made them un comfy they could have listened to something else. your a queen keep doing what your doing and what makes you happy❤️❤️


You shouldn’t need to apologize. Thank you for always putting labels, tags and trigger warnings. It is a persons individual responsibility to check those out first. Always appreciate the time and effort you put into your work!!!


Just popping in to say you’re the best Cece! Wishing you happiness, peace, and a good night’s sleep. 😊


i hate that people lit don't know how to READ and ruin things for others


we LOVE YOU cece, what you're doing is helping so many people like me, whether its with depression, body image, self harm or even hypersexuality. anyone who can't understand that needs to educate themselves. again WE LOVE YOU, thank you for everything that you do ❤️


You’re doing great cece!! Also giving a gentle reminder that it’s okay for you to take breaks ^^


We don’t deserve you Cece 😭😭

Sharon D (Karma's Loyal Pet)

That's just it.....this is why we can't have nice things because people who don't like it forbid you to enjoy it as well. They can't just live and let live. This hurts no one ....idgaf if they got triggered or offended then they should have paid attention to the numerous bold printed warnings but some are bitching without even listening to it and that is wrong. If you drag people down for something they like...you are wrong plain and simple....don't expect me to respect your opinion if you cannot respect mine...it drives me fucking mad.




I'm a lil bit offended that there is an apology actually. I find it a bit hypocritical and patronizing tbch. Sounds a bit like saying we should be sorry for having these kinks, or that we should apologize for what we like. Feels a bit like sorry, I wont do this again kinda shit. A real bit of shit this.


To anyone getting upset, she LITERALLY PUT A WARNING


You don't have to be sorry! I felt like the warnings you put on that post were accurate and I didn't feel like there were any suprises that I should have known about when listening to the audio. (I spent like half the audio crying but I'd NEVER claim that you were responsible. I knew what I was doing, and it still tickled some kinks I have) You definitely gave us ample warning so we knew what we were getting into. You've also posted a bunch of comfort audios today as a kind of aftercare! I hope you won't abandon this storyline just cause some folks got their knickers twisted. Personally, I'd feel comforted if we got some kind of follow-up audio where Todoroki takes us back. I feel sad for betraying him, even if y/n was manipulated. Please don't write off doing hardcore stuff like this in the future ❤️

Sharon D (Karma's Loyal Pet)

And that's exactly how I felt too. Its unfair....we more than likely will never see Shoto get revenge because of how much this blew up.


girl i- incest is not a kink. it’s highly illegal. it’s literally classified as a crime. you cannot sit there and tell me that what you posted was okay in any way. you need to either take them down or apologize correctly. what you said was not an apology. i’m not trying to be like mean or anything but please remember that some people on here are young and don’t know the difference between a kink and a crime. please don’t ignore this, read what i’m trying to tell you. also all of you patrons , don’t attack me for what i’m saying. i’m trying to help.


I LOVED that audio because it’s stuff I’m into, there were clear warnings and labels- it’s not your fault people didn’t read them or ignored them or whatever. I just hope this doesn’t discourage you from making darker, more intense audios because I looove them


YOU DUMB ASS FUCK STUPID 10 YEAR OLD PIECE OF DOG SHIT FUCKING LEAVE SO SICK OF YOU CANT SEPARATE FANTASY FROM REALITY DIPSHIT 13 YEAR OLDS GTFO someone come tell this bitch like nicely or some shit because that fucking it smh you fucking stupid child you not smart enough to be here fucking dumbass reality fantasyyoustpid fuck CHANGE YOUR FUCKING PROFILE PIC TOO YOU FUCKING LOSER YOU RUIN EVERYTHING


I understand why you had to communicate the apology (even though some are sad you had to), communication is always best in these kinds of situations, so Cece you did the right thing to help calm everyone down. I think, people (especially if they come from the youtube audios) are exposed to a certain type of audio, and then get a little bit of whiplash when they discover patreon be very different sometimes. But i certainly believe that this community as a whole, while very different, are all connected through Cece's audios, and I'm sure we are all learning little bits and pieces about ourselves, about other people, about things like aftercare and more (unrelated i feel like i just had a hardcore deja vu while writing this, now i'm freaking out a little). I've grown up with domestic violence, I still listened to the audio that came out, when i read the description and comments I honestly expected MUCH worse than what I heard, which proved my own mind can come up with far more horrible hardcore stuff than what Cece presented us. Will i listen to the audio again? Nope. It will be a single listen audio for me, but there are MANY many other audios i can listen to, some that i listen to all the time multiple times a day, like Void? Gimme that baby Femthem, Tamaki? lemme dom his ass, i'm probably more vanilla than some in regard to kinks, but the community has been so nice that i've still managed to find my place and not feel left out (sometimes i like to rile the others up just for fun~), and when things get hardcore i tap out for a bit. I dont know what I'm trying to say, I think i rambled a bit, point is, guys, lets not be enemies to each other, we have enough of that outside of this community.


