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A dragonborn sorcerer (Torinn) travels with his father to visit a green hag for a glimpse of the future. 

There, he sees visions of the D&D party he will eventually come to know and love.

Green hags can be tricky, but the dragonborn has his own plans in mind...


This story is told from the perspective of Kimbajerit Torinn, and takes place before the audio titled Saved by a Tabaxi Cleric and Her Party. 



A Green Hag, a sinister diviner who tells Torinn his fortune

Mara Brightriver, a human barbarian (brief appearance)

Guy, a half-elf warlock (brief appearance)

Storm-at-Sea, a tabaxi cleric (brief appearance)

Oskar Stonetooth, a dwarf fighter (brief appearance)

Orren Timbers Chuckle, a gnome wizard (brief appearance)

Bree Rosewater, a halfling rogue (brief appearance)

Hope, a tiefling bard (brief appearance)


Script by: Joe E.

Voice acting:

Oskar Stonetooth and Orren Timbers Chuckle: Joe E.

Kimbajerit Bhoskan and Guy: PotterPointFilms https://www.youtube.com/user/PotterPointFilms/videos



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