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The Guild of Flame and Stone is accessible only to elite questers, and has a reputation for giving out some of the most intriguing contracts. 

Those hungry for adventure come from all four corners of the earth to try their luck with the guild, knowing that rare and exquisite rewards await them, should they succeed. 

You are a recent visitor, and a quester with a high completion rate for the contracts you accept. The guild has given you a contract written by the local School of Biology, which reads:

"It is rumoured that the mountains of Na'vaiah 

are home to many dangerous, elusive creatures.

Find one and bring it back alive,

so the school can study it." 

You travel deep into the mountains and find one of these "creatures" successfully, but you either 

a) become friends with, or

b) fall in love with it 

(or both).

Having visited the School of Biology briefly to talk to the headmaster, you know that they will study the creature then kill it, dissect it, and see if they can make medicine out of its body parts. You refuse to let that happen, and although you know you can't save them all, you are determined to save this one. 

After talking for a while, the creature sees the contract fall out of your satchel and in a moment of panic, you stuff the papers into your mouth and eat them ("sorry - I'm hungry - I haven't eaten all day!"), then convince her to go adventuring with you. You never return to the Guild again. 


Submit ideas for: 

> Who, and/or what, is this she-creature you find? 

> Details about yourself (the listener's character) - abilities, history

> How you befriend her

> What you talk about

> Anything else you would like to have happen in the audio (plot details, sounds)

You can submit up to 2 sets of ideas (1 short paragraph each). If you do, please label them 1. and 2. 

Form closes: 10th of July, 2022. I will choose some of the ideas and put them in the poll for July. For the sake of fairness, all submissions are anonymous. 

Love you all (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡





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