This is a place where you make things you like, and things you think some other people will appreciate. Not everybody likes the same thing and thats ok. You respected everyone and let them know exactly what they were going to be getting if they decided to listen to the audio. It's not your fault if they ignored your warning, and then were upset over the exact thing you warned them about. They could easily just not listen to it. For example, I read your description of the audio and was like 'oh ok, thats cool. I'll hang out in my sandbox then and wait until I see something a little more gentle that makes me go ooooo!' Theres nothing wrong with wanting to listen, or wanting to give it a pass, but people should understand that they're likely going to run into some things that they're just not into, especially if they don't have a good idea of what they do and don't like. Its part of experimenting. :> Keep on being wonderful <3


The only incest that technically took place was the fact that Enji and Shouto were screwing the latter's spouse, which is only related to Enji THROUGH MARRYING Shouto. Technically making them in-laws. I can only assume Cece placed the warning there out of cautionary? Not to mention the fact that this is a pretty common trope in things like... Hentai.


You are doing just fine! You put more than ample enough warnings and explanations! We love you, Cece!

Sharon D (Karma's Loyal Pet)

I have one more thing to say then I'll leave this conversation...if you know for a fact that you are allergic to cheese....it makes you feel terribly ill wouldn't you avoid it or would you eat it anyway just because you're curious? Then when it makes you sick would you whine to the cheese factory and demand no one be allowed to eat the cheese because you can't handle it?....Think about that. This is the same thing. Some of you may find it stupid...idc... Its my final thought for the night. Creators have rights to create anything they desire...that includes dark, uncomfortable art...would you demand a TV show be canceled if it featured a crime as part of the story? I'd sure hope not. The bottom line is its fiction and its art...you were warned more than enough if you ate the cheese....that's your own fault. You have no right to demand everyone who likes cheese to stop or demand the factory to stop making it. I may be repetitive but yeah..ok I'm done good night. ❤


I dont usually comment, but I saw something someone said about incest not being a fetish but a crime and I wanted to harp on that a second, plus maybe give my take on the age thing. Obviously, incest is illegal. We all know that. However, there are people who get off on the IDEA of it, and that's not necessarily something they can control. I'd call it more of a fetish than a kink, but it's still not something people need to be bashed for if they find a SAFE and CONSENSUAL (read:fake) way to indulge in it. Yes it's a hardcore topic, but there is precedent for harsher topics here with things like gunplay, knifeplay, copious ounts of tentacles, Multiple Oversized Dicks. This is a different aspect, but something people need to realize is that this is a safe space for people to explore themselves. Cece included, with her acting. No actual people are being mishandled, they are characters. the underage ones have been aged up, and besides that the characters are NOT REAL. If Cece says that Shoto is 46, with a wife, 2 kids, and a dog in the next audio then he Is That for that time. That is how fiction works. The Warnings Are There To Keep YOU From Getting Hurt, Not Because The Contents Are Bad. how you feel after that is on you.


Stop coming for her under this post! Leave her alone( to the people being mean and disrespectful) she addressed everything earlier and expressed how sorry she truly was about everything. She edited it and it’s still the same message. Please just wait for the next audio or leave. All this drama and dragging people is ridiculous. Then trying to normalize teens being on here. They shouldn’t even be here. Stay on YouTube or TikTok. This is grown folks space. Agree to disagree! Damn pack it up and go to bed


Ok so after seeing two vids on TikTok about this apology I just want to say the ppl who read the title, saw the warnings, clicked on the audio to listen to it any damn way and got pissy is the equivalent of someone who ignores the closed sign at a store and tugs on the locked door and get mad when no one answers. I haven’t listened to it yet, and I might not bc I don’t like Endeavor. Just move along and wait for the next audio if you don’t like the current one. I’ve come around to accepting that I can’t like every audio. So the sooner everyone does the happier you’ll be. 😌

Destiny 💕

Y'all acting all high and mighty, Bish please you paying for this patreon same as the rest of us, and she gave a warning back off y'all 🙄


