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Heyo, so I'll just dump the pdf/epubs here and update the post when a new one comes out.



Nice, hope you keep doing this one. It’s much better then the last try and I’m really enjoying it.


I like it a lot.


It's grounded in the same way AH is. It's obvious that it's a different reality, but that reality is adjacent to ours. It's really great! Thanks for writing❤️


Yeeeet. Been waiting for a post like this to pick up the story. Keep up the grind!


Is there any way you could put like the most recent 20 chapters epub on one thread then the older 670 chapters on another thread? Every time a new chapter comes out I have to swipe left at high speed for ten minutes like I'm a teenager who just tried Viagra, ecstasy, and tinder for the first time all at once.


It is great. You had me for a second I thought you were announcing the story was dumped but then I realized it is just a project dump :-) I like how it is realistic. In absence of magic class every wound is affecting how you can fight. I hope Melusine will get a healer class and big armored guy either knight or paladin class


I'll believe this is earth when Ilea was transported no matter what anyone else says


Loving it! We finaly get a berserk class.

Corwin Amber

Haven't even read it yet, but want to thank you for providing epub option (so I choose to read on my kindle if I want) :)

Morog T Tiny

I personally hate berserker classes.


Thanks for that mate. Also, I'm loving this so far, Kate is fucking badass and I really wanna see what she can accomplish.

Alexander Dupree

Wow I like the direction this is going


I’m heavily for leaving apocalypse out of the name, cause of it being a standard term in many a fiction. I personally go: Ah, yes. Its called apocalypse, lets not read that.


Understand the feeling about the class, my guess is that she will get rather unorthodox build to make it more interesting in long run


and that right there is why I'd never, ever take a berserker class (unless, like her, the only alternative was immediate death). It turns an intelligent being into a dim one (and intelligent critters are far more dangerous), make you less you, and they tend to burn brightly and die young. Pass, pass, hard pass. Maybe her class will evolve, we'll see.


lol, that image tho. Where's the brain bleach, I need a couple liters worth! Your interface must be a lot diff, you're not getting newest first? (sort by dropdown at top for me). Just wondering.


OTOH, it makes it really ez for folks who want that sub genre to find it, and for those really tired of those stories to avoid it. It's unique (afaik), which is increasingly hard to do w/ so many apoc stories, descriptive, doesn't give away too much (some titles give away the ending...boo)...one could do a lot worse imho. If you have better ideas, offer them to GH; the collective brain does sometimes come up w/ helpful stuff!


yes, very much this. I've yet to find a web browser device as light and long lasting, even tho there's lot about Amzn and the kindle s/w to dislike. I read a *lot* so light and long lasting are critical.


Well, I mean. WE've read AH and know how Berserker classes work. She just got forced into it by a life or death senerio.


I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes, so many stores mention berserkers but never rey get into them. I hope it's going to be a continuous challenge to keep it in check and she just doesn't out level it or evolve it away


I like it, please continue :)


Yay! I really like the new project! =D


I have to say I think the writing of AA (nee The New Thing) seems quite a bit more developed in a technical sense than either Leaves or AH (AH's strength is story, world, and char, imho; fight me! :) ). I hope it continues in interesting ways, but it's already showing benefits in some ways. IMHO, ymmv, yadda yadda....regardless, I'm enjoying it so far. It's a nice change from AH, too.


Well, I realy like the new thing (am still of the opinion, that the author could use one of the AH Spots for an aditional chapter a week). I find the development intriguing At the moment, especialy that going fully berserk renders Kate in to a barely thinking murder machene. About the name of the series, well I'm not shoure, but lets say it simply, I'm not the Best with naming a series (am currently having that problem).


Good stuff so far, I'm liking the direction it's taking so far, though I'm unsure about the title


Could u group ur chapter releases.


Great so far, is there a reason why you do not put the whole chapter in text on patreon like the main story?


Great start! But white smoke = water vapor, it’s not a burning city. As a former firefighter, dark smoke is the indication


I like it a lot better than leaves ...but AH is why I’m a patreon.


This is cool!


I'm very keen to see where this one goes. Shows a lot of promise


Loving it, but the jump between Ch5 and Ch6 was a bit jarring


Great so far.

L Pedersen

I see that Ilea was right to avoid the berserker classes :P

Michael C

Really like it..


And I specifically looked that up :D. Ah well. Keep that stuff coming though, I'll note it down.


Are we going to have scheduled releases for this one cause if not please do lol.i will throw more money at u


It seems interesting so far, but my ebook software on my phone is just displaying them as "unknown author, unknown title". Would it be possible to embed title and author information into the epubs so it's not so confusing finding the next chapter when I'm reading?


Just imagine Ilea having a berserker class. Entire cities would be raised to the ground.


Honestly I would echo what other people have been saying and say it'd be easier for my reading habits if you posted them on Patreon as well


One of my favorite bits from terranfir was those last few chapters, when Adrian took the demon or something potion. That whole element of losing oneself is an intriguing on. Excited to see more!

Ken Ridley

More please!

Mike G.

