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You are the winner of a competition held by GOSH! Magazine, and your prize is a ‘date’ with the famous mouse-girl idol singer Ichika Nezumi from the band !MAOUSE!.

After being dropped off at Ichika’s favourite ice cream parlour by her flying A.I. car, you enjoy a lot of delicious ice cream together and talk about your lives.

The conversation soon moves to what you have been up to, and you tell her that you have just written an exposé on GOSH! Magazine’s ties with a major criminal organisation.

Ichika is very interested in this, and eventually reveals that she has her own motives for meeting up with you.





Yes, yes, yes! I knew you could do the idea justice, and I'd be a fool to think overwise! Thank you Cadence for giving it a chance on the wheel of fortune! You've also managed to fit in both conditions, so well done! (Can you at home guess what those were?) Potato Python says nothing. 🥔 🐍


I love your whacky and wonderful and 9000 IQ ideas (is the inside of Joseph's brain a mad scientist's writing lab?? perhaps,, perhaps!) Much gratitude for being able to make another one of your stories into audio form 🔥🙏🏻 Meanwhile, Cadence's VegeAnimal collection grows...mmyess