Trigger Warnings and Content Warnings are there for a reason, if your stupid ass decided to listen then that's on you. She didn't mislead or force anyone to listen to that audio. Now if you got pissy over the description , specifically the "incest" part, just know that there wasn't any incest in the damn audio. Shouto and Endeavor shared a fuck, that's it. That's why she added the "incest(kind of)" comment, because if we break it apart, technically although they are related and fucked the same person at the same time, they themselves didn't do anything together, that's where the "kind of" comment came in. I didn't see this much complaining and bullshit under the Shouto x Dabi x Listener audio. Cece didn't have to make an apology over that so what the fuck is the problem now?? It's literally the same thing lmao just like how Dabi and Shouto shared a fuck, Shouto and Endeavor shared a fuck. There is no difference. I'm assuming everyone here is a grown ass adult, so act like one. Shit. I'd understand your anger if she made Endeavor fuck shouto, shit I'd be mad too, but that's just the case, she didn't do that so all this complaining is over nothing. For those of you who didn't even listen to the audio but felt uncomfortable and complained about it, I just explained the damn scenario, I told you what happens so you don't have to actually listen to it.


cece we love you, you put a warning. if people can’t scroll past it or look up what the title said that’s their own fault. please don’t apologize or take anything down cause people don’t know how to act. people need to learn how to just scroll past an audio if they know they aren’t gonna like it.


I love and support u cede I think your an incredible feminist who’s has created an amazing community it’s so sad to see this happen to you.


One more thing if you're on her pateron being under 18 when she has EXPLICITLY said she does not approve of it. You're trash and I wish pateron could vet those accounts too. Cause if you're supposedly a mature adult you wouldn't be making a fuss over an audio that had given MULTIPLE warnings and the ones being pissy about the audio don't let the door hit you on the way out


I've definitely seen minors on tiktok who mention/make videos about her patreon. Ridiculous. Get off this patreon.


Ive never really commented or felt the need to add my two cents but i feel like I need to in this case? The post was so adequately tagged its amazing to see people there are people "accidentally" listened to it. I understand why you apologized, but personally dont see the reason too. I also want to say to some of the commenters out there who disagree with this audio and want it taken down and especially those who are saying people who enjoyed this audio condone actual inc*st or r*pe i find that EXTREMELY triggering. As someone who endured those actual events in the past its extremely unfair of you to say that. If you are uncomfortable with an audio please just scroll past it. Cece's audios have given me a safe place to explore and deal with trauma and I wont have people take that away from me.


I’m with ^^^ them. Scroll past please. Everything is super labeled. If it’s something i don’t like i just stop listening. I look at all of this like it’s a scene. People play out things in the safety of a scene and no one truly has to get hurt. ❤️ consensual non consent is a big thing.


Y’all was mad mad about that audio? damn don’t know who threatened y’all to listen to it


You did give proper warning. I read the description, knew it might not be for me and moved on to literally dozens upon dozens of other audios you provide!!


I have only joined recently. It took me nothing to scroll past content I wasn't interested in. There are audios where I have them downloadee, but kept separate for "when I feel like attempting to listen". You really shouldn't have to apologize for making something on YOUR patreon, and tagging it to hell and back to ensure nobody got surprised. <3 Please, folks, learn to filter for your own tastes :3 Take care, cece :3


the problem is all these kids off of tik tok are getting on here and whining when honestly this is for people 18+ and what also makes me mad is that these characters aren’t even real and to be exact from what im seeing and reading from sources, they’re not even minors, the whole show is a flashback they’re literally legal. like this is why we can’t have nice things bc all these kids get on here and get all stupid. but just ignore them honestly they just want attention


If people are upset about this it’s their fault. There were adequate warnings and those people could have stopped listening at any point. You did nothing wrong and we support you!!!


To everyone who stands up for Cece, thank you! But stop being so mean and rude ! I just read at least half of the comments and I see insults and nastiness all over the place, which doesn't make any sense and that saddens me. Cece just made a post where she talks about love and acceptance and you're doing the opposite. You freak out just for an audio! Of course, it's annoying to see people asking for the audio to be deleted, when it toke work, a lot of work and time for Cece to make. But that's no reason to be so mean! We're here beacause we're horny and need love, not to fight. .+(´^ω^`)+.


I personally felt that there was ample warning about the content of the audios in question - BUT! I feel like this is a "I don't need trigger warnings, so why would anybody else need them???" situation. Where the ppl who were fine with the audio don't quite get why other ppl might not have been fine. Please have compassion everyone, everybody has different limits and things can be fine and okay and fun until they suddenly not okay anymore and you can't "unhear" something. I think you handled the situation well and the added tags (maybe add dub-con due to the blackmailing?) will help ppl navigate content they might not be comfortable with. Anyways: Thank you for creating awesome audios and taking good care of us <3 we love you


