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Hello, friends! ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔσ”

For this month's Patreon exclusive, the Cadence is taking open submissions\(>o<)/ (finally??)

- The idea that receives the most votes will be made into this month's extended Patreon exclusive.

- The runner-up's idea will turn into a shorter, future YouTube audio (late August or Sept).

- Because of this, there will be 7 poll options this time, so if there is something you wish to hear, or a kind of audio you think will help you/others, feel free to make an entry!

The sky beyond the sky is the limit; it can be any genre with any character, doing sleepy things or adventurous things or they can just be sitting and having a staring contest ;3

- Please keep it to one main speaker

- You can bring back characters from past audios, as long as I was the one who wrote the script

- You can bring back your own past characters

- You can re-submit a favourite outline of yours that either did not win the poll or make the poll

- Or it can be something completely new and strangely wonderful

- In general, I won't take submissions based on games, anime, TV shows

- If you have questions, you can message me or comment on this post <3

You can submit up to two ideas. If you submit more than one, please label them as 1. and 2.

Form closes: 14th July, 2023. For the sake of fairness, all submissions are anonymous.

Have a happyful week, & much love to you all~💛💕





Alien spider relaxation room was my all time favorite and what brought me here. The platonic attention and fantastic hypnosis section are real standout features.

CJ Marshall

Just for clarification, when you said “keep it to one main speaker.” Does that mean you won’t do multiple voices for different characters? Or that you won’t work with other voice actors in this audio?


Oh! It means one main character has the majority of the recording time and the listener interacts with and receives attention from that character the most - like "sultry panther lady boss" from June's patreon exclusive has two other characters at the beginning, but they only have a few lines each. Or the alien sisters where one sister does the majority of the talking~