Chapter 7 is good stuff, thanks! Typo: "There’s a rug here." -> rag

Melting Sky

She did activate most of those skills on purpose. I think she would have been in far more control if she hadn't although that probably would have gotten her killed in this case.

Melting Sky

This is a good story.


Eventually we will find that G. has a real title, but he doesn't want to give away the real villain by merging the working title into the final version -- Alpacalypse.


when Zombie Llama's take over the world? Honestly, it just doesn't seem that threatening. Or maybe it's the wool that turns evil and all brain-eaty? (vaguely ominous orchestral music) sweaters all over the world possess their wearers...only the tropical beaches are safe. Yeah, no.


“I’m a living thinking being you pieces of shit! Fuck off!” Weird thing to say out loud.


For some reason I can read PDF for chapter 7, but the ePub ch7 says error 403 and that I don’t have permission to view it


Awesome story^^

Ken Ridley

Great Stuff, & 7 worked for me


Number 8 was fine, feels like prelude to a much larger clash. Hope others will soon get their classes as well

Mike G.

Chapter 8 is good - clearly, this isn't going to be an easy shopping trip.


I’d be really interested in getting more class descriptions and stuff from this story than we get with AH. Sometimes Ilea doesn’t even check other characters levels and I’m really interested in finding out what some of the classes in this new world do. Loving this story so far.


Can't wait for 10, 9 was already awesome but 10 looks like it's gonna be bloody awesome, wink wink.


Thanks for 9th chapter announcement on AH page. This one was a great build up for impending bloody massacre in chapter 10. Looking forward to new gains and see if Toll for living will offset the battle injuries

Melting Sky

This story really should get more visible releases. I miss them half the time and I'm actually looking for them. Maybe make a separate highly visible post on the 10th chapter drop. I bet like 75% of the people here haven't even seen this story which is a shame.

Michael C

Chapter 9 - "Leave" ..... Damn. Chills. At this point the new story is so good I would support a 50/50 chapter split with AH. And that is coming from me, the guy who got vocally butthurt about the old dark souls story taking away from my Ilea fix.


People like this more than Leaves so far and at some point I'm sure I'll make it more visible but there's not much content here yet. Many don't start reading stories with less than a few hundred pages. Doesn't even have a title yet :P


It also compensates, sort of, for the beginner-author-style writing in AH. Now we get a story along (this far?) similar magic-world lines but this time quality is top from chapter 1. Too bad, I think rewriting the first few chapters of AH - not the content, just the style (MC talking to herself - a few sentences - repeat in a loop), so the story itself would not need to change one bit. Might make entrance easier for new readers who get recommended AH and are turned off by the initial chapters. I might even start rereading AH a third time in that case :)

Alexander Dupree

Can you switch to actually posting or new updates with the pdf at the bottom as it gets harder to open this in a readable format on mobile. I have to swipe down through your posts since this as you put the title and link in all your updates so search just brings them up as well. The link opens in the Patreon app mini browser not the app and I can't download from it to open in a reader.

Melting Sky

Home Girl is in desperate need of a skill or possibly some points dropped in her wisdom stat to try and offset just how badly her class messes up her mind. She won't live long if she has to bite her own tongue just to kill things more slowly and intelligently let alone even attempt to forgo or break off from combat. The class is a double-edged sword that has allowed her to fight and survive battles that she would have balked at even attempting, but it's only a matter of time before she runs into something like a dragon where she just commits suicide by going after it instead of hiding or running. I doubt she will ever truly have complete control over her actions in the midst of battle but she needs to find some way to mitigate the most suicidal aspects of her battle fugues. She really hasn't had the luxury of time or free stat points to experiment with but if I were her I would prioritize trying to find a way to keep my head straight when the **** hits the fan. The problem is the poor woman hasn't had any chance to even see if meditating or raising her wisdom might help with staying more in control. It's not like she can just waste her precious few free stat points on raising wisdom or intelligence hoping it helps rather than using them on her physical attributes to keep her alive to fight another day.


Liked number 10 - nice description how she dispatched a goblin shaman. Hopefully you'll develop later side characters as well. Now they sort of blend in the background


I’m enjoying the grittiness, the vulnerability, and the ensemble. Nicely done.


The system feels just a little different than AH, I wonder if its because its a different planet or what?


It's usually a bad idea to keep crossbows loaded, unless you mean with a bolt ready but not cranked back. Else it ruins the cord.


AH has worse problems. The revenge arc is a slow 150 chap slog that ends dissatisfyingly with the author forced to send Ilia to the north just to get a clean enough break from it.

Melting Sky

True, it's not particularly good to leave a crossbow cocked for extended periods of time, but shorter periods such as a few hours are alright. Usually, the advice on this matter is not to leave it cocked for over 24 hours. It also comes down to the sort of situation you are in. There is a huge difference between some sport hunter looking for a trophy and somebody who is in occupied enemy territory and facing intelligent enemies with potential ranged weapons.


Ay, I agree it would make a huge difference in cas of a sudden attack, but you gotta take in account the availability of new strings, which is, well... Not really good y'know.


I liked Leaves a lot. But the way it was handled doesn't make me want to get stuck into this new project.