I think the difference lies in endeavour’s behaviour and past treatment.... he’s been confirmed as abusive to his wife and kids. So most people with any connection to abusive behaviour will likely recoil from his character. Making him more of a villain than Dabi (ironically.... turning Dabi into an antihero/vigilante). Whereas Dabi’s mainly been absent (cause presumed dead) and though everyone’s sure he’s Touya, that’s yet to be confirmed. Dabi was a victim of abuse, same as Shoto. So they’re in the same category. (Also mutually consensual, no blackmail was involved). Aside from Enji being married that ads to it. Incestuous relationships are based on direct immediate familial genetic ties (mother/father/sister/brother..... otherwise it’s inbreeding for cousins/uncles/aunts etc). which the listener and Enji don’t share, the only link being the marriage to Shoto. (Side note: always happy to discuss plots, character developments and the effect on the psyche.... however I don’t condone personal attacks or character assassinations when discussing, everyone’s well within their own rights to like what they like and share their thoughts otherwise, without hurting anyone else). 💖💖💖💖 One things certain..... Cece’s a DAMN talented storyteller!!! 🙌👏👏👏👏💖


Right but if your triggers are that sensitive you shouldn't be in an untailored kink space. Cece did her part in making sure anyone who interacted with the audio were consenting to the contents of it. But if just seeing a warning about a triggering subject is enough to trigger you, you should either not be in a kink space that explores dark themes (villain audios. As a clear previous examples) OR have a trusted person who can vet audios or descriptions for you and send you to individual audios. Because its safe SANE and consensual. Cece did her part. Its up to the listener to take the steps to do theirs.


Lets also remember the fact that there isn't actual incest in the audio the closest thing to it is endeavor and shoto "sharing" the listener they don't do anything sexual to each other and the incest warning was placed as a precaution


You truly are an amazing person ♥️


I just went through some of the comments on this post and the audio it is about and I am absolutely disgusted by certain peoples behavior on here. Yes, we all agree, incest is bad and disgusting, and so is cheating. Yes, you can have your own opinion on things and you can dislike or even hate an audio or certain audios. It's called tastes and opinion. But in any way should you come in here and fucking spread hate and insult others especially when they were nothing but respectful and understanding to you and your opinion. I always try my best to be respectful and stay polite when taking to people but when I see people going around here saying insults to other listeners and to Cece, honestly fuck off and leave. We do not need your disgusting ass toxic behavior here. This place is a fucking space safe for everyone, where we spread joy, love and comfort. Act like a fucking grown adult and not a stupid whiny, tantrum throwing child. That's just being a bunch of assholes. You KNOW your tastes, you KNOW your limits, you KNOW what you LIKE and HATE, you know what TRIGGERS you. You KNOW how to read descriptions and comments before diving into an audio. As a grown RESPONSIBLE adult, you have the ability to skip and ignore what you don't like or hate, just like you have the ability to be nice and respectful to others, just like you have the ability to leave in silence if you do not like it here. SO DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE INSULT AND BRING DOWN OTHERS JUST BECAUSE YOU FELT TRIGGERED OR JUST BECAUSE HATE SOMETHING. ACT LIKE A FUCKING ADULT.


Plz don't apologise. You had warnings on the audio for a reason and those who are uncomfortable don't have to listen to that. We all have different limits and all have varying levels of what we can and cannot tolerate. Ultimately it is on us, the listener, to make the decision on whether or not to listen to the audio. The subject matter might have been a but taboo, but that's the point. All of us are different. Please don't feel bad Cece.


To everyone who is still digging through the comments to defend her, because people are still fucking bugging, she literally said that all the opinions are valid so stop. You guys are preaching about maturity but you're witchunting anyone who is upset when she said you're allowed to be upset. Honestly this whole situation is extremely disappointing.


my heart goes out to cece. this whole situation was unnecessary, in my opinion. i understand both sides, but i feel like neither side put into consideration how this would affect her. she’s a human too, and if this is what will ensue because of a hardcore kink, who’s to say she won’t stop making content like this in the future? i hope that later on down the road, people will take more consideration into how the creator feels, because she ultimately has to deal with both sides when all is said and done. anyways, i hope this doesn’t affect you negatively cece ❤️❤️


Thank you, please be more considerate of this kind of content PLEASE I love you and your content but this kind of thing really crosses moral boundaries, because I'm a big fan I feel like i should say this just to hold you accountable for this content, I know some people might like this but it's not a great look for you, we're just thinking of what's best for you!!! 💜💜💜


I think she is being mindful of her content, but she also is aware that part of her community likes this kind of audios, and she want both sides to get at least a taste of what they want/would like to hear. It crosses moral boundaries in a fictional world, with fictional people, we have to realise that that is not reality, and it's obvious that Cece wouldn't condone the stuff said or done in those audios in real life. She put tag warnings, she put in the description what was going on, even the comments were more than enough warning for people to not dip their toes where they don't feel comfortable being in. Yes we should hold Cece accountable, she isn't above criticism, however in this case I can see her reasoning for doing the audio, and these kind of intense ones dont happen often, and considering the backlash from this community right now, those that wanted these kind of audios may have to wait a LONG time before they get another.


