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Hey everybody, new chapters are up.

The changes to older chapters are only the tiers for 2 and 4 dollar patrons. Someone had requested to be notified about that.

Next chapters likely next week Thursday again.

Somewhat unrelated, I'm not terribly happy with the last dozen or so chapters. How did you feel about them? The whole team building/training and now missions. Did it add to the world/characters or was it just boring? Let me know :)

Thanks again to everyone for being here! And of course the new patrons!

Update: Thanks for all the feedback guys and gals, I really really appreciate it :). I've decided to change some things I had planned, let's see where it goes...a couple more chapters in a somewhat similar vein are coming first though but I plan to pick up the pace again after.



I like the world building in recent chapters, but it has shifted in theme quite a bit from running solo on various death defying misadventures. Thank you for the continued writing! I'm sure I will enjoy however you decide to continue things.


If the missions are not build up for a later plot, then they are not adding much. And to be honest, I don't care a single bit about the team members. Can you let them all die please and Hhave Ilea go back to solo adventures? :D :D


It's nice to see them fight a variety of things, with group members filling different roles due to specialities and situations. I do want Ilea go fight some horde so she can level rush so she gets new abilities/skills though, big fan of OP MCs


Hi, not boring but not really fun. :) more like filler episodes in an Anime you like.


It's nice seeing them fight a variety of baddies, with different members filling different roles based on specialities and situations. I do want Ilea to go solo a horde so she can level rush and gain some new abilities/skills, big fan of OP MCs


I really like them, but they are huge shift in tone and tempo of the story. Earlier only 1-3 chapters would slow down, and provide world building and context before the story picked up the pace again. This time it’s all the way from the battle against the elves and only this week are we fully up to speed.


I think it reads much better as a whole then the piecemeal chapter by chapter delivery, since it exaggerates the feeling of things dragging on. I also like that there is a fair amount of variety, but I’m still not sure if things were not overstaying their welcome a bit. Finally I really like seeing characters who can match ilea in power per level, as I like my mc to be powerful by their build, not “chosen by the gods, no one will ever match them” powerful


Thank you, there's more of that coming along but more things just happened that excluded the action/misadventures.


That's like the worst criticism. What kinda filler, Naruto or HxH (not even sure that one had filler) ^^?


I like seeing them fight a variety of things with different members filling different roles due to specialities and situations. I do want to see Ilea go solo a horde so she can level rush so she gets new abilities/skills, big fan of OP MCs.


Looking at this like a book the slowdown isnr bad, its more noticeable when youre getting weekly updatesi think. I dont mind the sidetracking as much though im only really interested in Mr Lord of Thunder Vampire and Cursey Mcgee outside of our MC. Even then im ready for it to be a fun crossing of paths out in the world after some shared experiences (which we get to see right now, which is alright)


I look at her joining the Hand as the beginning of the second book. Because the higher level world is very different it requires a new introduction and world building and I really like the chapters and team building. I also feel that the missions have been a good introduction to the life of 200+. The only thing I would add is more little bits and pieces each chapter about the brewing civil war at the Hand and what is happening with those she met at the Taleen dungeon. You could set up the different sides in the Hand as we have only seen a few hints from one side.


I might have liked the earlier ones slightly more but Ilea is being badass so all is fine. When I reread some of the earlier chapters the sologrind ones were were slightly boring? I dont think these have that problem but the harpy mission didnt really give anything to me. There was no real character or worldbuilding and no powertrip or have I completely spaced out while reading The story is still great and this dungeon one seems awesome

Silver Beard

You either need to build up the ‘event’ or remove the preface entirely. That small segment about killing an elder is still flapping in the wind. How is that important to Ilea? Otherwise pretty happy with chapters. Training might be a little overdone after house was finished. I thought the training was a vehicle for other pursuits...house, gauntlets, research. Pure training was boring


Yhe agree if you wqnt to cut something the hary is an good start, it's the rutine mission, however if there are more of them coming at aome point then we sid a few more 'harpy' mission is an ok 'shorthand'. (weiten a bit better.


I love the characters and the world building. I could use a little more action scenes and skill development though. I am also excited for the Ilea where she just charges through without having to worry about following rules to come back though.


I think that there is a difference. But that is a good thing she is Learning and growing, instead of just hitting the strongest thing she can find.


I have liked the direction you have taken the story in, sure i love the solo badass as much as the next guy but i read at least a dozen stories like that every week with a fourth of them being litrpg, its nice to care about more thain one charictar


I like them fighting a variety of enemies with the team having different roles depending on specialities and situations. I also really want Ilea to go solo a horde of monsters so she can speed level and get new skills/abilities, gotta love an OP MC. Also there's probably a limit to how many ways you can reword "Ilea punched the bad guy repeatedly and forcefully". Is she gonna become more Mana drainy?


I like them fighting a variety of enemies with the team having different roles depending on specialities and situations. I also really want Ilea to go solo a horde of monsters so she can speed level and get new skills/abilities, gotta love an OP MC. Also there's probably a limit to how many ways you can reword "Ilea punched the bad guy repeatedly and forcefully". Is she gonna become more Mana drainy?


Pretty much everything was said already, so I'm just gonna leave this here: Thanks for the chapters! (and yay for more action)


I am very glad that you are consistently writing chapters and providing etas most other good stories have a tendency to peter out with the author disappearing for months at a time


I like the team stuff, but I do feel like there has been a lot spent on details that probably didn't need to be written. Part of that is needing to write so many chapters every weeks, but it does end up with a lot of filler.


Honestly, I feel that the team building added quite a bit and introduced good characters. In addition, filler chapters are what makes a story good, if the filler is well written it stays engaging (Wheel of Time is an example) and makes a great story. If not, it makes people bang their head against a wall (Naruto Anime *cough*)


I have had no complaints with the past few chapters, however Im a $4 tier so i cant speak to the few i dont have access to. If you go to quickly then we miss out on quirks of character, and it can feel rushed!


Yes but if the quality suffers then it doesn't really make sense. I'm on the right track again though I feel. Thanks for the feedback.


I honestly don't write this any faster than anything previously done. It's just that I had a lot of random smaller things planned that I wanted to do and just sort of ticked them off the list without weaving it into the plot as I think I did more previously. That's why it seems like filler. I'm working on that though and hopefully it won't happen for so long anymore.


Definitely agree but you can include the details into the story, otherwise it's literally filler. Having some dialogue about something while a major plot point is happening is better than just stopping the plot and adding the conversation.