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It’s spooky month, and you’ve offended a stranger, who happens to be a witch! 

As punishment, the witch has turned your girlfriend into a pixelated avatar, and transported her into a Halloween-themed side scrolling game you own. 

Your girlfriend is now a character inside a pixelated haunted house, and you must get her out!

What will happen if your girlfriend loses all five of her hearts? 

Neither of you want to know…

Thankfully, you can still communicate with her through your computer’s speakers. 

To get her out, you must beat all the levels by destroying or avoiding monsters, solving puzzles, and beating the Demented Wraithlord of Shadows!

Are you determined enough to win?


Game music resource package is by MaxStack: https://maxstack.bandcamp.com/, who has released it under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license on https://opengameart.org/content/game-game 



Phil's Enjoyment

Happy ending! Now let's hope they don't tick off some other supernatural entity at the restaurant lol