Dude i was thinking this exactly today when i saw the mess that happened while I was asleep. My only thoughts were "how is Cece holding up? this kind of mess can't be making her very happy right now" she's always talking about making US happy, but when I see all sides acting like this...I wonder if that makes her unhappy...I know she love us, but this hurts my heart to think about it.

Jessica Mungin

I agree Cece. But I’m not like you. I’m a mean, vicious person with DEEP PSYCHOLOGICAL problems. So come at Cece again and I’ll make your life a living hell.


I'm not sure if this has been said, but I am going to throw in my own perspective to this situation, and if anyone has anything to say about it you are more than welcome to if you are going to be an adult about it. Yes this is a Space for Kinks and Porn and all kinds of Spicy things. Everyone's kinks are valid in this space. But there are things called Boundaries. Certain topics are Taboo for a reason. And there are certain things you just don't do because of the reactions they will provoke and the sensitivities they hit. This Shoto/Endeavor Audio, I knew it would provoke a strong reaction, and I believe a lot of other people knew or at least had a feeling it would provoke a Reaction. That alone should have been a Red Flag that Hey maybe it's not the best idea to post this. I will end this little observation with this. I have been here since Cece had 5,000 Patreons and with with her on Youtube before even that. In that time I have seen her following grow in leaps and bounds. And I believe at this point I know a thing or two about her brand. Cece was not and has never been a Porn Creator. She is a story teller, the maker of yummy gentle sammichs. Her gift has ALWAYS been her stories. And I think a lot of the new Patreons here are not aware of that and I think a Fair few of the old Patreons/Discord members are ignoring that fact.


You shouldn’t have to apologize! Those people saw the warnings and chose to listen!!! Now their “feelings are hurt”???!! Come at ME bruh COME AT ME! I DARE YOU


Hey, I think maybe you are missing a point? Cece is the one who decides what she makes and how "Porn" it is. If she creates stuff, it's because she wants to. I dont think you meant to, but the way you phrased this is really invalidating to Cece's entire work. If Cece didn't like making these things, she wouldn't make them. Please keep that in mind when you say what she should and shouldn't do.


We Love You Too Cece! Your audios help me a lot. I live long distance from my boyfriend and since COVID I haven't been able to see him since the lockdown started. You're audios really help me since they remind me of him and keep me company while I can't talk or see him. Don't forget you're doing great work and there's lots of people who love and support you!


I can still defend myself though, right? Sorry, but I don't consider the opinion that I'm sick for liking the audio "valid".


We love you!


You have no need to apologize, Cece! Personally it wasn’t my cup of my tea, but that’s why I just didn’t watch it. If others didn’t like it, then they could’ve done the same. They read the warnings like I did, so it’s unnecessary for them to complain in my own opinion. I get it that people feel differently but people also experience coping with traumas differently too.


I keep wanting to write out my thoughts on this but I'm having a hard time getting my point across. So I'll just say that your audios have honestly helped me through so much. From depression, intrusive thoughts, past trauma, to working on my self esteem, raising my personal standards, and discovering who I am, what I like, and WHY I like them. I understand the audio in question was intense and triggering, I avoided it because I read the warning labels and decided it wasn't gonna be something I would wanna hear. The warning labels were clear. It's ok to not wanna listen. But I also understand why some would want to listen. I dont know what more you could have done to protect those who wouldn't want to listen to this. I just want others to understand that humans are complex and sometimes we work through issues in unconventional ways, and I think working through them in a fictional setting is safe and effective. If it works for you, I'm very happy. If you aren't into it, like me, then that's ok, we have others to listen to instead. I deeply appreciate your work and all it has done for me and others. And everyone else, please stop attacking each other or calling for things to be removed all together. Please just understand we're all different, we're in a safe space where no real person is actually involved, and we're all just trying to make it through 2020 the best we can. Love you, Cece, and I love this community


There were so many warnings 🙄 if you read them and still listened to it you have no right to be upset You literally chose to listen


🤔🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ ........ It’s really simple..... You don’t READ a book, DISLIKE the book cause it’s not your vibe, and go out of your way to SEEK OUT THE AUTHOR of the book and whine that you’re OFFENDED by the book... WHEN THE BOOK WAS COVERED IN WARNINGS!!!!!!! Reader/LISTENER HAS TO TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS AND THE CONTENT THEY ALLOW THEMSELVES TO CONSUME. COMPLAINING to the CREATOR... makes y’all look like a bunch of boomers!!! Guys c’mon!!! Be better than that!!! 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ (And don’t EVEN try me with the whole “meh but it’s wronnnnggggggg and baaaad blah blah blah”... you’re only PROVING my point and ALLOWING yourselves to look real dumb!!! (Aside from rude as hell and insolent to the creator you’re complaining about). Do better. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


