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Hello, you lovely lot! 💕

Thank you for such creative submissions. I always enjoy reading through them 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

The ideas are below. Multi-vote is enabled for those who wish to vote for more than one~

[A] Off-Planet Girlfriend x Injured Listener in Treatment Room 

Your girlfriend from another planet has saved enough money to see you and help you move into your new home together. Unfortunately, you are in an accident involving speeder bikes and a space cruiser. You are rushed to a hospital where they will improve your body and make you stronger than before, but the process is difficult and will require someone being there with you to help you make it through. Thankfully, you live in a world where high tech and medical advancements have been developed to help humanity. Your girlfriend stays by your side during the process. 

[B] Cyborg Wife Worries About Losing Her Humanity (Reverse Comfort)

During World War III, people were conscripted to become cyborgs run by logic. These cyborgs sought the most efficient way to win. To ensure complete obedience, memories of their lives were erased. However, this process wasn’t perfect and some began to remember their human lives. You met one of these cyborgs and fell in love, eventually getting married. Now, she still sometimes reverts to being an emotionless machine, and requires your love and reminders to help her remember her humanity. She is finding it particularly hard this morning, and you comfort her with objects, music, and reassurances, and cuddle with her to help her feel better. 

[C] Beautiful Female Alien x Human Listener

Humanity masters space travel in the distant future. Eventually, humanity’s technological developments attract the attention of alien nations. These alien nations seek to take humanity’s technology for themselves, out of greed and/or necessity. There is a ploy to fool other alien races that humans are monsters (which is false). In this story you are a captain, helping a female alien find a cure for her dying people among the ruins of Earth. You meet and fall in love through odd circumstances, but vow to work together and love each other through the challenges you face. 

[D] Partner-in-Arms Cybernetic Human Lillian x Cybernetic Mercenary Listener 

In the city of Vitaeopolis, corpses are not buried but hollowed out and replaced with machinery. Their bodies are used as fodder in fending off an interplanar war with otherworldly demons. The demons have currently gained control of an orbiting satellite that is sending commands to control the human machines, turning the human machine zombies against the people who created them. You and Lillian debate whether you want to turn yourselves off and wait out the apocalypse, or go out in a blaze of glory by embarking on a mission to destroy the satellite. After confessing your feelings to Lillian, you both decide to destroy the satellite – a last chance for humanity. 

[E] Future Human Descendant (Stonedweller) x Atomite (Mutated Human) Listener 

300 years after a nuclear war, two nations rose from the ashes: Stonedwellers, the descendants of humans who moved underground, and Atomites, the mutated descendants of humans who survived above. You are the child of a powerful Atomite chieftain, married off to the youngest daughter of Protector Chamberlain (a Stonedweller). Your marriage is not a happy one, but one day your wife is looking through her tablet when she finds messages from the past between a couple who, despite their differences, still strove to love each other. With renewed inspiration, she comes back to you to make things right, and to apologise and make amends.

*Even if you didn’t 100% follow the prompt specs this time round I still allowed/carefully considered the ideas, as they were good 💛!