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Good news for all Patrons!  I've made a whole playlist of unreleased material available for all tiers on my Patreon.  While taking this into account I figured I would update all the tiers.. and I wanna outline what I've added:

All tiers:
-- Access to Maxo's Backpack, an ongoing collection of demos and unfinished tracks

Great tier + higher:

-- Access to Maxo's Backpack PLUS, which includes everything from Maxo's Backpack and a bunch of as-of-yet unreleased game music from this year.

Ultra tier + higher:

-- Maxo's Backpack PLUS

-- Monthly pack of ringtones and text tones delievered by email!

All tiers above this remain mostly unchanged but include what I've added to these tiers as well~  I've already sent out messages to all my patrons with links to what I've mentioned inside <3

Thanks so much for all of your continued support!!



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