If YOU DO you’re as bad as those who sent death threats to Horikoshi to cannon the characters they ship.....🙄🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I believe she doesn’t have to apologize and that she had many warnings. Her warnings have never been an issue and if u felt upset by this audio then obviously she would feel bad and never ment to hurt anyone but some people liked the audio. No the people are weird for liking the audio and the people who are offended by it can feel offended but they have no right to attack Yagami for posting what SHE WANTS TO POST on HER PATREON. If u don’t like it then leave. She doesn’t have to stop what she does cuz a few people got triggered. Thanks for reading this🙏🏽


If you know what your triggers are and listened to the audio anyways. That's on you. If just reading a word used for a potential trigger warning is enough to trigger you YOU don't belong in an untailored kink space. Safe SANE and CONSENSUAL. Cece did everything she could to make sure everyone who listened to the audio was consenting to its contents. I did not listen to it because I personally cannot stand Endeavor. I had a hone life that was awful. I can't handle that content. So i read the warnings and moved on. If you're so easily triggered that you cannot accept something existing in a place the REGUALARLY handles dark themes (d*ugs dubcon ect which are found in several audios already) then you should Either Not be here because you are not in a Sane enough space to healthily interact witj that content OR find yourself a trusted YY friend who doesn't have those triggers and can send you to specific safe audios. If you see triggers you know are going to upset you but cant stop yourself from clicking anyways. The same thing applies. You are not in the right headspace to be in an untailored kink space. Find yourself a trusted buddy or maybe wait until you're doing a little better in your journery. We want y'all to stay safe but that means you have to be responsible for your own mental state.

Xiggy J

Keep being amazing, Cece! I love you and your content.


I feel like she has no reason to apologize if you're on this patreon you must be 18 or older if you're not you have no room to speak you're not even supposed to be on here the warnings were in all caps if you didn't take the time to read them as an adult that is your problem not hers if you don't like the content don't listen to it it's that simple me personally that wasn't my thing and I don't like endeavor so therefore I didn't listen to the audio because I read who and what was going to be in the audio it's really that simple!


Does this mean we still get the dark stuffs? <3


I hope so, it has potential, thats the great thing about fiction is that you can explore taboo subjects without harming others


Im pretty sure its pseudo-incest right? where its not blood related


We love you honey don't ever forget that

Samantha Herrera

You literally told everyone in the post of the audio that if these certain things made them uncomfortable then don’t listen. I’m sorry you are getting so much back lash girly. You deserve the world!!


Honestly though as an adult if you can't curate your own space and make it safe by heeding the content and trigger warnings you are not mature enough to consume NSFW content. You did great Cece! You are not responsible for people's feelings when you create harmless content that you enjoy making ESPECIALLY when you added a big TW like you did!


Regardless of which side people are on, the amount of nasty and downright mean comments is actually disheartening.


the warnings were there. if people chose to listen to it even AFTER seeing the warnings and tags, then you dont own them an apology. they literally have a CHOICE to decide if they wanted to listen to the audio or not. you dont have to apologize for someone else's decision cece. im sorry so many people attacked you like this. its a shame seeing this from people who support you. you can make whatever you want, it's up to the supporters if they want to listen to the audio or not. of course, it made some uncomfortable and sure, its a good thing to step back and see the feedback from them. but that's that. it's feedback. at least you know some dont like this, but yet those same idiots still decided to listen to the audio even after seeing the warnings and tags for what the audio includes and decided to bash you.....like...that makes no sense at all lamo. if you dont like what an audio includes, THEN JUST DONT LISTEN TO IT. literally yall arent OBLIGATED to listen to EVERY audio cece creates if it isnt in your area. just move on and listen to the others you like. its not that hard. youre doing well cece. i love and support your work. you have nothing to apologize for. i hope this wont get to you too much


You’re not being forced to listen to every audio. Stop being a fucking brat about HER content. It’s not your content. She doesn’t have to make content at all for you spoiled ass brats upset with the audio. She caters to everyone kinks and likes. Oh you didn’t like? Ok now keep your negative bullshit to yourself we don’t care. Act like the rest of us and read the fucking description of the audio before listening to it. I’m tired of people complaining. If you don’t like don’t be here.


