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Will scales finally win out? Only time will tell.

Puppy Training drone video is done, but my PC has been having issues compiling it. Unsure if it's a software issue, so I'm going to devote some time today to a fresh install of my video editor. It should be up by tomorrow.

Compiled assets for all of the poll options in advance, so it should only take me another week or so to get this one out. If not by the end of next week then early the week after.

Hope all of you are doing well. It feels like things are finally about to go back to real normal where I am, and I'm definitely looking forward to doing some travelling over the next couple of years (I can work on videos from anywhere, so don't you all go worrying <3).

Lots of love to you all <3




Nice. scalies pulled it off.

Hope Cat

OK, now I'm worried- it's been quite a while since we've gotten an update. Are you OK, Sluffle?