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Hello beautiful beings! I'm sending you all much love and many huggles~ (っ˘ω˘ς )

You are entering to receive the equivalent of a 12-15 minute personalised audio, except this will be posted to YouTube in December 2020 and you will receive a copy of the MP3 in December. 

It can be a Christmas/holiday character audio that features holiday celebrations if you so desire, but it can also be absolutely anything else you can conjure up with your imagination. 

Conditions: No NSFW. All valid entries go in the draw. 

How to enter: 

Send me a recipe (link it, or copy/paste into the form if it is a personal or family recipe) for something you like eating \(^▽^)/, or something that is specific to your culture or country! It does not have to be fancy or complex; if we can easily acquire the ingredients and make it, even better :>. You are welcome to send more than one recipe, as Cadence is hongory always (and I'm sure many of us are :D).

I will compile these recipes into a public Patreon post at the end of the month so that those who are interested can take a look. 

Competition closes: 20th October, 0:00 Pacific Time.

The draw winner will be announced in a public Patreon post on the 21st. 


~Much much love~ 





What a great idea, sharing food from around the world! I look forward to seeing the list 😁


Eggnog? C'mon now, for the holidays you need a good eggnog recipe.


Food? Hoho, boy am I excited for this contest!


I've never tried this (dairy intolerance) but perhaps I can find an alternative recipe and omnomnom ;o