Literally just pissing everyone off and Maling Cleomi feel bad that she followed through with a request


HER CONTENT not ours! She can do whatever she wants and YOU can eathier listen or not listen its not that hard. Dont get mad because you read the warnings, you knew it was gonna be about or you ignorantly ignored them warnings and hopped on down into the plot and got butt hurt because YOU FUCKED UP. Thats on you and you only, because she gave you and all of us the warnings. Stop making a scene because you did something and suffered the consequences of that action. Cece can make whatever the hell she wants to make, it is HER content and PAGE.


i just wanna say that i know that there was warnings and some ppl still listened but let’s not be mean to those people! they’re just like us and they have emotions too so there’s no purpose in being rude to them otherwise you’re just as a bad as an ignorant person. let’s just all move past this and not try to break the community down otherwise it’ll result in further division of our happy community. have a nice day everyone.


Cece you’ve done great for yourself. Your videos from every deep and high voice are pure talent and I’m always amazed. The story lines are fun and excited and the endings (most recent Bakugou’s) are funny as hell. You listen to your fans and it’s awesome what you have created. People need to learn that everyone really does like different things and sometimes it’s not always for them. Always take pride in these videos we love you that we have become apart of this great community and never stop doing what you love alright? And you better be sleeping or we will come for you 😂. Your content, We are your fans, and we are here to stay ❤️ Have a great day everyone!


Pls continue making the weird audios lol..I need them for research... to the people who don’t like it, don’t listen. Simple. Close ya eyes and ears bruv.😒


Maybe ?!? A Dark content tier


I swear some of y’all are so annoying complain all the time for what


✨Theres warnings for a reason✨ I’m going to simplify my opinion down to this. 1, Cece is not above criticism, of course not. BUT. 2, it’s fictional characters and fictional audios. 3, It’s labeled and warned correctly. If you dont like listening to it or reading it or about it, DONT. The warnings are there for you for a reason. and finally, 4, to all the people fucking with Cece and being downright rude and cruel, shame on you. Act like a fucking adult. Everyone here (hopefully) is an adult, 18 or older, and we should ACT like it. That is all. Have a lovely day everyone ! 💕


Cece, I love you and am fairly new but I already support every and anything you do. Please don’t take all this criticism to heart, because you did your part. You gave the trigger warnings and its up to the listener to pay attention and decide for themselves. Im sorry all of this happened :( i didnt even get to listen to the audio 😣


I feel like it's kinda like a person giving you a ghost pepper the saying WARNING it's hot if you don't like hot and spicy food don't eat it then you proceeding to eat it knowing you don't like hot food and getting mad at the person who gave it to you with a fair warning. Now I'm not judging I'm just saying you can't get mad at them just learn from your mistake and don't do it twice. ofc your opinions are valued but you gotta take a little blame yourself some of y'all comments was kinda mean


I would defo sign up for that, i don't see why this audio has been taken down! Yeah it was dark but like it fit in with the overall story arc and let's be honest Endevour is an absolute 🤬 in the show so....


I’d also like to point out... this form of media (audio), like movies, music, paintings, and books... 💥💥💥💥💥💥 All fit under the framework of Art... 💥💥💥💥💥💥 which in essence is designed to evoke thought and emotion. 💥💥💥💥💥💥 What thought and emotion is individual and specific to the consumer. I’ve never seen the same level of outcry over heavier/more intense content in other forms (movies etc) that had warnings as well... I feel like the accessibility to the creator comes into play a bit as well. 🤔 ... just a thought...🤔


Ah man. I finally got a chance to listen and it’s gone 😭 I was lookin forward to listening. 😩


Everyone is saying “If you don’t like it don’t listen to it” and the things is, some of the ppl who hated the audio actually didn’t listen to it, but they are complaining about the tags themselves cuz it’s “incest” or it “crossed a line” when its all clearly FICTIONAL Y’all didn’t have to listen to it and some of y’all didn’t listen to it, it was simply the existence of the audio that got y’all mad and you just had to ruin it for everyone cuz of your ✨personal✨ morals


Why you deleted it 😭


I love you so much, CeCe. I think you’re a big person for trying to understand how the other side feels as well! I personally didn’t listen to the audio because I saw the tags, it didn’t appeal to me, and just listened to another one. You even put warnings for it. If I could give you a hug right now I would! 🥺💕 I hope you’re doing okay in all this and wish you a great week!!! your work is amazing! I suffer extreme insomnia and your works put me right to sleep (AND helps me stay asleep)!! 🥺💕💕💕 (Also your audios helped my fiancé know it’s okay to be a big, strong man and want to be dominated! It helped him to feel accepted and that it isn’t weird at all!)


