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Greetings, friends 🥰

This is an activity called "Ask Me Anything (With a Twist)."

It will be used to generate story elements for this month's Patreon exclusive!

In the comments section of this post, ask me anything. Each person who takes part can ask between 1 - 5 questions. The questions can be weird, creative, personal, straightforward...

I will take questions for four days (Sunday, 3 Sept @ 5am PDT - Thurs 7th Sept @ 4:59am PDT). After four days are up, I will type and post my answers to your questions in a separate text post, along with further instructions and a link to this month's idea submissions for the Patreon exclusive 📝.

The twist is that the answers I give to your questions may be true OR false, and some answers will be fantastical while others will be relatively normal and honest.

The purpose: The answers to your questions will be used to build a story. You will not be using all the answers I provide for your submitted audio outline, as you will have the ability to pick and choose!

Hint: You can frame your questions in a way that deliberately draw out answers that will be useful for a story...


You can also just have fun with it and see what comes up 😁!



1. How would you respond to someone speaking loudly in a quiet library? 2. Are you actually a real Kitsune and are just pretending to be a human?! 3. Are you bilingual in other languages? 4. What is your dream place to vacation to? 5. What is one thing you wish everyone knew about you?


I'm going to say, I like this idea VERY much, and I am very intrigued as to what you come up with. Here are my questions, a little all over the place: - What was the best gift you were ever given, either for birthdays, Christmas, or any other time? - If you wanted to break up with someone only using three emojis, and you really, really didn't care about their feelings, what would you use? (note: my favorite would be ☢️☣️🆘) - What was the funniest name for a knockoff bootleg child's toy you saw? (note: kinda like https://i.redd.it/m61d7p32fdoy.jpg) - What was the dumbest misconception about the world you had as a child? (note: I thought Americans were so stupid that they called left 'right' and right 'left' 😂) - Oh no! Your criminal enterprise selling ASSMRtist bath-water scented candles has been destroyed in a devastating, but oddly tingly explosion! To avoid suspicion from the authorities, how would you best launder the $1.5 MIL in cash you made?