I originally wasn't gonna comment on the whole situation since (from what I've seen while scrolling and liking a handful of comments) with where I stand on certain matters it'd just open up an opportunity for a bunch of immature ppl to spam replies full of fake positivity and sparkle emojis and 'both sides are valid' and stress me out with their willful ignorance and thinly-veiled invalidation of kinks and coping mechanisms, *but* I wanted to personally thank you for bringing up consentual non-consent scenes in relation to fictional kink content. I rarely run into ppl who explain this kinda stuff in the same way I do, so seeing your comment sparked a lil moment of 'hey, they actually get it!' which was nice. I scrolled past the audio in question when it was posted, but it was due to the characters, not the content itself (I avoid everything with Endeavor in it like the plague, he makes me uncomfortable due to some irl parental abuse stuff). I feel like not enough ppl talk about certain areas within kink, and the lack of public discussion just opens our communities up to being further stigmatised and encourages black-and-white thinking toward a lot of things that exist in a grayscale (such as consentual non-con and edgeplay). So thank you for your comment. 🖤


She didn’t delete it, people reported it and patreon took it down. ( hope that helps clear things up)


The only thing I'm upset about is that I didn't get a chance to download the audio before it got taken down. I listened to it right when it came out and it was damn good.


the negative comments about the audio was unnecessary and wasn’t even incest in my opinion ,, but she does have warnings so honestly if you didn’t like it then don’t fucking listen to them period y’all are too damn sensitive. leave people alone she’s human for crying out loud people. 😒 i’m ashamed at some of you cece didn’t deserve this.


Nothing will keep me from having having your back. I love ya Cece!


The amount of hate Cece gets is so unreasonable, it honestly baffles me. She is a creator/artist. People take the whole fiction affects reality way too seriously. These are 2D characters voiced by ADULTS and she creates stories based on impressions of those voices us fans grow to love, and that is why most of us enjoy these audios right? Now if she aged up Eri who is voiced by a child and lewded then I see the big issue. Now in regards to creating triggering audios (which she properly tagged MULTIPLE times), not everyone has the same kinks. I listened to the audio, it made me uncomfy, but I simply moved on from it and let it be. The people trying to cancel her over that audio are the same people begging for a Sangwoo audio. To add to that, there are MANY things considered "morally wrong" about Killing Stalking but I don't see people canceling the author for creating such a story? BECAUSE THAT IS THEIR ART. Just because they created something like that DOESN'T MEAN THEY CONDONE WHAT HAPPENS IN IT? I get why people were thrown off by the audio but honestly things were thrown out of proportion and because she has a such a huge following that is rapidly growing of course things will be taken the wrong way especially on a platform as toxic as tik tok.


If mommy makes another tier for us kinky people y’all who complain about everything stay y’all asses here cause uhhhh we don’t want y’all at the party


It’s crazy how she gets hate from inside and outside of Patreon and it’s ridiculous!!!!


It’s was never tagged incest! You assumed it was cause Twitter and tiktok said so!!! Y’all didn’t say shit when Dabi x shoto came out y’all were dead silent and that audio was little more kinky!


If people are going to be triggered over this kind of stuff then y’all don’t need to be here. It’s dumb to read the description see Cece warnings about the audio, proceeds to listen anyways, then complain and report it, doesn’t make sense. Then we have the people who read the description, doesn’t listen to it, but assumes what happens in the audio, and report which ALSO doesn’t make any sense. It’s not our or cece fault you find that content offensive even though theirs audios that calls us every single name in the book or for some reason DABI x SHOTO doesn’t bother you like??????? Cece has being makin ALOT of confront videos lately and I want some kinky shit. I see her not making any villain content but no complains about that content?! Oh iTs NoT THe SaME it involves kidnapping, a gangbang, and degrading words and that got no heat to it at all.. Dabi x villain Shoto brothers working together to fuck the shit out of you taking turns they’re on the same page they like it but replace Dabi with Enji and there’s a problem 😒

Hyper_ Ent

I don't really understand why it got reported to begin with, there are plenty of other times when the listener is shared between 2 people or more, why is shoto x listener x enji any different? Doesnt matter who is sharing you if the story doesn't say you're in a relationship you're still cheating but I guess since its father and son y'all gonna get upset. Read the description before you listen, don't ruin everyone else's good time just because you don't like it.

Val (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-11 05:34:27 I am still Obsessed about Hawks Mummy pig slut... That Ish Is GOLD! Thank you <3
2020-08-23 22:02:23 I am still Obsessed about Hawks Mummy pig slut... That Ish Is GOLD! Thank you <3

I am still Obsessed about Hawks Mummy pig slut... That Ish Is GOLD! Thank you <3

emily scotti

I feel like i’m interupting them 😳sorry fellas i’ll leave you be